Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2643: I have the final say

   Chapter 2643 I have the final say

Naturally, you can’t catch it. This clear water, this panting water, this cold water, there may be some small sharp fishes in the crevices of the rocks. Just now, Bai Shan and the others were there. Catch that kind of fish for fun.

  A group of young people sat in a row on the grass looking at the bait floating with the waves, and then turned their heads together to look at the emperor and the adults sitting on the small trolls above. They were all concentrated on holding the fishing rod and looking ahead.

  Changyu couldn't sit still, moved his fishing rod back and forth, and asked Wei Yu in a low voice, "Do you think the big water nest in front of the emperor can catch fish?"

  Wei Yu only glanced at the sidewalk and said: "At least better than us."

  Their fishing line is still drifting with the flow.

  Bai Shan quietly got up with the fishing rod, pulled Man Bao, and the two quietly got up and walked down the stream.

  Yin or when he saw it, he took his fishing rod and got up, and didn't care if it would hang on to the stone and go down.

  See you, Shirajiro immediately pulled up Mingda and was about to follow.

  Mingda grabbed him, hissed and said, "For a while."

  After a while, the two of them also left quietly.

  Changyu was teary, not only wanted to follow them, but also looked at the emperor above with a little worry, she didn't dare.

  Wei Yu didn't dare either.

  The two honest people squatted alone on the grass for a long time. In the end, Mingda couldn't see it, and quietly came back to drag her sister, and brought them down together.

  The emperor saw from the corner of his eye, and shook his head slightly, and knew with Wei: "My Changyu is a timid, why is your Wei Yu so timid?"

  Wei Zhi smiled slightly and said, "Isn't that right? Honest people match honest people, your majesty has a very good vision."

Bai Shan and the others hid away a little bit, without the boss watching, they were more comfortable, knowing that there was a high probability that they would not be able to catch fish, so they put the fishing rod on the shore, found a rock and held it down and played. NS.

   Long hesitated: "You are so courageous, the father and the elders are still there."

   Mingda said: "Father will not mind."

  Learning from Bai Erlang, she picked up a stone and threw it into the water, and asked curiously: "How did you get the splash?"

   Shirajiro taught her hand in hand, "This is lower..."

  Man Bao brought her skirt to the side and pulled a lot of long grass and branches and leaves. After a while, he hugged him and threw it in front of Bai Shan, looking at him happily, "You come to make a fish basket."

  All three of them can make simple fish crates, but none of them are as strong as Bai Shan's. In fact, the best one is Daji.

   Shirajiro said, "It would be great if Daji was there."

  Bai Shan said angrily: "Do you think that everyone is doing nothing for a day like you? Daji has a lot to do in the yard."

  Bai Shan made up carefully, Yin or sitting aside curiously, "Do you still know this?"

  Man Bao proudly said: "My second brother taught me, and I will do too, but he is not as good as him."

  Wei Yu couldn’t help asking: "What are you doing with this?"

   "Catch the fish," Man Bao said, "There is a river in our village. There is very little water in the river at the end of autumn and winter. At that time, you can go down to the river to fish."

  "However, there are not many fish caught in this kind of fish basket. We also have fishing nets in our house. We can directly open it and walk a section from the bottom up, and we can catch a lot of fish."

   Bai Erlang said: "Every year, their family catches the most fish. Even if I ask my servants to go down with them, I can't fight as many fish as hers."

  Man Bao proudly said: "That's natural. My brothers are all good at net fish."

  Changyu: "But there are no fish in this river. Didn't you say that there are no fish?"

  Mindala gave her a smile and said, "It will be there in a while."

   does come in a while.

  In a short while, they saw a big fish bouncing and rolling down along the water, flicking its tail.

Changyu was dumbfounded, Wei Yu was also stunned, but everyone else's eyes lit up. Man Bao took off his shoes as soon as he stepped on each other. He picked up his skirt and was about to go into the water. Bai Shan grabbed him, "Your body is not Okay, don't catch the cold, I'll go."

  This water can be very cold.

  Bai Shan took off his shoes and socks, tucked up his robe, took the fish basket and went into the water, and Bai Erlang followed excitedly.

  Wei Yu was also eager to try, and quietly glanced up, seeing that he was far enough away, and there were trees in the middle, and they couldn't see each other very clearly, so he also took off his shoes and socks and went down into the river.

  This is a small stream going down. It is not deep. The bottom is mostly rocks and sand, and there is very little dirt.

  So stepping in is not dirty.

  The big fish that was running down the water was stuck in a big rock, and was accumulating power in the spray to jump out.

Bai Shan stood there and didn't move, intending to wait for it to come down before catching it, but Bai Erlang couldn't wait, so he walked over cautiously and saw it struggling in the water nest behind the big rock, so he reached out and grabbed the slippery big fish. It came into his hands in one fell swoop.

  He couldn’t help but yelled in excitement, "I caught—"

   was luring the emperor who was trapped in the big water nest on it. Hearing this, he got up and looked down. The stream was curved down, and a few trees blocked them.

  But the emperor still saw Bai Erlang standing in the river.

   Bai Erlang laughed frantically, Man Bao couldn't see it, Yin Or leaned over and picked up a stone for her.

Man Bao took it, aimed at the water nest next to him and smashed it over. The water splashed and pounced on him. He couldn't help closing his eyes. The movements of his hands were not so standard, so the fish flicked its tail. He jumped out of his hand and landed directly in the stream, wagging his tail and puffing down the water...

  Man Bao pointed at it and shouted: "Bai Shan, grab it, grab it, grab it..."

The traces of its swimming were not affected by Zhou Man, so it slammed into Wei Yu’s arms, but Wei Yu caught a fish for the first time in his life, and was a little unskilled. After catching it, he slipped out of the palm of his hand. It slipped smoothly between his legs, flung a beautiful tail in everyone's eyes, and disappeared in everyone's eyes along the water.

  Changyu couldn't help screaming "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

  Wei Yu: "Too slippery..."

  Bai Shan taught him, “As soon as you catch it, throw it ashore, don’t worry, there will definitely be more.”

   "Yes, come down, come down, two more!"

   "Hurry up and grab it!"

  Mingda three women immediately ran to the water and stared at them excitedly. Even Yin or stood by the water, wishing to go down in person, but Changshou kept pulling his sleeves tightly to prevent him from going down.

  Yin may also know his body, but it is nothing more than a heartbeat.

  Shiajiro stood on the top. He grabbed one first. This time he was surprised. After grabbing it, he held it directly. After walking two steps, he threw it to the shore when it was about to slip off...

   "Wow, I caught it..."

  "Bai Shan has also got one online, my God, another one..."

  The upper reaches of the emperor who still got nothing:...

See you tomorrow

     was discharged from the hospital today, so working hard tomorrow should be able to start adding changes



  (End of this chapter)

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