Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2675: Stare

  Chapter 2675 Staring

  Mingda and Changyu were stunned, they didn't discuss this way at first.

  This is all right?

  It’s really okay. They can still get dozens of them. They don’t have to discuss with the husband in the family, and the wife can make up their own minds.

  However, the Shanghuguo Temple donated sesame oil money and Xuandu Temple practice, at most twenty taels at a time.

  Many people just raise a little bit higher according to this standard.

  A lot less than Mrs. Zhao Guogong and the others donated, but there are too many people, and the accumulation of less will make more...

  Man Bao couldn't help but straightened up. He looked at the number recorded by the female officer, his heart beating.

  But it's not over yet.

  It's almost time, a court lady came to invite the princess and everyone to the table.

  Everyone got up and went to the hall.

  There is a piece of land in the middle of the main hall, surrounded by low tables and low seats. Two people sit together, and there is a second seat behind them, usually for family members.

  Man Bao entered the hall and remembered that she had lost both of her family members, so she couldn't help but look around.

  Mingda said to her: "Just take the table directly, they are here, and their own palace people will bring them over."

  Man Bao thought about it, so he went to find his place.

  She is a fourth-rank editor, and she is in the middle and upper ranks. She skipped the first few rows and looked back. She didn't need to look for it. A servant immediately bent forward and led her to sit down.

  Man Bao lifted his official robe and sat down cross-legged, exhaling, noticing a person sitting on his left hand side, he turned his head to look.

  Liu Shangshu sat down and saw that it was Zhou Man. After thinking about it, he just got up and sat in a position. Seeing that the lady was drawn by the court lady, he immediately waved, pointed to the position where he was sitting and said, "Madam, sit down."

  Mrs. Liu Shangshu smiled at him. She saw Zhou Man in a blink of an eye, her eyes were bright, and she immediately stepped forward and smiled: “It’s my aunt in the main hall.

  Man Bao responded, "I just ran into Liu Huan, and I don’t know where to go to play."

   "Well, kid, always be naughty." Mrs. Liu Shangshu laughed.

  She sat down under Liu Shangshu, just next to Zhou Man.

  Man Baozheng felt strange, why did Liu Shangshu think about sitting down? As soon as he looked up, he saw Su Guogong sitting on his other side.

  Man Bao instantly retracted his gaze. I heard that Liu Shangshu and Su Guogong had a very bad relationship. Once there was a fight upwards. When Su Guogong kicked someone, his boots flew out and hit Liu Shangshu's face directly.

  That incident made Liu Shangshu laughed at for several years.

Man Baoneng heard about this because it was still a joke until now. Occasionally, the quarrel at the court meeting was too intense. When courtiers couldn’t help attacking each other personally, as long as the subject had Liu Shangshu, Liu Shangshu would be killed. People made a veil of teasing.

  Not very harmful, but very insulting.

  Su Guogong obviously knew this too. In fact, it was not a good thing for him, so after thinking about it, he turned his head and looked to the other side, not intending to meet Liu Shangshu's gaze.

  Liu Shangshu:……

   was furious, but he had to keep his smiling face.

  Man Bao looked back, Bai Shan and the others just came in, and she waved at them.

  Bai Shan led the person forward and asked her, "I can't find you, have you gone to the garden?"

  Man Bao nodded: "I am playing with Mingda and the others, why don't you find me in the garden?"

  There are all female family members in there, so they won't go.

  Bai Shan swept his eyes, pointed to a location and said to Yin, "Master Yin is over there."

   Yin or nodded at them, and went up to look for his father.

  Bai Shan and his colleagues on the left and right saluted, and then sat under Zhou Man, and Zhou Liru sat on the seat behind them.

   Liu Huan also sat behind his grandparents with joy, and leaned over to talk to her quietly, “The position in the palace is good this time, I thought we would be a few tables away.”

  Mrs. Liu Shangshu looked at them with a smile, Zhou Liru's face turned red, and he bowed to Liu Shangshu and his wife before sitting down.

  Mrs. Liu Shangshu was very happy, and she took Zhou Liru to talk for a while.

  Master Tang and his wife came forward and sat down under Bai Shan.

   Seeing him, Zhou Man and the others were stunned, and all turned to look at him.

  Master Tang sat down and turned his head to meet their gazes, squinted slightly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Man Bao asked: "Brother Tang Xue, why are you sitting here?"

  She pointed to the opposite side and said, “Why don’t you sit with Mr Tang?”

  Master Tang proudly raised his chin and said, "I have a seat myself, so why do I have to sit in the second seat?"

   So, he is now Jing Zhao Shaoyin, a fourth-grade official, and he is eligible to participate in the palace banquet. Why should he come in depending on his father?

that is……

  Man Bao looked at Mr. Tang diagonally across from him. He sat halfway alone and the other half was empty, looking a little pitiful.

  Master Tang also looked at the opposite side, wondering, "Strange, Master Yin and my father were sitting together in previous years. Where is Master Yin?"

  Bai Shandao: "Master Yin has family members this year, on it."

  Lord Tang saw Yin or attending the palace banquet for an unprecedented time, and even the old lady Yin, who rarely came into the palace, came.

Mrs. Tang raised her eyebrows slightly, turned her head and said to Zhou Man, "Speaking of which, Yin Or's body is indeed much better. First, go to the Western Regions. He can come back safely from so far away. This time it is not a big problem to have you follow to the Eastern Expedition. ?"

  Man Baodao: "Yin may not go."

   "Yin may not go, but Master Yin is going, and this time, His Majesty brought a lot of important officials to the central government, and each of them is very precious."

  Especially his immediate boss, Mr. Yin. At present, Mr. Tang is very happy to do it under his hands, and he has no plans to change his boss for the time being.

  Yin Li masters the security and politics of Jingzhao Mansion, as well as the imperial army. Generally speaking, unless he changes the emperor or commits an unforgivable crime by his own death, his career will be almost lifelong.

   Master Tang and Man Baodao: "You protect us, Master Yin."

  After all, there is no eye on the battlefield.

  Man Bao nodded, "I will." If there is a chance.

Before the emperor came, the officials exchanged some political views, and the wives also exchanged gossip, so the rumors of "worship the week, donate military resources, and gain merit" quickly became the most honorable person in this great promotion. It spread from the palace banquet.

  Man Bao felt that someone was watching her all the time and kept focusing on her.

  Man Bao took a sip of the tea and asked Keke, "Is anyone talking bad about me?"

  Keke: "...Does the host need to spend points to listen to it?"

  "Can’t it be free?"

  Keke: "No."

   "Oh, that's not a bad thing, at least it doesn't do me much harm." Otherwise, if it is critical, it will be announced actively without the use of integral science.


  Bai Shan also noticed it, and asked her in a low voice, “Did you quarrel with someone in the garden?”

  Otherwise, why are so many ladies staring at them quietly?

   See you at seven in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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