Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2624: Sweet butter

   Chapter 2624 Sweet Pastry

  Bai Shan gave the folds. They came to the palace one day in advance, not only to check their office locations in the next two months, but also to sort out the folds and hand them over to the emperor after approving the notes.

  The emperor put down the tea cup and picked up the top folder at will. As soon as it was opened, Yinli reported the drought and heat in the Gyeonggi region.

  The emperor felt thirsty, put down the folder, took a sip of the teacup, and looked out, "How are you doing?"

   Seeing that the emperor couldn’t sit still, Gu Zhong smiled and said, “It’s lively, your Majesty, do you want to go and see?”

The emperor hesitated. He held the zipper for a while, and found that he was still uneasy, so he left the zhezi and said, "Go, go out and see how everyone is packing. Today’s heat, the Aiqings moved here under the scorching sun. Don't be exhausted."

  Gu Zhong smiled to serve the emperor and got up to go.

  Yongzhou Palace is not in Yongzhou City, but outside the city, in several rolling mountains. There are dense forests in the mountains, and the palace is built on the hill, winding upward.

  The Emperor’s Hall of Longevity was near the top of the mountain, halfway up the mountain, and it was very cool.

  As soon as he left the house, the emperor caught a cool breeze, and he couldn't help but squinted his eyes comfortably, which was too rare.

  In Tai Chi Palace, whether you are inside or outside the house, you sweat when you move, and when you move, sweat is like rain.

  It was stuffy and hot, so uncomfortable.

The emperor became refreshed, and went back to look for the queen with his hands on his back. When he arrived at the entrance of the bedroom, he saw that the maidservant inside was constantly coming and going. After thinking about it, it was too troublesome, so he said, "Don't I'm disturbing the queen, let's go look elsewhere."

   So strolled away again.

  The emperor wandered around his longevity hall for half a circle and saw the way down the mountain. At this time, the evening was late, and the clouds on the horizon were gorgeous, and the sun had set for a little bit. Among them, the orange-red clouds seemed to be among the treetops under the mountain.

   So he pointed to the bottom and asked, "Wei Qing and they live below?"

  Gu Zhong bent over and said, "Yes, adults live at the bottom, and further down is the sixth palace in the palace, and at the bottom is the camp of the Forbidden Army."

  The emperor nodded, then raised his foot and went down, "Go, go and take a look at Wei Qing and the others."

  Master Wei is not there, he is working diligently with the papers approved yesterday.

  Bai Shan had an errand, and after leaving the Palace of Longevity, he quickened his pace to the palace below...

  Han Shangshu saw the noisy yard and the horse riding for another day. He was really sore in his waist and back, so he turned irritably and walked out. Only when he reached the door, he saw Bai Shanyi flying past his eyes quickly.

  Han Shangshu opened his mouth. Bai Shan ran forward with his clothes. After running through the two yards, he opened the door and jumped in happily, "Man Bao——"

  Han Shangshu didn't expect that the Bai Sheren, who had always followed the emperor with a cold face, had such a side, and couldn't help but draw his face.

Man Bao had already washed her face with cold water under the service of western cakes, wiped her neck and hands, before she had time to change into her official uniform, she was pleasantly surprised and poked out her head from the window when she heard Bai Shan's voice. Said: "Are you back?"

  Man Bao dropped the cloth towel and ran out, ran to Bai Shan's side, and couldn't help but complain, "It's so hot today."

  Bai Shan held her hand and smiled: "I had expected it. Qin Tianjian said early in the morning that these few days are scorching sun, and the heat is heavy, so people will not go outside. You follow so many frames, the speed must be slow."

  He said: "I asked someone to make biscuits yesterday, and I bought a bucket of ice with someone. Now is the best time, I will take you to eat it."

  Man Bao’s eyes brightened, and immediately left the housework in the yard, and pulled him in a detour, "Go, where to eat?"

   "I will take you to take it out."

Da Ji was about to put down the broom in his hand to follow, but Bai Shan waved his hand and said, "Da Ji, you don't need to follow it. This is in the palace and there is no danger."

  Daji stopped and watched the two of them run out holding hands.

Han Shangshu stood at the entrance of the courtyard and stretched his waist. Only halfway through twisting, he saw Bai Shan and Zhou Man both go out. He became stiff and raised a smile to say hello. As a result, the two of them did not face this side at all, but walked directly to the other side. Yes, naturally I didn't see him.

  Han Shangshu:...

   He squinted his eyes and watched the two people walking side by side. The courtyard door behind him was opened. A young man walked out and said, "Father, can I go to Lu Yue and the others?"

Han Shangshu turned around and glared at him, "What do you want to do with Lu Yue? You are not young anymore, can you know something, people younger than you can now be the fifth-rank and fourth-rank officials on their own. Let's see what you have now. Achievement?"

  Bai Shan took Manbao and turned into a small road, and walked up the road.

  Man Bao couldn't help but stop and look back, and saw that the yard they lived in was underneath, but it happened to be hidden by the mountains and rocks.

  She was surprised, "So there is still a path out here? Isn't it the Hall of Longevity where Your Majesty lives?"

   "No," Bai Shan said, "It goes around, just behind the Longevity Hall. I saw it when I came up yesterday. The place is very hidden, but the road is well built and the scenery is good."

  He first went up a step, reached out to Manbao, pulled her up, and smiled: "There is a cold spring on it, so I hid the ice bucket there."

  There is no way. At this time, the speed of ice can be slowed down. Either it is a cold spring or a cellar.

  But Bai Shan felt that putting it in the cellar would be contaminated with a bad smell, so he was unwilling.

  There are several cold springs on the mountain where the Yongzhou Palace is located. The one Bai Shan found is not very big. People usually don't get water from here, so few people come here.

  Bai Shan pulled Man Bao, and finally walked up when the sunset completely set.

  A wooden barrel was soaked in the cold spring and tied with a rope to the tree beside it.

  Bai Shan took out the bucket and opened the lid. Inside was a large sealed bamboo tube.

  He opened the bamboo tube, took out a basket from the tree, and sat on the stone with Man Bao. He opened the lid of the basket, which contained not only the bowl and spoon, but also the dried plums and sweet-scented osmanthus honey he had prepared.

  Bai Shan dug up half a bowl of biscuits, sprinkled some prunes and sweet-scented osmanthus honey on her, and handed it to her with eyes bright as stars, "Try it."

  Man Bao was taken aback by surprise, and he reached out and took it, "How come you have prepared so well?"

  Bai Shan pursed his mouth and smiled, "Didn't you say that you have been busy with business for the past two years, and dreamed of having a moment of leisure? I think this is considered leisure, right?"

  Man Bao was holding the cheese, nodding with water in his eyes, "Forget it, forget it."

  Bai Shan said: "Summer is not easy to be cold, so you can eat half a bowl. I will save the rest for you and put it here in the cold spring. You can eat it tomorrow."

  Man Bao stirred the cheese, and fed him a spoonful after mixing it well. Bai Shan watched her smile, opened his mouth and took a bite, and nodded: "It's really good. You have a taste."

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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