Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2637: Who scares who

  Chapter 2637 Who scares who

  Keke was also taken aback, ignoring the need to score points with the host, and directly scanned towards the East Palace, and then extended to the entire palace.

After sweeping it over, it was also a little uncertain, "The palace is guarded more and more tightly than before, but the prince is now in the East Palace, not in the Tai Chi Hall, oh, your fellow ministers, they are now We are all discussing state affairs normally in the East Palace. Don’t all the rebellions in human history all lead to death?"

  Man Bao: "Is Mr. Tang also there?"

  Kokedao: "Yes."

  Man Bao heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't have a big problem there.

  After a few words, Duke Wu had already ran up with someone, Man Baoyang greeted him with a smile, and stepped down two steps to support him, and asked curiously: "Duke Wu, what is so urgent?"

Gonggong Wu swallowed, even breathed, and grabbed Zhou Man's hand and said, "Our family is about to go to the hospital to invite someone. I happened to hear that Lord Zhou is back, so I rushed to invite Lord Zhou. NS."

  He tried his best to raise a smile and said, "The princess is a little uncomfortable. I would like to invite Master Zhou to take a look."

  The princess has had her stomach for more than six months now, Man Bao was taken aback, and quickly asked, "What are the symptoms?"

  Is it a fall, a stomachache, or a red?

Duke Wu dared to curse the princess, so he lowered his head and was vague. When Man Bao saw him like this, he thought it was a secret and was too anxious. He stomped his feet and said, "Is there an imperial doctor or a doctor girl in the East Palace? medicine chest?"

This has.

  Wu Gonggong nodded repeatedly.

  So Man Bao didn't care about suspicion about what was going on in the palace, so he picked up the skirt and ran to the east palace.

Grandpa Wu's eyes widened, and she reached out to stop her. She had already descended the steps quickly. Seeing that she was about to go down, he hurried to catch up, "Master Zhou, you are slower, you are slower, Prince Concubine..." So serious.

  Poor Lord Wu took a sigh of relief, and he could only run behind with his robe.

  Two little servants followed behind Wu Gonggong.

  The guards on the patrol saw them running, and they frowned and stopped drinking. Seeing Wu Gonggong who was chasing Zhou Man behind, they immediately suffocated.

  Wu Gonggong ran over and had to explain, "The princess wants to ask a doctor..."

  Looking at them running away, some guards couldn’t help but said: "The prince will be fine, right?"

  "Shut up, can I wait to discuss the secret affairs of the palace? Just do what I have."

  Everyone immediately lowered their heads and responded in a low voice, but they couldn't help but guess.

  The few people living on the top, any one of them, it is nothing more than an earthquake.

  Manbao has good physical strength and good spirits. He ran into the East Palace in a hurry. The maidservants knew her well. Although they were surprised to see her running in, they didn't stop her, so she ran all the way to the backyard of the East Palace.

The princess hasn’t received any news yet. She is sleeping in the morning on the couch by the window in the house. There are two palace ladies, one from the left and the other, fanning her. Leaning on the pillar and drowsy.

  The movement of Man Bao ran in was not small, and even the slightest movement in the palace seemed very big, so the people guarding outside the house immediately woke up and were surprised to see Man Bao, "Master Zhou, are you back?"

  Man Bao ran up, panting slightly, and asked, "Where is the prince?"

   Seeing sweat on her forehead, and the smile on the maid’s face, she became a little nervous, “I’m taking a nap in the room, Master Zhou asked to wait a while, and the slave will report it.”

   Turn around and go in and report.

  Man Bao grabbed her and looked at her questioningly, "Is the prince okay?"

  The maid was stunned for a moment and then said: "There's nothing wrong with my mother..."

  Man Bao slowly loosened her arm, and then took out a handkerchief from her sleeve to wipe the sweat, "Okay, it's okay, no need to report."

  The lady of the palace frowned slightly and was a little puzzled. At this moment, Duke Wu with two small servants panting and chased after her.

  The maidservants in the palace looked at him with wide eyes in surprise. What's the matter, one or two of them ran like this?

  Duke Wu didn’t dare to make noise in the prince's yard. He caught up and pointed at Man Bao, panting and speechless. After a while, he lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "You, can't you be slower?"

  Man Bao pinched his waist and looked at him, a little angry, "Wu Gonggong, why did you lie to me so that I can run away."

Grandpa Wu wiped the sweat on his forehead and whispered: "Oh, grandma, you should be quiet. Our family will pay you a compensation first. Your Royal Highness wants to see you, but now it's stormy, your Royal Highness can't call it out clearly... …"

  Man Bao looked inexplicable, "Why can't I summon it clearly? Why is it faltering?"

  Duke Wu took a closer look at Zhou Man’s expression, exhaled, and relaxed a lot. He smiled and said, “That’s a small mistake. You should fight, you should fight, Master Zhou, do you think we should change places?"

  Man Bao took a deep look at him, then hummed twice, and followed him to the Prince's study.

The prince    was not in the study at this time, but in the other side of the East Palace-Zhan Shifu.

  Duke Wu invited Zhou Man to the study and immediately asked him to make tea.

  On the side of the princess, the lady of the court saw them leaving, and after a few thoughts, she turned to enter the house and gently pushed the princess.

  The princess opened her eyes, still a little dazed for a while, she asked in a dumb voice: "What's the matter?"

  The palace lady reported in a small voice: "Niang Niang, Doctor Zhou is back from the palace."

  The princess raised herself from the couch, "Why is she back? But what happened to the palace?"

  The maid squatted down and put on shoes for her and said: "The servant girl doesn't look like it, but the lady of Wu Gong Gongzhu asked Doctor Zhou to come over. She seemed to be running all the way, her face covered with sweat."

  The princess asked: "Where are people now?"

   "I was invited to the study room in front of me. His Highness is still in Zhan Shifu."

  The princess took the maid’s hand to the front study with a pregnant belly. As soon as she walked in, she heard Wu Gongzheng’s apologizing, with a cup of tea in her hand.

   Seeing the princess coming, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground. Even if it was the prince’s sign, he would use the plausible excuse to invite people over by the princess, which was very taboo.

  Man Bao glared at Duke Wu secretly, took the teacup from him, got up, put it on the table casually, smiled and went forward to meet the princess, "I woke my mother."

  The princess reached out to her and held her hand with a smile: "If it wasn't for the people below that I didn't know you were back, where did you wake up?"

  She glanced at Grandpa Wu, and said to Man Bao: "This old slave is getting more and more improper. Wait for me to punish him."

  Man Bao smiled and said: "He just made a joke with me, and I am not good, so he ran up without asking the question clearly. It would be good if he didn't disturb the empress."

  The princess took her hand and sat on the chair, and smiled: "Since it's here, it's better to feel my pulse."

   Seeing the sweat oozing out of Zhou Man’s hair, she knew that she had run hard just now, and she turned her head and told the maid, “Go get a basin of water for Master Zhou to wash up.”

  Duke Wu quietly got up, quietly stepped back, and let out a sigh of relief.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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