Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2642: I have the final say

   Chapter 2642 I have the final say

  Man Bao is still looking at the emperor, so you can see the emperor's brows frown slightly, she immediately returned to her senses, and finally awake from body to heart.

  She simply said: "You can eat, but don't eat too much, or you will have diarrhea."

  Han Shangshu also put down the bowl, and smiled slightly: “If you can eat, it’s better. I think Master Wei’s appetite is indeed not very good these past two days. It is rare that there is something that you like to eat.”

  Man Bao was a little tired, so he looked at Wei Zhi.

  Master Wei did not react much, his face was very calm, and after eating the bowl of bean curd, he gave the bowl to the palace maid, and said with a smile: "One more bowl."

  The emperor immediately said: "Yes, give me another bowl, this thing is good, how did you do it?"

  Man Baodao: "There are fewer steps than making tofu, and more steps than making soy milk. If you like it, I will give the recipe to the Yushan Fang."

  The emperor nodded in satisfaction.

Yin Li, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Tofu is cool in nature. It's very suitable for eating in this kind of weather, and it's not expensive, but the kitchen in the palace is not as delicious as the one made outside. I heard that Mrs. Zhou's sister-in-law has a good hand. craft?"

  Man Bao proudly said: "My sister-in-law cooks the most delicious food. The soy milk, tofu and bean curd she makes are all delicious."

   Yin Li smiled and said: "Then I wonder if the sister-in-law of Zhou Da's family will have time to take an order from our Forbidden Army, and prepare them some hot summer products such as bean curd."

  Man Bao's eyes lit up, and he nodded and said, "No problem."

  The emperor also wanted to ask for some for the imperial dining room, but Gu Zhong whispered before him: "Your Majesty, you can't import things so casually."

  Just now, he was going to eat Douhua, and that was because he had eaten a small bowl first, and then ate it after confirming that there was no problem.

  The emperor stopped.

  Man Bao quietly blinked with Bai Shan, proud.

  Bai Shan couldn't help but smile.

  Apart from Man Bao, Bai Erlang is the happiest person at the moment. He quietly said to Man Bao, "We can ask Sister-in-law to bring us some delicious food at that time."

  Man Bao asked: "What do you want to eat?"

  Baijiro had a cool afternoon this afternoon. He ate bean curd again, so his appetite was very appetizing. He whispered: "I want to eat croquettes."

  Man Bao thought about the meaty croquettes, swallowed, and whispered: "The couscous is also delicious."

  Shirajiro nodded in agreement.

   Changyu on the side heard it, and went to see the two of them indifferently.

  Mingda pulled her.

The emperor ignored their whispers. Seeing that there were mountains, waters, trees, and wind, and there was no shortage of food, it was refreshing and cool, very arbitrary, so he said to Gu Zhong: "Go, get my fishing tackle. , We are fishing here. Official business and postponement."

   said again: "Talk to the capital. I am feeling unwell recently. Let the prince handle more papers. If it is not necessary, don’t send the papers here."

  Wei Zhi:...

  Gu Zhong lowered his head to answer, but did not go down immediately, waiting for someone to persuade him.

  Sure enough, Wei knew: "Isn't your majesty's health much better?"

  The emperor gritted his teeth and said: "I feel sleepy again these past two days. Maybe the moisture in my body has increased. It may not be necessary. Turning back Zhou Qing will show me and see if I need to change the medicine."

  Li Shangshu said: "It's better to read it now."

   "Hey," the emperor said, shaking his sleeves, "It's rare to have a half-day leisure, why rush to this moment? I will wait until the evening to see."

  He said to Gu Zhong: "While the sun is still early, you can send someone back to the capital to spread the word."

  Gu Zhong bowed and retreated, "Yes."

Man Bao felt that the emperor was also very pitiful. It is okay for them to take personal leave when they don’t want to work. Otherwise, they can take sick leave, saying that they can take a rest. But the emperor is sick, and there are a large group of people who want to take a rest. Stop.

very pitiful!

  The emperor saw that no one stopped him at this moment. He was happy, got up and walked to the side of the railing to look down, touched his beard and said, "Yes, yes, the water looks pretty clear."

  Wei Zhi poured cold water on him, “So there won’t be many fishes. Your Majesty is afraid you won’t be able to catch them.”

  The emperor was choked, and then became complacent, "Others can't catch it, but I will definitely catch it."

   Gu Zhong could only step back quietly when he heard it, and then came up again after a while, then avoiding Master Wei and Yin Li and winking.

   Yin Li glanced at him lightly, and could only follow him out.

  The emperor took his two daughters and son-in-law to enjoy the family relationship, Man Bao and Bai Shan were bored, and He Yin might stand aside. They were a little curious when they saw this scene.

   Seeing Master Yin turned and left, and found a forbidden army to speak, Bai Shan then winked at Yin or, and whispered: "Master Yin will never let people catch fish and put them here for your majesty to fish, right?"

  Yin or just meditate.

  Looking at his expression, Bai Shan was a little horrified, "No way?"

  Man Bao also said: "No way?"

   Yin or lowered his eyes and said: "Maybe."

  Everyone turned their heads to look at the emperor together.

  The emperor was walking around with his hands on his back, and exclaimed: "You have chosen a good place. I have been walking around in the past few days, and I have also walked here. Why didn't I expect to stay here in the afternoon?"

  He turned his head and said, “Look back and let people put a high table and high chair here. In the afternoon, I will review the papers and discuss matters with the ministers. It is cooler and more comfortable than discussing matters in the palace.”

  Man Bao hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it's okay occasionally. If you stay in this pavilion for a long time, I'm afraid it will really increase the humidity."

  This cold spring is really cold. Isn’t it fake?

  Wei Zhi and other ministers immediately said, "Please take care of your body."

  The emperor was a little disappointed, and could only say: "Okay."

   Long hesitated: "Father, let's eat some fruits to calm down. From now on, I will come here often, so that you can get tired from reading the papers and you can eat ready-made ones."

When the emperor heard this, he couldn't help but smiled: "I can't stay here for a long time, can you just do it?"

  He said to Changyu and Mingda: "You are girls, don't be too greedy for cold, especially Mingda, you are not good, don't be naughty."

   Mingda said: "Father, my daughter will not be naughty."

  White Jiro nodded in agreement, Mingda is pretty good.

  The emperor glanced at Bai Erlang and said nothing.

   Soon a servant took a fishing hook, and the emperor took it down, found a good place in the shade of the tree, put it on the bait, and threw it into the water.

  Bai Shan and the others were also given fishing tackle, but they were more concerned about the cold spring above and couldn't help but raised their toes and looked up.

When the emperor saw it, he looked up and asked, "What are you looking at?"

  Bai Shan and the others immediately retracted their gazes and said that they hadn't looked at anything, and obediently found a place to hook, and then sat on the grass waiting for the fish to bite.

   However, looking at the water flowing down, Bai Erlang whispered, "Can this catch fish?"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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