Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2630: Steal

   Chapter 2630

  The emperor sat on the couch with a calm face and did not speak, Man Bao put the medicine box aside and stood with his head bowed respectfully.

  The emperor stayed quietly for a while. After thinking about his own thoughts, he raised his head to look at Xiang Zhou Man and asked, "Is there no other way for Master Wei's body?"

  Man Bao responded with a "yes", and after a little thought, he said, "Your Majesty, people have limited minds and exhausted minds. If you can't meditation and recuperate, this disease can't be cured." For example, the queen.

  Queen's body has looked much better in the past two years than before, but it is only because of wearing a bracelet, there are fewer diseases in the respiratory tract.

  But the body is still weak, every once in a while, especially when the season is changing, the body will not be able to bear the changes of cold and heat and get sick.

  In the final analysis, it’s because of the exhaustion of the mind and the weakness of the body, which makes people love to get sick more than ordinary people.

  It's just the Queen and Wei Zhi. One is out, but the other has never been. Therefore, the Queen has always been treated with medicine, but Wei Zhi hasn't.

  The emperor was a little sad and said: "No matter what medicine is used, I will make people look for it."

   "Your Majesty, Master Wei's illness cannot be treated with heavy medicine. It should also be recuperated now, and treated with decoction. After a period of time, it should be changed to honey pills, so that the medicine is weaker and less toxic."

  The emperor frowned, "Can't even good medicine be used?"

  "Ru's honey, the other's arsenic." Man Bao said: "Master Wei has hurt the roots, and the inside is empty, so he should slowly warm up, if he uses heavy medicine..."

  Even the emperor didn’t know much about medicine and knew what the consequences were.

  The emperor thought about it, "I remember that Yin or's body was always bad. The old doctor Tan also said that he had a bad foundation and was empty inside."

   "There are indeed similarities, but Master Wei is the result of the day after tomorrow's fatigue, and Yin or born, although the most fundamental point is different, the symptoms are quite similar."

   "It has long been rumored that Yin might die prematurely, but isn't he living well now?"

"Yes, how well he lives," Man Bao said, "He doesn't have to worry about school work, he doesn't have to worry about his studies, he can take a rest if he is tired, he can go out to relax, take honey pills and medicated food every day, and occasionally take it. A needle, Your Majesty, Master Wei can do it in addition to the last two points. Which one of the first can be done?"

   "This disease is the least tiring, and the least energy-consuming. Neither you nor Master Wei want to recuperate. This cuts off the most basic path."

Yin may have a great time now. He used to be like a tool man. The pressure of his family's children is all on him. Therefore, no matter how expensive the medicine he uses, the effect is not very good. A new coffin will be prepared in one or two years.

  But now all his six sisters have children, whose surname is Yin. Now the old lady only cares about his body, and occasionally feels sad that he refuses to marry, but she will not force him like before.

  He has his own house again, and most of the time he lives in his own county mansion, so he is very comfortable.

  It’s better now. He graduated directly from the Chongwen Pavilion. He was happy to go shopping, and he didn’t worry about food and clothing. He could use the gold and silver at home as he pleased;

  If you are not happy, you can go to the Huguo Temple to find Master Zhiren to discuss Zen, and you can also ask Bai Shan and others from Shangxiaya to go out and talk, chat, just don’t be too comfortable.

  Can Wei Zhi do it now?

  Of course it cannot. The emperor cannot do without Wei Zhi for the time being, and Wei Zhi does not want to leave the emperor for the time being.

  At this time, the two monarchs and ministers looked at each other reluctantly like lovers who were forcibly separated. Finally, the emperor ordered Zhou Man to treat Wei Zhi and at the same time forced Wei Zhi to rest for two days.

  He felt that he had to ask the Queen for her opinion.

  As for the opinions of the court officials, the emperor did not want to ask, and even asked Zhou Man to conceal Wei Zhi’s condition. “After you go out, you will say that you have had a wrong diagnosis. Mr. Wei, like me, is just a heat stroke.”

   said again: "He has to make two copies of his pulse case, and put the other true one with mine."

  Man Bao was stunned for a moment and then bowed down in response.

  Xiao Yuanzheng said that now the Imperial Medical Office is different from the Imperial Hospital. The Imperial Medical Office is an institution of the imperial court, so there is no need to listen to the emperor, but to discuss matters;

  But the hospital still only obeys the emperor's orders. The emperor's orders are the highest rules. Under his orders, all rules can be changed.

  Man Bao bowed and retired. Bai Shan and Master Wei had finished a game of chess early, and the two of them left the game of chess they had played and didn't move. They just sat down and talked about the affairs of the country.

  It happens to be a Chinese book province and a subordinate province. It is worthy of it.

   Seeing Zhou Man coming out with the medicine box, both of them looked over. Bai Shan subconsciously stood up to meet him. It took two steps to react. After a pause, he walked to the side with a calm smile.

  Master Wei glanced at him, then asked Zhou Man, "Master Zhou, where's your Majesty?"

  Man Bao then remembered that he had forgotten a major event--forgot to give the emperor medicinal moxibustion.

  She said a little distressed: "Your Majesty is in the house, Master Wei, Your Majesty invites you to go in."

  Master Wei retracted his gaze from her face, got up and went to find the emperor.

  As soon as he left, Bai Shan walked forward, looked at her up and down, and asked, "Did you use early food?"

  Man Bao was startled, only then did he feel so hungry, he covered his stomach and said nothing.

  Bai Shan sighed, "This is all time for lunch..."

  So you didn’t even eat early meals.

  Man Bao whispered: "I went to bed too late last night, it was cool in the palace, I got up late by accident..."

  Originally, she wanted to have breakfast after playing Wu Qin Xi. Who knew that the emperor would suddenly have a stomachache?

Bai Shan could only sigh. He glanced in, because he was under the emperor’s eyelids, so he didn’t dare to talk too much, but he looked around and saw a snack on the table not far away. He wandered over and put it on the edge of the chessboard, and pinched a piece for her to eat.

  Man Bao glanced at it. It was the emperor’s secret to eat, so he reached out and took it, bowed his head and ate.

  There are not many dim sums on the plate. They are the rice cakes and red bean cakes that the emperor usually eats. There is also a piece of mung bean cake.

  When the emperor finished talking with Wei Zhi, he saw the empty plate between the two.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao immediately got up and saluted.

  The emperor glanced at them and said, “Bai Sheren and Zhou Qing stay with us for lunch.”

  The two men bowed down and accompany the emperor to lunch.

  The emperor often gave banquets to his courtiers. Not to mention Wei Zhi, Man Bao did not know how many meals he had eaten with the emperor, so he was not nervous at all. Bai Shan occasionally had this opportunity after entering the Hanlin courtyard, so he was calm.

  The four of them sat down to eat, and as they ate, the emperor began to sigh, his expressions sorrowful.

  Wei Zhi asked with a flat face: "Your Majesty, does the stomach still hurt?"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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