Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2697: Great Attack One

  Chapter 2697 Great Attack One

  Everyone carried Qihe Heli to the medical account with all hands and feet, Man Bao rubbed his arms and followed behind, so that his armor was stripped off and his clothes were cut, so that the injuries on his body could be seen.

  Li Si clutched his chest and followed behind, Man Bao said in an angry tone: "What are you doing here? Go and rest. If the wound is not good, I don't have much medicine here."

  Su Mu had already cut Qihe Heli's clothes quickly, Man Bao checked it and found that there was a hole on his left waist, but the condition of this hole was not very good at this time, and he was bleeding out.

   just an injury...

  Man Bao grabbed his hand and touched his pulse, his face changed slightly, “It’s because of loss of strength and excessive blood loss. Let people take the No. 2 medicine and bring a bowl of salt water.”

  She opened the needle bag, pinched the needle and gave him a needle. If she loses her strength, she will die suddenly.

  Man Bao put a needle, first protected his heart, and then took the salt water. She took a sip and spit it out, “I’ll get another bowl, it’s salt water, but you didn’t let you kill him.”

  Man Bao added a bowl of light salt water, let his soldiers feed him to drink, and then worked with Su Mu to deal with Qi Heli's waist injury.

  Fortunately, he had done a preliminary dressing and applied medicated powder, but the medicated powder with notoginseng powder was very precious. Otherwise, if he didn't come back for so long, he would rush back and forth, and he would definitely die.

  Manbao treats the wound cleanly, and after confirming that there is no problem, he sutures the wound and puts it on the bandage.

  Bleeding stopped, but the most important thing now is the problem of de-strength and excessive blood loss.

  Man Bao asked him to slowly feed him salt water, and when the medicine came, he gave him a bowl of medicine, and then used a needle to stimulate the medicine and protect his heart pulse.

  The needle went on, Zhou Man checked the time, and then turned around to deal with other injuries.

  A lot of soldiers returned from injuries like Qihe Heli. It should be said that most of the soldiers have wounds on their bodies.

  The medical account gets busy.

  Most of the injuries on their bodies were gunshot and knife wounds, and they should have been poked.

  Gunshot wounds have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the area is small, and there are few leftovers in the wound. The disadvantage is that the hole is not small. If the injury is in a bad position, even if it can come back, it will be difficult to save the blood.

Xue Bei and Li Si stood on the left and right sides of Qihe Heli, watching Zhou Man pick two seriously injured patients and then began to pick up people’s clothes for needles. Some wounds got in because of dirt, so she used a knife. Go in with the tweezers to clamp things out, poke the medicine inside and poke the medicine, even the two of them who are accustomed to life and death and mutilated limbs can't help being shuddered.

   Zhouman didn’t change the color of his face. After the treatment, he used a needle to sew the flesh, but he still didn’t sew the whole thing. He said that he wanted to leave a hole to see the situation.

   Xue Bei swallowed and couldn't help touching his body.

  Li Si turned his head to look over, and asked: "Are you injured too?"

  Xue Bei immediately shook his head, "No, I didn't feel the pain."

  He was also scared, so he touched it.

Qihe Heli didn't wake up until noon the next day. He opened his eyes and saw Zhou Man.

  Man Bao is giving him a needle, and smiles when he wakes up, "The general is awake?"

  Qi He Li subconsciously touched his waist, and was slapped away by Zhou Man, "The general had better not touch it, your hands are not very clean."

Qihe Heli withdrew his hand, looked around and asked, "Is there any enemy besieged the city?"


Qi Fei He Li breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Call Xue Bei."

  Man Bao shouted out, "The general is awake, call General Xue to come!"

  Man Bao continued to put a needle on him, Qi Yue Heli felt a little pain, so he asked: "Why the needle?"

"Because you lost your strength, you almost died," she said: "Excessive blood loss has a big impact on the viscera The difference between not sticking is the difference between your long life and short life. Do you want to stick?"

  Is this nonsense, who can live a long life and who wants to live a short life?

  He Lidao: "Zha."

  Man Bao will continue to tie.

  Xue Bei came over quickly, and He Li lay down and talked to him, "Where are the reinforcements of Goguryeo now?"

  "They withdrew eighty miles away. They have been on guard. They didn't come back, but they didn't retreat."

Qizhe Heli coldly snorted: "Boss, they will definitely not dare to commit the crime again within three days. They knew they would be injured."


   "How is your Majesty over there?"

   Xue Bei said: "Goguryeo invited Moo to send troops. There are a total of 150,000 reinforcements. I don't know what happened."

  That's not going to help them.

  Agree with Heli's meditation, the two sides must first take care of one side, or the two sides must join forces. This separation is not good for them, mainly because he is injured and Li Si is also injured.

Qi Fei He Li felt the injury on his waist and asked Zhou Man, "Can I play in three days?"

  Man Bao: "...Of course not."

  He Li asked: "Will I die if I have to play?"

Man Bao tangled up and said: "If you don't add new injuries, it will depend on how well the wounds open and heal. If you play in three days, your wounds will surely open, and it may be difficult to heal again. If the wounds get worse... "

   "Then you can go to war." He interrupted Zhou Man's words, and said to Xue Bei: "You disturb the enemy first in these three days, and we will destroy them in one fell swoop after three days."

  Man Bao stopped talking.

   Quietly pierce the needle and then exit.

  Su Ye saw the worry on her face, and said: "Teacher, don't worry, the general knows his body well, and it will be fine if you think about it."

  Man Bao shook his head, “I’m not worried about him. I’m worried about Bai Shan and the others. They can’t spare a hand to support this side. I want to come and fight more intensely than ours, and I don’t know how they are doing.”

  Su Ye:...

  Bai Shan is following the emperor on the battlefield. Yes, he is also on the battlefield. No, the key is not this. The key is that the emperor is also on the battlefield.

  The emperor personally went up to the northern part of the gorge, and looked down at it condescendingly.

  Bai Shan followed the emperor with a long sword on his back. The emperor stood on a high place and looked down. He turned to see him and asked, "Are you afraid of going to the battlefield for the first time?"

  Bai Shan thought for a while and shook his head, "Your Majesty, this is not the first time a minister has been on the battlefield."

  The emperor smiled and said: "A frontal charge is not the same as if you lure you to open the city gate."

  The emperor looked at him up and down, then pointed to Yin Li and said, "In a moment, you and Master Yin will go to kill the enemy, how come my humerus minister also wants to be a literary and military talent."

  Bai Shan: …He thinks it is enough for him to have writing, but he did not refuse, but bowed and responded with a yes.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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