Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2640: Dinner

   Chapter 2640

  Wei Yu asked, "The princess travels, the tents are soft..."

"The blue sky and the white sun are covered by trees. It's quite interesting if you don't need it. Don't worry, the princess won't mind." Bai Shan pulled him into the aisle: "Let's go directly to the princess. "

  Wei Yu thought about Princess Changyu's easy temper and nodded.

  The maidservants of the princess held the mats and went to the pavilion to lay them. After a few sweeps, they spread the straw mats, and put a few low tables and short teas on the mats.

  When Manbao washed and changed his clothes, the maids had already cleaned up the place, and Changyu and the others came from another place in a chirping manner.

Bai Shan took Man Bao’s hand, and Princess Chang Yu was happy when she saw her. She ran forward and took her hand and said, "You bought everything. I knew you were so good. I should make some more lists. It's for you."

   "I can't bring more." Man Bao entered the pavilion side by side with her, and sat down at a low table casually.

  As soon as they sat down, a court lady filed in with the food box, opened the food box, and brought out the food inside and placed it on everyone's table.

  The roast chicken that was still wrapped in lotus leaves was also heated and chopped into plates and sent up, one small plate on a table.

Bai Shan sat next to Man Bao, and Yin might sit on their lower heads. Next to them is the cold spring of Gululu. The overflowing water was humming down the rocks, and it was too high. Splashing down, they saw it when they walked up just now, it was very beautiful.

The maid put the bean curd into the cold spring to soak, and some melons and fruits, all took wooden buckets and put some cold spring water, and then put it in the cold spring. Under the scorching sun, I ate a piece of it in the afternoon. The taste of melons and fruits is that they will not change when they become immortals.

  It’s just that Manbao told me not to eat too much to avoid cold diarrhea.

  Because of the hot weather, I was on the road just now. Man Bao didn’t really want to eat meat, so he chose vegetarian dishes.

   Baishan saw him, and stared at the opposite Shijiro.

   Seeing this, Shiraijiro happily picked up a plate of greens in front of him and handed it over.

  Immediately, the palace lady took it and sent it to Bai Shan. Bai Shan gave a plate of meat to the palace lady to return him.

  Changyu saw it and turned his head and said, "Let the kitchen make some more seasonal vegetables and bring it in. Change a few more ways."

  The lady of the palace responded.

  Mingda pursed his mouth and smiled, and said, "I also think the vegetables in the palace are delicious."

This Changyu has the most research, saying: "This is the time when the vegetables are the most luxuriant, but in fact the best time to eat was two months ago. At that time, it was the end of spring, and all kinds of wild vegetables were the most plump, and there was no need to talk about the process. Just blanch it, and it will be delicious with salty sauce or sweet sauce after it is cooked."

She said: "The climate in the palace is relatively cold, and there are many cold springs on the mountain, so the vegetables are later than those below the mountain. Although the vegetables below are lush, the roots are somewhat old. They are not like the vegetables on the mountain. It was at the time, so it was better. eat."

  Man Bao heard it and said, “It’s also good to grow some vegetables in the yard.”

  After all, they are going to live here for two months.

  Changyu didn't want to grow vegetables, and said, "These people have their own people to care about."

  Mingda ate a few bites of food, and asked Manbao: "Have you found the book you are looking for?"

  Man Baodao: "I found a few books, I plan to study them in a while."

Mingda said: "I also have a few prescriptions for perfumery, but they are not for peaceful sleep. Do you want to see it? I think the fragrances also have something in common. Maybe you can study the perfume by studying this? "

  Man Bao excitedly said: "You look back and show me."

  Mingda nodded.

  Changyu immediately said: "If the research comes out, give me a box too."

  "Are you insomnia too?"

   "Not now, but you are prepared for it. I heard people say that they are prone to insomnia when they are old."

  This preparation is really early enough.

  Bai Shan and the others are also talking. Wei Yu asked Bai Shan, "Have you approved the paperwork submitted by our Ministry of Industry?"

  Bai Shandao: "No, I have pressed down and reconsidered, and I should be beaten back to do it again."

  Wei Yu couldn't help but have a headache, "I have changed it twice."

  Bai Shan smiled and toasted with him.

  The easiest thing is that Bai Erlang and Yin have gotten together. Wei Yu looked at himself and then at him. They were all consorts. How could his life be so good?

   So he couldn't help but ask: "Have you not been recruited to study recently?"

  I don’t know that Bai Erlang also has a headache, and he sighed: "No, your majesty doesn't like to study with me these days. He likes to call me to attend politics with me. My head is about to hurt."

  Let’s listen, but the emperor occasionally asks questions about such a big state affairs, even Lord Wei and the others can’t think of a way to satisfy him. What does he know of a fledgling little Hanlin?

  So when I asked ten times, he couldn't answer five times, and four times were nonsense. After all, he always said that the minister didn't know, and the minister didn't have a good solution, it was very embarrassing and embarrassing.

   Yin or heard the words and smiled and said: "You might as well tell your majesty that you are going to concentrate on studying books recently, and your majesty may not look for you."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "He is afraid to say it."

  He had said this to him a long time ago, but Bai Erlang didn't dare to tell the emperor about his script, so he insisted on it all the time.

   Mingda on the side heard it, and pursed her lips and smiled and said: "You will go a few days later, and I will mention it to the father when he recovers from his illness."

  Bai Erlang breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Man Bao: "When will your majesty's illness get better?"

  He can see the emperor every day, and there are two people who know the inside story, Bai Shan and Zhou Man. Naturally, he knows that the emperor is not seriously ill, but he is also sick. He is taking medicine recently.

  Wei Zhi also knows the truth, but the one who really doesn’t know the truth is Princess Changyu.

  She didn't know that it was her father-in-law, not her father, who was really seriously ill, so she also looked at Man Bao with concern.

  Man Baodao: "It should be almost done, I will ask Ping An pulse later."

  Changyu breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but recite the Buddha.

  Wei Yu poured a glass of wine and toasted to Zhou Man, "Master Zhou, I respect you for this glass, thank you very much."

  Man Bao smiled and raised his glass, "This is all part of my business."

  A group of people ate and drank here. The wind was blowing, bringing the water vapor from the cold spring, and being exposed to the scorching sun outside, the wind blowing was only cool.

  Chang Yu happily raised his head and drank a glass of wine, and exclaimed, "Great Le——"

  Wei Yu pursed his lips and said to her: "If you like it here, we can also come here to eat with food in the evening."

   Changyu shook his head, "Forget it, it's better for the two of us to eat in the yard, and there are a lot of mosquitoes outside, so this medicine package given by Zhou Man may not work."

  Man Bao immediately said: "I think my medicine pack is pretty good."

   Changyu rolled up her sleeves and let her look at the red envelope on her arm, “No, this was bitten last night. The medicine pack was already hung, so I accidentally bit it on.”

  Man Bao took a look at the probe and couldn’t help asking, “Where’s that mosquito?”

   "I shot to death."

  Man Bao blamed her, "You must have not carried the medicine pack next to your body, or you did not light it, or the distance is too far."

  Wei Yu smiled and said, "The princess thinks the medicine smells bad."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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