Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2674: come

  Chapter 2674 Come on

  The princess ate the grapes on the plate, wiped her hands, and then asked, "Say, what can I do?"

  Mingda: "Can't you come to my sister-in-law if you are fine?"

  "Farewell, you one, two or three are all the masters of the Three Treasures Palace. Now there are so many interesting people and things outside. Will you come to me specially?"

  Mingda and Man Bao Changyu looked at each other, they had no choice but to tell the truth.

  When I heard that it was related to the emperor’s personal conquest, the princess couldn’t help but solemnly said, “It’s not very difficult.”

  So the group moved to the garden of Wude Hall.

  At this time, the palace banquet has not yet opened, but the sun is not so strong in the afternoon, so many people enjoy flowers in the garden.

  The princess held the hand of the maid, and led Mingda and the others slowly toward the most beautiful pavilion in the garden. There are now seats and couches in it, and many ladies are talking there.

   Seeing the princess and the two princesses, she immediately got up and saluted, and then gave up her seat.

  The princess sat down and smiled and asked, "What are the ladies talking about?"

   "Tell me some fashionable clothes this year."

   "Oh?" The princess smiled and said, "I think the fashionable pan flowers in the south of the Yangtze River this year are very beautiful. If you can weave and print the peony on it, it will be magnificent."

"Yes, it's just too complicated. A weaver woman may not be able to weave a horse in two years. I have only seen so many in the capital now. It took many weavers to work together. It took a year. It was woven."

   Changyu heard it and was very interested, "It seems that there are a few horses in the tribute this year."

   "How many horses," the princess said with a smile: "There are only three horses in total. Your Majesty gave them all to the empress."

  It's just that the queen always advocates thrift, so she doesn't use it at all, and she doesn't use it for her daughters.

The princess touched her belly, because she was pregnant, so she rewarded her with one horse. The remaining two horses have been kept in the storeroom. According to the queen, one of them is to be sent to the prefect of Wei. The other horse doesn't know who is going to be cheaper.

  This kind of good thing, when the queen generally does not allow the royals to use it, it is basically a reward for meritorious officials.

  Especially after King Gong “falls out of favor”, if in the past, King Gong held his arms and cried before the emperor gave him to the queen, the emperor would have rewarded him all.

  I love Ling Zhiyun so much.

Man Bao listened to them talking about fabrics, from the weaving process to embroidery, from Su embroidery to Shu embroidery, and also to the jewelry styles popular in Shu this year, and then to the Jiangnan side, and then returned to the local popular styles in Beijing... …

  Man Bao:……

   Her eyes are dizzy.

  Long, long time later, the topic finally touched on this personal campaign, Man Bao held his face in the sidelines to listen, and there was no enthusiasm.

  This is also one of the important reasons why the ladies in the pavilion are so pleased with the princess at this time.

  The emperor’s personal conquest, the prince supervises the country. After this time, the prince’s position will only be more stable. At present, they can no longer see who can compete with the prince.

If it was a few years ago when the prince had not given birth, these ladies were only polite to the prince, and they didn’t make mistakes. They didn’t even dare to sit with her for too long, for fear of family husbands, father and brothers, etc. Was labelled a princeling.

  There are not many worries now.

  Those who are present and who are closely related to the personal enlistment, except for the princess, are Zhou Man.

The topic of   Junguo is still a bit sensitive in the end, so although everyone pleases the prince, they still don’t want to continue on this topic for too long, so their eyes are on Zhou Man.

  None of those present are strangers. Who hasn’t seen Zhou Man with such an illness once or twice?

   So everyone pulled Zhou Man and asked enthusiastically: "I heard that Lord Zhou will personally follow Your Majesty this time?"

  Man Baodao: "This is what your Majesty and Xiao Yuanzheng mean."

  Everyone sighed and comforted her: "Master Zhou, you will definitely come back safely."

  "You should be safe with your Majesty, don’t worry."

  The princess and others who know the inside story well: ……She is not worried, obviously she asked to go.

"It's no wonder that you are worried about Master Zhou. The aunts are also very worried about your uncle in front of your mother," Chang Yu said, "Because of this, my aunt still has to pay one hundred thousand dollars. Praying, in fact, where is the blessing for the Eastern Crusade army, obviously it is for the uncle."

  Mingda smiled and said: "This kind of thing would rather be trusted than it is. The mother is so wise and rational, and because we worry about the father and the emperor, let us go to the palace to pray overnight?"

  The lady in the pavilion quickly asked: "How to pray?"

   "Did you invite the goddess, or the Buddha?"

   "Should you worship Guan Gong? Whether it is Taoism or Buddhism, he doesn't care about fighting, right?"

  Man Bao: "Where can I manage this when I pray for blessings. Naturally, I am a **** of the 72nd Road, and I have worshipped all the way."

  Ladies: "...that is also reasonable."

  Some wife hesitated to suggest: "Otherwise, we should also pool some money to do a memorial service for the Eastern Crusade?"

  Why don’t you fall behind in this way, otherwise Mrs. Zhao Guogong will do it, and the queen will do it too, so it seems too different for them not to do it?

  Man Bao:……

  Even Mingda was shocked. How could this have anything to do with the practice?

  Man Bao couldn’t help but said, “You really want to worship gods?”

  Ladies: "Didn’t Master Zhou say that there is a way of worshipping a god?"

"Then you might as well worship me," Man Bao sat upright, straightened his official robes, sat cross-legged on the seat, and said solemnly: "Worship the gods, you don't know if they have blessed the Eastern Crusade, whether It has fulfilled your wishes, but thanks to me, you must know that I have tried my best to save and protect the Eastern Crusade, and I can count how many people have survived, how?"

The husbands were taken aback, and then laughed out loud. A lady sitting on the top of Zhou Man directly stretched out her hand and squeezed her face, and smiled: "Master Zhou, if I didn't know you as a human being, I would have thought you were here. Asked for bribes."

  Man Bao: I’m just asking for bribes. Don’t think it’s true. Give me more money.

  The princess smiled and said: "I think Lord Zhou is right. It is better to worship the gods than to worship her, but you can't take our money for nothing."

She smiled and said: "Our money must be spent on the Eastern Expeditionary Army. This is the merit. In this way, the palace will donate some incense money to you, but you have to buy medicinal materials and cloth for the incense money. When I have something that can heal and save people, I will write it down and see how many people I have saved with this money and how much merit I have accumulated."

  She touched her belly and smiled, and said, “Just treat this child as praying for blessings, and turn around and remember the merits as her name.”

  Man Bao asked: "Did you give her a name?"

  Princess: "Take it, I will tell you quietly when I look back."

When other people heard it, they thought about it. A lady who is not short of money first said: "If this is the case, I will also pay respects and donate a sum of merit to my kid. I don’t ask for much. I just hope that he will be able to do so in the coming year. Just grow up and study honestly."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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