Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2676: Elite species

   Chapter 2676

  Is she that kind of person?

  Man Bao said every word: "We obviously talked very happily!"

   was talking, the emperor and the empress arrived, everyone in the hall got up and stood up, and saluted hello after the empress came out.

  The emperor smiled and waved his hand and said, "All the princes are flat. On this festive season, I will have fun with all the princes and the people."

  The Mid-Autumn Festival Palace Banquet was not held every year. It was the filial piety period of the Queen Mother. The emperor did not even hold a New Year’s Eve palace banquet, so naturally he would not go to the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet.

   Later, all kinds of things were busy, and the emperor rarely held palace banquets after the filial piety period. In the event that this year there are still various vassal countries coming to give gifts, this time the palace banquet can be regarded as the biggest one.

  The emperor smiled and asked everyone to get up and sit down. After giving a festive blessing, the emperor said: "Please come up from the envoys of the vassal kingdoms."

  The envoys of the various domains had been waiting in the side halls. Across a high wall, they vaguely heard the sound from the Wude Hall, but they were not true.

  Many envoys here are not here for the first time, so they are quite familiar with the process. Knowing that the emperor has not yet come out, the voices they hear are mostly the laughter of the ministers and officials who came in early.

  When they heard the three-call long live voice over there, they knew that the palace banquet had officially started, and then they got up to tidy up the clothes and the gifts they brought.

  Sure enough, in a short while, a servant came over and invited them over, and the emperor wanted to summon them.

  This time the emperor most valued the envoys from Tubo.

  In the past two years, the relationship between Dajin and Tubo has been pretty good. There have been no major conflicts. Small ones. That kind of small troubles can basically be regarded as conflicts between local people, and it is not worth discussing in the court.

  Calculating, the king of Tubo is still the emperor’s cheap son-in-law.

  The princess who was married to Tubo was a little girl selected by the emperor from the clan and was sent off after the princess was sealed. They were named father-in-law and son-in-law.

  The emperor hoped that the relationship between the two countries could continue to be harmonious, especially now when he was going to use troops against Goguryeo, he didn't like it after the expedition, Tubo attacked him with something, it would be too bad.

  As for the other vassal states, the emperor just kept his attitude unchanged. If you are honest, I will be amiable; if you are naughty, I can't help but raise the stick in my hand.

  Fortunately, at present, apart from Goguryeo, Silla and Baekje, which were unable to arrive due to various reasons, the other vassal states are fairly honest.

  The emperor skipped Goguryeo at the palace banquet and rewarded all the vassal countries, especially Tubo. The emperor specifically mentioned his cheap daughter, let the King of Tubo treat his princess well, and rewarded a lot of silk and porcelain.

   Tubo’s messenger immediately said: "The princess hopes that the Khan will be rewarded with some good seeds, planted near the palace, and perhaps can eat the food in her hometown."

  When the princess was married, she brought a lot of fine seeds, but this is a good thing. If Tubo can be made more of the Central Plains, in the future, Tubo's ownership and feelings for the Central Plains will only be deeper, so the emperor generously agreed.

Directly ask Shaoqing of Sinong Temple to prepare some good seeds for the Tubo mission. Some grain, wheat, and bean seeds, some of which are used as seeds, don’t need too much, just a small bag. Enough, mainly because there are more types.

When Man Bao heard that she was asking for seeds, she immediately remembered the rice seeds she was still experimenting with. For several years, the dozen acres of experimental fields for Big Brother and Datouzhang could not stabilize. After the second year, it still fell apart.

  She has discussed with Dr. D more than once. Dr. D believes that the environment of the two places is too different, and the types of primitive valleys she has are still too few.

  She first glanced at Bai Shan, who happened to be looking at her too, apparently thinking of the experimental field in Pu Village, which was always in a state of flux.

  Man Bao straightened up and said: "Your Majesty, the minister has heard of the high cold in Tubo, and there are many varieties on it that are different from ours. I wonder if the Tubo envoys can also give us some?"

When the Tibetan envoy heard this, he thought this woman was unwilling to give it, and saw the official gown she wore, and was a little unhappy, "Tian Khan didn’t even say whether to give it, who are you, you even separated the princess and the father of Tian Khan. Female affection?"

Man Bao knew he had misunderstood as soon as he heard it, and quickly wanted to explain. Bai Shan reached out and held her hand, raised his head and smiled at the Tubo messenger: "The messenger misunderstood. Master Zhou really thinks that Tubo is rich in resources. Beautiful things, that's why I want to ask for one or two good breeds. There is no other meaning."

  The Tubo messenger said angrily: "Then you say what kind of good breeds do we have in Tubo?"

  Because they have few things, they ask for good seeds. The king and princess have asked them before they come. Other rewards, such as gold, silver, jewelry, porcelain and other luxury items are not required, but you must ask for more good seeds.

  I heard that they have gotten a wheat seed in the big promotion these years, and the yield per mu is good, much better than the princess brought to Tubo before, so they want that thing.

  Bai Shan said: "Cereal or wheat seeds are fine."

The Tubo envoy became even more unhappy when he heard him say this. He directly complained to the emperor: "Tian Khan, do you see if your officials are embarrassing us? Who doesn't know that the bitter cold of Tubo is not good for growing crops. We are three mu. The millet that grows out of the ground is not as much as your one mu of land. How can it be considered a good seed?"

  He said: “It’s because we don’t have one, so I begged Tian Khan. If Tian Khan is unwilling, then just tell us directly, we don’t want it.”

  The emperor frowned slightly. Although Bai Shan and Zhou Man's words were a bit wrong, they were his courtiers. The Tubo envoys were so stubbornly entangled that they would not give him and Dajin's face.

Bai Shan laughed and said, "The envoys are too self-effacing. The yield per mu of good varieties of Tubo may not be as high as ours, but as long as it is a seed, it must have its advantages. For example, Tubo has high cold and drought. , Drought resistance, this is its superiority, as long as it has superiority, how can it not be a good breed?"

Man Bao nodded again and again, seeing Bai Shan no longer stopping her, and quietly winking at her, and nodding lightly on the back of her hand with her finger, she suddenly blessed her soul, and then said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the eldest brother of the minister. He and his eldest nephew set up more than ten acres of land in the minister’s office as an experimental field. They tried to plant rice seeds from all over the country, trying to find the best seed. After several years, the situation is full, and I have been looking for it. If there is no better seed, the minister thought, maybe there are too few kinds of seeds, maybe we can try the seeds on the plateau."

  She glanced at the envoy of Tubo and said with a smile: “It was also when the envoy asked for a good seed, the minister remembered. Perhaps planting the grain seeds on the plateau with the seeds from other regions will have unexpected results.”

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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