Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2641: Monarchs and Ministers

   Chapter 2641

  They ate this lunch until the end, and Manbao ran a horse in the morning. At this time, they were a little sleepy after eating enough and drinking enough, so they leaned on the railing and fell asleep.

  Bai Shan couldn't hold back, he tied his robe into his belt, and went barefoot to the pond to look for fish.

  But there are no fish in the cold spring, but there are in the stream down.

  Wei Yu and Yin may stand by the stream and look at them, and can’t help but say: "Zhi Shan, won't you go to the office in the afternoon?"

  Bai Shan used the stick to poke some cracks in the stones, and surprised some small fishes, and said, “I’m not on duty this afternoon. I will keep those official duties. It’s okay to do it later.”

  White Erlang nodded again and again, "That is, we are here to escape the heat. Your Majesty will walk around the palace in the afternoon to relax."

The relaxed emperor was looking at them condescendingly with his hands back.

   Turned his head and said: "I'm so good Hanlin, I just went to your Zhongshu to save the time to teach it."

  Chungshu Shi Lang: ...who teaches badly, please make it clear.

  Wei knew: "Your Majesty, you should go back to deal with state affairs."

  The emperor said: "As the hospital has said, you and I should pay attention to rest. Only then did we take a nap, and we are still confused. Let's go, let's go down and wake up."

  Han Shangshu and so on immediately turned to look over, what's going on with Wei Zhi's condition, can you say a few more words?

  But the emperor only found an excuse for having fun, and did not continue, he led everyone on.

Man Bao’s hand was on the railing, and the person was sitting on the seat of the pavilion, with his small head resting on his arm, the eaves of the pavilion covering the sun, and only the dumb sounds of Bai Shan and the others were heard in her ears, she let it go. I slept drowsily with my thoughts.

  Mingda and Changyu sat next to her, while pointing the people below the fish they saw, they couldn't help but sweep the fleshy cheeks with the grass.

  The emperor laughed and led the people down from the mountain, and asked: "What are my princesses playing?"

  When everyone saw it, they quickly stood still and saluted.

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang can only stand in the water and salute. Seeing that Man Bao is sleeping on his stomach, there is no movement at all, they can't help but feel a little anxious.

  Mingda stretched out his hand to push Manbao up, the emperor stretched out his hand to stop her, and said with a smile: "Let her sleep, it’s hot in the summer, she rushes back and forth, I think she is tired."

  Mingda withdrew his hand, stepped forward and hugged the emperor’s arm, and smiled and asked, "Why did the emperor come here?"

   "Why, if you are only allowed to come out to play, shouldn't I also come out to relax?"

  The emperor glanced at the layout of the long pavilion, and said with a smile: "You are thoughtful, you have all the tables and chairs."

  He looked around and saw that there were empty spaces around the pavilion, and he asked, “Why can you block flying insects and mosquitoes without hanging the gauze net? What if I get bitten?”

  Mingda smiled and said, “No, the worm-killing medicinal incense is smoked in the pavilion, and the insects dare not come.”

  Dare to come or dare to come, the deworming medicine is not that powerful, but it can dispel most of the insects.

  Shirazen and Shirajiro also came out of the water, put down their robe and put on their shoes, and came up to apologize.

  The emperor waved his hand indifferently: "Don't fall into the water and be caught by the Dragon King, otherwise, where can I find another horse and a man?"

  Han Shangshu and others all smiled friendly.

The emperor himself occupied a seat, and then pointed to other seats to let Wei Zhi and the others sit down. He looked around and asked, "I think this meal is almost used, don't you have a refreshment or something? "

  Changyu immediately said: "Father, what we prepared is soaking in the cold spring."

  The emperor immediately said: "Take it up, and give us a taste."

  Changyu was so happy that he winked at his grand palace lady and asked her to take it.

Man Bao continued to sleep deeply. At this time, she could no longer hear outside voices, only her own dream. She dreamed that she was riding on a horse, running wild on the prairie, and she didn’t know who was chasing her behind. Horror, she could only lie on her horseback and dare not move, so that her arm was almost broken, her neck was stiffened by the cold wind, and she did not dare to move...

  The maid brought up the bean curd, first made a bowl for the emperor, and then poured sugar water to the emperor.

The emperor stirred with a spoon, and asked with a smile, "What is this? It looks a bit like soft tofu."

  "It's soft tofu," Chang Yu said, "Zhou Man said that this is bean curd. Her sister-in-law made it. It is very tender and sweet. My daughter has eaten it. It's very smooth. It's the best in summer. Don't believe you try it."

   "I have eaten tofu and soy milk, but I have never eaten something called bean curd. I just tasted it today."

  The emperor took a bite after stirring it. It melted in the mouth and was very smooth. The slight sweetness immersed in the mouth, giving people a sense of sweetness.

  He raised his eyebrows slightly, and said to Wei Zhiji: "You guys have a taste, it's very delicious."

  The maid of the palace immediately went up.

  Wei Zhi took a few, and took a bite after stirring. They all raised their eyebrows and nodded slightly, agreeing very much.

  The emperor ate a bowl snoringly, and then said with great joy: "As expected, it was something that Zhou Qing took out. It is indeed a holy product for relieving heat, hahahaha..."

  Man Bao was awakened by the burst of laughter. She sat upright on the railing and looked forward blindly, obviously not fully awake.

  She has not found the emperor and others at this time.

  But the emperor and Master Wei were taken aback by her actions, and they all looked up at her.

  Bai Shan moved slightly, just blocking their eyes. He took out a handkerchief and wiped her face, then smiled and said, "Master Zhou is awake?"

  Man Bao looked up at him sluggishly, accepting his words in a dull mind. It's good, what is the name of Lord Zhou?

  Keke received her words and replied: "Probably because of being in front of the emperor."

  Man Bao's eyes slowly widened, and he looked up at Bai Shan in disbelief.

   Seeing her reaction, Bai Shan didn't know whether to praise her for quick response or to train her to react too slowly.

   So he pressed the mark on the corner of her eye with a handkerchief, showing a standard smile, and said every word: "Come and see your Majesty."

  After speaking, she stared at her for a while. Seeing that she had recovered, she had already reduced her expression and moved away so that the emperor and others could see her, as well as the emperor.

  Man Bao immediately got up. As a result, because he had maintained a posture for a long time, he almost couldn't stand firmly after getting up, and his heels and calves were tingling.

  Bai Shan calmly stretched out his hand to support her arm, smiled at the emperor, and bowed with her to confess the crime.

  The emperor stared at the print on her face, and waved his hand while holding back a smile: "No matter, you don't need to be so polite outside."

  Changyu waited until they finished speaking. At this time, he couldn't help it anymore, and immediately said: "Father, we haven't eaten yet."

The emperor snorted and said: "Don't worry, no one will be missing you. Come here, give the princesses and horses a bowl, um, give the master Zhou and Baishe people a bowl, we will do it today Let the monarchs and ministers have fun together."

  The lady of the palace responded with a smile, and went to pick up the bean curd.

  Li Shangshu smiled and asked Zhou Man, “We’re nothing. We just don’t know that Master Wei might use this thing. Although I have never used tofu, since it is in the same vein as tofu, I think it’s a cold thing, then...”

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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