Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2636: Return to the palace

  Chapter 2636 Return to the palace

  The emperor was very busy this day, so he didn't have time to read the letter sent by the prince, and later he forgot. The diagnosis of the old doctor Tan showed that Wei Zhi's health was not optimistic.

  He is not too happy and doesn't want to think about private matters anymore, so he concentrates on the papers, trying to paralyze himself with public matters.

   When I remembered that the prince seemed to ask someone to send a letter, it was almost noon the next day.

  Everyone had a wave of discussions, and it was halftime.

  The emperor turned over the contents of the case, only then saw the letter sent by the prince, so he opened it casually.

Only when he saw Emperor Xin know how turbulent the messages outside were. He glanced over the ministers in the room, snorted in his heart, but said gently on his face: "I feel that I have improved a lot today. People, go to the storeroom and find two silk cloths to reward her."

  Gu Zhong was taken aback for a moment and then bowed down.

The ministers under    complimented, "Your Majesty's good is the world's good."

  "God bless, your majesty will live and live well..."

  Look at who doesn’t know that it is Wei Zhi who is sick. You are just a cover.

  But there are not many people in the world who can make the emperor voluntarily become a courtier under the guise of it?

  Han Shangshu and several people quietly glanced at Wei Zhi, and he didn't look like a person who had only been a few years old.

  Looking alive and kicking, there is no problem at all.

  The emperor had finished rewarding Zhou Man, and when he had lunch, he took the ministers to take a stroll along the shade of the trees for a walk, so that everyone could see his dragon face, and the serious illness would not be broken.

  At this time, Man Bao and Old Doctor Tan had already returned to the capital. She first sent Old Doctor Tan back to Tan's house, and then reluctantly led the horse away.

  Lao Doctor Tan was also reluctant to give up. He had gained a lot from the exchange of medical skills with Zhou Man this way.

  Man Bao has gained even greater gains. I think it’s too much to miss Lao Tan’s doctor in the past few years.

  She is already pulling on the bookshelf in the science space, thinking about what book or prescription to use to exchange some medical skills or experience with Old Doctor Tan.

  Man Bao returned to Zhou's house while thinking.

  Lao Mrs. Liu was slightly surprised, and brought Zheng to come personally, and asked: "Why did you come back suddenly?"

  Man Bao said: "Grandma, I'm coming back to find a medical book, and I will leave tomorrow morning."

  Lao Mrs. Liu breathed a sigh of relief, and asked with a smile: "How are Shanbao and you in the palace?"

"pretty good."

   "Is Erlang still cute? Is there any trouble?"

  Man Bao: "Don't worry, there is Princess Mingda, he can't get in trouble."

  She smiled gleefully and said: "Your Majesty loves Princess Mingda, so their residence is on the edge of the Longevity Hall, very close."

  Listening to Bai Shan, Bai Erlang now has to save the empress every day in the morning and twilight, and occasionally he is dragged by the emperor to test school homework, and taken to the hall to listen to the elders discussing matters, but it is painful.

  Lao Mrs. Liu relieved her heart when she saw her put down her things. She quickly stopped her and said, “It’s hot now. Why don’t you go in until it’s cooler, and you haven’t had lunch yet, right?”

  Man Bao thought for a while and nodded, “Then I’ll take lunch first, but I won’t wait for it to cool down. It may not be cool when the sun goes down now.”

  "Then I will ask you to prepare a carriage for you, and ride the carriage to cover the sun anyway."

  Man Bao responded and went for lunch with Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zheng.

  She gave the list that she wrote last night to Mrs. Liu, “It was all Princess Changyu who entrusted me to take it. Grandma, please help me buy everything back. I’ll take it and leave tomorrow morning.”

  Lao Mrs. Liu couldn't help but feel happy after taking a look. There are a lot of food on it that Man Bao and Bai Shan like to eat. Where is it that Princess Changyu and the others carried it?

She squinted her eyes and nodded: "Okay, I'll send someone to the store to make reservations in a while, and let them do it tomorrow morning, so that it's fresher, and then you can ask someone to pick it up at the palace. You can take it directly to the palace. That’s it."

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly.

  Zheng also followed the list and said, "Your sister-in-law is not at home."

  "When I came back, I had already sent people to find my sister-in-law in Pucun. Tomorrow they will be sent directly to the palace."

  Lao Mrs. Liu exhorted: “It’s hot in the summer, and don’t be gluttonous.”

  Man Bao responded and promised that they would not be gluttonous.

  After all, there are so many people in the palace, not to mention that there are Yin or a few family members who followed the ministers. Many of them are classmates of Bai Shan and their Guozijian and Chongwenguan. I saw each other. Isn’t that mean?

  Man Bao used lunch and went to the palace after a short rest.

  The atmosphere in the palace was a little dull. The guards at the gate saw her getting off the carriage, their eyes widened, and there were all kinds of guesses in their hearts.

Everyone looked at her with piercing eyes, and Bao looked at them with a look of confusion, and walked tentatively into the palace. Seeing that they had been staring at her, for some reason, she suddenly felt a little guilty and short of breath, so she couldn't help but explain. In one sentence, "I came back to Beijing by decree, but I didn't sneak back."

  Guards: this what they want to ask?

  What they want to ask is, is the emperor really seriously ill? Why didn’t you wait for him and came back instead?

  But no one dared to ask, after all, there was a suspicion of peeping at the Eucharist, and they couldn't afford it.

Man Bao walked across the palace gate with some vacillation, and looked back suspiciously. Seeing that they were still staring at her, he asked Keke with his heart: "Keke, why are they weird? Could it be my clothes? Didn't dress well?"

  Man Bao also looked down at himself, and subconsciously touched his belt and chest, but there was no problem.

  And when she went out, Grandmother Liu and her mother-in-law were sent to the gate of the courtyard. If there is a problem, they will definitely tell her.

  Man Bao felt calmer, but he was still a little weak.

  Koke scanned back and forth several times, but couldn’t figure out the reason. He felt that humans, intelligent creatures, were still too complicated.

  Man Bao went to the Taiyuan Hospital with an inexplicable expression. She decided to go to the Taiyuan Hospital first to find a book, and then to the Chongwen Hall, so that she could go home with Mr. Zhuang in the afternoon.

  The atmosphere in the palace was more solemn than before, a little more cautious, everyone saw her wide-eyed, and they wanted to step forward, but didn't dare to step forward.

  Man Bao lowered his eyes and thought, as he walked up the steps, thinking, could it be that something major happened in the palace in the past few days when they went to the palace?

  But she hasn’t heard of it either.

  Yongzhou and the capital are not far away, and the message transmission is not slow. If something goes wrong, the emperor can’t be ignorant. She can go to see the emperor every day.

   was thinking, a call came from behind, "Master Zhou, Master Zhou..."

  Man Bao looked back and saw that from a distance, Duke Wu was running here with two small servants.

  She raised her eyebrows, stood on the steps with her hands together and thought, watching Duke Wu slowly approach, and then took a few breaths and ran up the steps.

  Man Bao yelled in his heart, and asked Ke Ke, “There is a rule in the palace that you can’t rush. This is what Duke Wu told me. Is there something wrong with the prince? Can’t it be him who rebelled?”

   Man Bao: Ah, ah, something big happened

     See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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