Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2629: inquiry

  Chapter 2629 Asking for a doctor

  The light in Zheng’s eyes went out. Isn’t this the equivalent of resigning from office?

   Not to mention whether the emperor is willing or not, Wei Zhi is afraid that he is unwilling, right?

  He shook his head and sighed, leaving the matter behind.

  Man Bao sat in a chair and began to meditate. The sickness came and went like a thread, especially for Wei Zhi’s toiling sickness, which required recuperation.

  If he can’t rest...

  Man Bao thought, how would she treat it?

Before he came up with a clue, the little father-in-law Gu personally invited Man Bao to the Hall of Longevity. He looked around and leaned forward and whispered: "My master said that your majesty is in a bad mood today, and he doesn't mention his illness. It’s a matter of restfulness. I have been scolded several times today because of bad answers."

   "Now the adults are all gone. Your Majesty only left Mrs. Wei. The two are about to have lunch. They just want to wait for the meal after the doctor Zhou sees."

  Man Bao expressed his understanding and thanked him for the reminder.

  Gu Xiaopai laughed in a low voice: "The slave still has to thank Master Zhou. Today, thanks to Master Zhou's relief, otherwise my master would be unavoidable."

  Man Bao whispered: "It's Lord Bai who broke the siege, and I should thank him."

   "Yes, Master Bai wants to thank you, but Master Zhou also wants to thank you."

  Man Bao took the medicine box to the Hall of Longevity.

  The emperor has put on his clothes and shoes, and he is sitting at the table playing chess with Wei Zhi.

  Wei Zhi didn't know people at all, and his chess skills were slightly better than Bai Shan, so the emperor was very unhappy.

   Seeing Zhou Man, the emperor who was about to lose immediately threw down the chess pieces in his hand and messed up a game of chess. He knew to Wei: "Let Zhou Qing show Wei Qing first."

  Wei Zhi glanced at the chessboard, put down the chess pieces, and smiled at Zhou Man.

  Gu Zhong immediately brought his servant forward and put away the chessboard, and cleared the table.

  Man Bao stepped forward to open the medicine box, took out the pulse pillow and put it on the table.

  Wei Zhi pulled up his sleeve and put his hand on the pulse pillow.

  Man Bao put his fingers on his pulse, lowered his eyes and listened carefully.

After a while, she raised her head and asked: "What do you feel uncomfortable with adults?"

  Wei Zhi smiled and shook his head, "There is no discomfort."

  Man Bao looked at his face, the cyan under his eyes, the sag of his shoulders and elbows...

  Man Bao carefully recalled the Master Wei he had seen over the past year.

  She has always had a good memory, and she is also an imperial doctor. She is the best at observing beauty. Speaking of which, Master Wei has changed quite a bit over the past year or so.

  Man Bao's gaze swept through the white hair on his temples, and then he saw his face...

  Wei Zhike is a bit smaller than her husband, but the luster and red glow of his face is not as good as Mr. Zhuang.

  Well, her husband’s health seems to be getting better and better in recent years, not worse than her when she was a child, so people’s health is so strange that it can age before it grows old, or it can grow up.

The Emperor    waited anxiously, but seeing Zhou Man looking straight at Wei Zhi with his round eyes open, he waited patiently.

  After waiting for a while, she did not move, and the emperor couldn't help turning his head and staring at Wei Zhi's face.

   Wei Zhiyi, who had always been in front of the Taishan Mountain and did not change his color, turned his eyes slightly uncomfortably, and wanted to withdraw his hand, but was pressed down by Zhou Manyi, he could only stay still.

The emperor looked at Wei Zhi and then turned to look at Zhou Man. He couldn't help but sneered in his heart. Had Wei Zhi been a bad old man, he would almost have thought that Zhou Man was looking at him like this. .

The emperor pondered for a while and felt that he needed a beautiful young man to raise his eyes. Oh, no, it was a beautiful young man, so he turned his head to look at Gu Zhong, and said: "The Bai Sheren is still in the Longevity Hall, call him."

  Wei Zhi:...

Man Bao finally remembered Wei Zhi, who he would see in the last time in the Great Dynasty. After retracting his hand, he couldn't help but touch his chin, "Master Wei, do you have a sore back and back, sitting for more than two quarters of an hour will be so painful? ?"

  Wei Zhi smiled slightly, and was about to say "no", Man Bao suddenly said: "Master Wei, diagnosis is the most basic ability to be an imperial doctor. If I can't even say this, then this imperial doctor is no longer necessary."

  So are you sure you want me to be unprofessional?

  Wei Zhi was choked.

  Man Bao continued: "It's good if you tell the truth, and I can diagnose it."

  The emperor immediately returned to his senses, and Wei knew: "Wei Qing, I can't do without you, but not with this kind of misdiagnosis, you tell Zhou Man truthfully, and you can't avoid doctors."

  He paused and said, "This is what Wei Qing told me. You must do it yourself. Otherwise, why do you advise me?"

  Wei Zhi finally sighed and nodded with Zhou Man.

  Man Bao immediately asked, "Where else is uncomfortable?"

"It's just a little bit more painful, except that there is no other discomfort," he assured Zhou Man with a look of disbelief, "What I said is true, and I have never put this pain in my heart. When it gets older, there will always be something wrong with people."

  Man Bao simply asked, "Did you sleep well at night?"

  Wei Zhi: "...It's okay."

   "How many hours can I sleep at night? Well, when did I fall asleep last night, when did I wake up, there may be wake ups and wakes in the night..."

What    asked was careful, just like the criminal ministry interrogating prisoners.

   Wei Zhi opened his mouth and answered honestly under the emperor's gaze.

  Man Bao asked about sleep, diet, and day-to-day energy, and so on.

The emperor beside    was silent.

Wei Zhi’s daily life was actually similar to the emperor’s, but the emperor occasionally went to the Xinnei Garden to see the Forbidden Army. He would move his body a little bit. In addition, he was playful in nature and always played with stitches, unlike Wei Zhi. I was thinking about state affairs when I was sleeping, and thinking about state affairs when I was waking up.

  As Zhou Man said, the **** of man is the essence and blood. It hurts the mind so much that the emperor did not believe that Wei Zhi was sick.

  He has been busy since the beginning of the spring until now he wants to pretend to be sick and take two days off to save others by himself. He feels that Wei Zhi is too tired.

  Man Bao went through Wei Zhi’s case again in his heart, and then sighed: "How do you manage your Majesty and Master Wei?"

  The emperor frowned and looked at her, "You are an imperial doctor, but instead came to ask me how to treat it?"

Man Bao is not a fool. This morning Wei Zhi glared at her, and Bai Shan rescued her again. She realized that Wei Zhi was afraid that he was unwilling to rest and recuperate, and even the emperor might not be willing. Rest and recuperate slowly in the past two to three years, and it may be cured."

  Wei Zhi immediately said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the minister did not feel unwell."

  This is his attitude.

  The emperor was also meditating. After a long while, he saw Bai Shan who was coming by order, so he stood up and said: "Bai Sheren, you are here just right. Today, let you see Master Wei's chess skills. Come, come here and play the next game."

   So he let Bai Shan and Wei Zhi play chess, and he led Zhou Man away.

  Wei Zhi and Bai Shan:...

  This amazing stroke.

  Man Bao accepted it well, and followed the emperor with the medicine box.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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