Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2678: Please

   Chapter 2678

  Cui Xiaomao thought for a long time, and finally bowed to Zhou Man before saying, "Thank you, Master Zhou for your advice."

  Bai Shan came up when she saw her leaving, without asking her what she was looking for, he took Man Bao’s hand and said, "Go, let's enjoy the moon."

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival in the palace is also to eat, drink, and admire the moon.

  It's just that there are more people in the palace. After admiring the moon, the two went back to the hall holding hands and let go before entering the door.

  The emperor is still enjoying singing, dancing, eating and drinking with everyone.

  A court lady sent moon cakes made in the palace, one at a table and one from the boss. Fortunately, they were cut into small pieces.

  Man Bao took a piece and thought that the ingredients in the palace were good. Although the other dishes were cold and not tasty, the moon cakes were still very good.

  Bai Shan also feels good.

  The dishes in the palace banquet are mostly cold. Although some grilled dishes and soups are also good, most of them are not as good as when they are warm at home.

  So the two of them didn't have much food.

  However, most of their meals are still eaten.

  No way, both of them are growing, and they can really eat.

  This makes many people envious, such as Liu Shangshu and Tang Master sitting on the side.

  Master Tang couldn't help it, turned his head and said to Bai Shan: "I don't know if you have heard a rumor."

  Bai Shan: "What rumor?"

   "Worship to the full week, donate military resources, and gain merit," Mr. Tang said with a twitch of his mouth: "Someone in the palace said that after gaining merit, you can get what you want."

  Bai Shan:...

  He turned his head to look at Zhou Man.

  Man Bao also heard it, and hurriedly said: "The prince and the two princesses were also there at the time. They can testify to me. These are all hurried words, and this is a summary..."

   is also a bit deviated from reality.

  Master Tang reminded: "It's spread all over the palace, and when the palace banquet is over, you should go and apologize to your Majesty."

  Man Baodi pulled his head and said, "I see."

  Why is she begging to sin again?

The   gong banquet lasted until late at night. Everyone enjoyed enough singing and dancing, and they all had enough food and drink. After contacting the feelings, an internal officer reminded the almost drunk emperor that it was not early.

   So the emperor led everyone out and looked up at the moon, and after another half an hour, they dispersed.

  Man Bao has been waiting, and when everyone is gone, he will chase the emperor with Bai Shan, intending to admit a mistake before the matter is fermented.

The Emperor    was already half drunk, and the Yu Nun was stopped when he was halfway there. He raised the hanging curtain and looked out. Although there were a lot of lanterns on the road, he still couldn't see the figure clearly.

  Gu Zhong hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it's Lord Zhou and Lord Bai. They said they're here to plead."

When the emperor heard this, he couldn't help but slapped a drink, and asked, "What crime, please?"

   Regarding the rumors in the palace tonight, the emperor Gu Zhong’s eyes and ears had naturally heard of it, so he smiled and said, “I’m afraid that the words accidentally caused the trouble, so I am here to plead specially.”

  The emperor knew it was not a big deal when he heard it. If it was a big deal, the palace banquet would cause trouble. Since it didn’t happen, there was no need to pursue it. But when did the two children become so courageous, they came to plead specially?

  However, he was a little dizzy at the moment and didn't want to talk to them, so he waved his hand: "Since it's just a careless speech, then forget it. They know what they are wrong. Let them go back to rest."

  Gu Zhong responded with a smile and went to deliver the decree.

  Man Bao did not expect that the face-loving emperor would forgive her so easily, and repeatedly confirmed, "Your Majesty really said that we are not to blame?"

  Gu Zhong did not respond, but just repeated the emperor's words.

  Man Bao always felt that this was not very certain, but at this time the night was too deep and the emperor was drunk. It was indeed not a time to entangle people, otherwise it would make people angry instead of worth the loss.

  Bai Shan thought so too, so he pulled Man Bao’s sleeve, and the two of them bowed together and walked aside to send the emperor away.

  Waiting for the emperor to pass by, the two of them also said loudly: "Thank you for forgiveness."

  The emperor waved his hand indifferently.

   So Man Bao and Bai Shan ran away.

The next day is still a day off. The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is three days, but this time is special. Early in the morning, someone from the Taiyuan Hospital came to notify Zhou Man and told her to go back to work overtime. All kinds of medical supplies.

  Bai Shan was not notified, but he still went back obediently and worked overtime by himself.

When    entered the palace, the other five middle school scholars were already there. Obviously, everyone was very hardworking.

  So, there was a big news in the capital that was still in the mid-autumn festival during the bustling period, and the emperor was going to go to Goguryeo himself!

  The official document was directly posted on the public notice wall in front of Jingzhao Mansion, as well as outside the city gates. People who enter or leave the capital can see it as soon as they look up.

  Before the public notice came, Hongyou Temple sent troops to directly detain all the Goguryeo missions living in the inn, and none of them were released.

  Well, except for the two people who just left yesterday.

  At this time, the two came back quickly and presented a letter to Yin Li.

Yin Li carefully opened the letter, scanned the ten lines at a glance, raised his eyebrows slightly, and did not replace the letter after thinking about it. They noticed it."

   "Yes, they are caught up now, their speed is much slower, and the subordinates can catch up in one day. Sir, don't the letters change?"

Yin Li shook his head, "It was better not to change it. Since Thaksin's letter has already revealed that Dajin wants to negotiate, there is no need to change it. Send it back. There is no need to stop the road behind. Let them go back quickly. Goguryeo."

  At this time, Zhao Guogong had just sent an official document to Yingzhou Governor through the Ministry of War, “Let Yingzhou Governor accept the troops, and say that the court is going to negotiate with Goguryeo and let him stop fighting for the time being.”

  But at the same time, all ministries are making preparations for the imperial conquest.

Gaoyou and his party were taken care of directly. They were fools and realized that there was a difference, so they kept clamoring for trouble. As a result, Hongyou Temple didn't persuade them at all, and it separated them from Goguryeo's guards. The trouble was about to be locked up. Go in prison.

  Gao You shouted angrily: "If the two countries are fighting, why are you arresting me?"

"Prince Gao, rest assured that we will not kill the envoys. We still know this etiquette, but in order to prevent you from colluding with Goguryeo and doing something harmful to the great Jin Dynasty, you need to live here temporarily. Don't worry, we will treat you Send it back to Goguryeo."

  Repatriation is also sent back. Gaoyou and his party will go with the personally conquered army.

  Gao Youji wants to vomit blood.

The emperor was also about to vomit blood. Although it was a day off, he still summoned many ministers to hold small court meetings. As a result, after discussing important matters, the emperor expressed to the emperor that they would make small contributions to the military resources of the Eastern Expedition. Knowing that the treasury is not rich now, and the emperor is not rich in his hands, we can all understand.

  But you can't use ghosts and gods to cheat officials and other family members' money, don't you?

  This is a very bad behavior, Zi has even said it, not talking strangely...

   See you at seven in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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