Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2679: Yujia Departure

   Chapter 2679

  The emperor is a person with good face, especially this is not only his face, but also the face of the country.

Although the national treasury is not rich, it still does not need to oppress the ministers and workers to donate money. This is something that the last emperor of the previous dynasty did when he was desperate.

  Of course, the last emperor did not reach out to ask the ministers to donate money, but directly raised his hand to let people copy the homes of the ministers and grab the money directly.

  But no matter what kind, this is a shame and embarrassment of the court.

  This step has come out, is the next step to be sold by officials?

  This is the state of subjugation. The emperor returned to the harem angrily. After pouring himself two cups of tea, he asked the queen, "The princess and the officials asked for money yesterday?"

  The queen smiled and said: "It's the concubine and they want it."

  Emperor: "...Queen, don't take responsibility for them."

  The queen shook her head and said: "It's really a concubine who spoke."

She sighed: "It's my concubine who has not considered it well. I also know that this matter will damage the country's majesty, but the lives of the soldiers are also important. There are disasters everywhere this year. Your Majesty is unwilling to increase taxes and reduced taxes in some areas. The treasury is indeed not abundant, and my concubine heard that the Ministry of Household was only willing to allocate 5 million yuan to the Imperial Medical Office."

  She said: "Not counting the expenses of your majesty and the ministers for the medicinal materials, it means that they are all divided equally. Calculated by the number of soldiers sent by your majesty now, one person will also be allocated forty liters of medicine money."

  The queen said: "A bottle of golden sore medicine is more than this price, not to mention other hemostatic and blood-replenishing medicinal materials."

   "Did Zhou Man tell you?" It was 40 cents per person. If Zhou Man hadn't said it, he wouldn't believe that the queen would know if he was killed.

  The queen did not deny, she sighed, and stretched out to hold the emperor’s hand, “Your Majesty, this matter is not a big deal, but it is also that the officials are kind and want to ask for merit, which is not a shame to the court.”

  The emperor could not help but hum and said: "You are thinking too simple, those ladies are short-sighted, but believe your words, but the princes in the court are not stupid, they just turned the corner and ridiculed me."

  The queen became unhappy, and retracted her hand on his paw, "Who said that the ladies are short-sighted?"

She said: "That's just the ladies who give us face. Your Majesty really thinks that they donate military resources to worship Zhou and fulfill their wishes? But accumulating merit is true. After all, this is kindness, and it can also show up before us. two."

  Even if the atmosphere was just right last night, and everyone believed it at the time, it should be sober after going out of the palace and sleeping all night.

  I dare not say everything, at least most people can figure out that the princess and Zhou Man’s move was to raise money for medicine, but today they are still willing to send money to the palace, which shows their attitude.

   Really treat them as fools, are they really going to pray to Zhou?

  The emperor rubbed his forehead, "But where is the Lord..."

   "Your Majesty, don't worry," the queen said quietly: "There are courtiers and concubines, they won't mention it again in the future."

  The emperor thought for a while, the money has been sent in, and it won’t look like it when returned, but it will be even more embarrassing, so he said: "Okay, but this kind of thing can't be repeated, it will not benefit the country."

   "The concubine knows that this time it was because the concubine was not thinking well, and it won't happen in the future."

The emperor sighed and rubbed his forehead.

  When the queen saw it, she got up and rubbed him, and asked softly: "When will your majesty leave?"

  "Qin Tianjian is counting the days. It has been announced to the world today. It should not be long. The soldiers are very fast. The soldiers and horses drawn from various places have already set off. They will reach Liaodong and Dengzhou in a few days."

  The emperor remembered something, and took her hand and asked curiously: "How much did they donate in total?"

  The queen smiled and said: "There is still someone at the gate of the palace giving money. I didn't count it for a while. I will tell you when the count comes out."

The emperor nodded.

  The effect of fundraising is more than what the Empress thought. I thought it would be about one or two million dollars. Who knew that so many people would send it.

  Some people originally meant that the lady in charge wanted to donate twenty taels. Who knows, the daughter-in-law underneath didn’t know whether it was to please the mother-in-law, or to please the empress or princess, so they gave generously.

  I dare not surpass the madam, but Dafang donated twelve taels, so I donated eight taels, and Sanfang followed by donating eight taels...

  The family may donate fifty or sixty taels.

  In addition to silver, some people directly took out an ingot of gold, and these gold and silver were directly converted into copper coins. In this calculation, the total amounted to more than 6 million yuan.

   is almost the same as the two donations they received two days ago.

   Zhou Man was called into the palace after he came out of the meeting at the Ministry of Households. When he came out, he had an additional account book in his hand, with a total of 13.28 million yuan.

  Man Bao directly turned to find Xiao Yuanzheng and the others in the Imperial Medical Office. They held another meeting on their own, avoiding the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households, and used the donation to buy a large amount of medicinal materials, linen, gauze, needles and thread.

  At the same time, the Taiyuan Medical Office suspended classes. All students participated in the preparation. Some of the medicinal materials bought back need to be processed, and then preserved, and then handed over to the Ministry of War and escorted by them;

  The linen and gauze bought back must also be cut according to the standard, and then collected in batches and transported to various places;

  There is also catgut, they need to make a large number of catgut, including blood transfusion devices, but also made a few more sets.

  All of these were done by the imperial physicians of the imperial hospital and the students of the imperial medical office. Zhou Liru was also urgently recalled and lived directly in the imperial medical office for overtime work.

  Man Bao is even more busy hitting the back of his head, basically never stopping.

  Bai Shan is also busy. Qintian Supervisor has calculated the time. August 21 is a good day, and the emperor will go to court on that day.

  He finally grabbed the spot for the enlistment, so there are many things to deal with. He also has to check the official documents posted by the post stations in various places to make sure that the communication in various places is smooth, and the information from all parts of Liaodong to the capital can be smooth.

  It can be said that everyone in Dajin is busy nowadays.

The people in Hongxu Temple are also busy. Some envoys of the feudal kingdom have to leave after attending the palace banquet, and they prepare gifts to give them away, while some envoys need to stay as far as possible and keep them for a month or two before offering them. Give away with a generous gift.

  For example, the envoy of Tubo.

  Liu Huan is also on the list of expeditions. He is the person stuffed in by the Ministry of Industry. He is mainly responsible for armament accounting and escort. He needs to cooperate with the Ministry of War.

   Bai Erlang also followed, but he would be called to the imperial academy and need to join the army, but the emperor's order, he asked him to accumulate some credit.

The emperor felt that with Bai Erlang's current state of messing around, it would be difficult to get promoted, so if you have a chance, let's take credit for it. Go back and stay in the Imperial Academy for a year or two to get a little higher, and then continue to stay in the Imperial Academy. In the courtyard, it’s fine not to lose the face of Mingda.

  Everything is ready. Early in the morning on August 21st, the emperor's imperial driver set off.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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