Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2698: Great Attack II

  Chapter 2698 Great Attack Two

   Yin Li saw the dust rising, his gaze sharpened, "Your Majesty, General Ashina has drawn the enemy out."

  The emperor immediately took a step forward and took a look at the dusty place. He clenched his fist and said, "Wait a little longer."

The emperor asked Ashina to take a thousand cavalry to lure the enemy, but he also arranged two cavalry to ambush, one is Zhao Guogong with 15,000 soldiers and horses to ambush in Xiling, and the other is Niu Cashi with 11,000. Soldiers and horses lie in ambush in the north of the mountain.

Ashina led a thousand cavalry troops into the gorge. Niu Cishi, who was ambushing on the northern side of the mountain, saw them entering the urn, and immediately led people out. The emperor standing on the mountain saw the dust flying, and he knew that Niu Cishi had started. NS.

   Immediately sounded the drums of war, people wave the flag, let Zhao Guogong rush in with his soldiers and horses, and encircle the enemy.

Yanshou heard the drums, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the Emperor of Jin standing on the top of the mountain. His heart was excited, and he immediately made people form a battle to meet the enemy. The sword pointed at him and said: "Emperor, that is the emperor of Jin. Any warrior who can win him will reward Qian Huhou!"

  The army clamored, and someone immediately rushed towards Beishan.

   Ashina turned around to kill, and the soldiers and horses rushing in by Niu Cashi Shi stopped most of them in an instant.

  Some others rushed out. Yin Li saw that there were a thousand people left to guard the emperor. He rushed down with three thousand soldiers and horses.

  Bai Shan glanced at the emperor, followed closely behind.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the emperor could clearly see the battle situation below. He commanded directly in semaphore. Generals such as Zhao Guogong and Niu Cishi changed their formations according to the semaphore, strangling enemy troops that entered the valley, and continuously introducing more enemy troops. .

   Yin Li led three thousand cavalry soldiers from the mountain and ran into the enemy army.

Bai Shan, who fell behind him, looked away with some discomfort, and drew out his sword to enter the army. He used a sword, which was much gentler than Yin Li. It only wiped the neck and piercing position, absolutely not like Yin Li. Such a knife cut the person in half.

  Daji is regarded as Bai Shan's personal soldier, and has been closely behind him, slashing people while protecting him and rushing forward.

  Three thousand people will soon kill all the enemies who have rushed out of the battle.

   Yin Li raised his hand to retreat, all the soldiers and horses lined up behind him in an orderly manner, looking at the battlefield in the canyon with scorn.

  They will not join in. Their task is to protect the emperor and not let a single soldier go up the mountain.

  The Goguryeo soldiers kept trying to rush over, most of them couldn't rush over, and some others rushed over, and then they were slashed by the three thousand imperial troops.

  After fighting for a long time, Yan Shou found that they were constantly losing people, and they were completely surrounded and killed by the Jin army. Their complexion changed greatly, and they were shocked and frightened. They could only retreat, but there were also Jin army behind.

  "The General——"

   Yanshou gritted his teeth and said: "Retreat to the mountain, defend along the mountain, quickly—"

  But they had too many people, and when they finally occupied a mountain on the side and relied on the mountain, they lost more than 20,000 people.

  Yan Shou was distressed, but there was even more distressing, Zhao Guogong rushed out with people, and directly killed the people they were going to build the checkpoint along the road, cutting off their back.

  In this way, although they occupied a mountain and temporarily defended it, they were also surrounded, unable to retreat, and unable to advance.

   Yanshou and the emperor on the North Mountain looked at each other from a distance. After a while, they turned around and turned back to the camp that had been set up, and angrily beat the table.

  The Mohe General Huihe who was with him widened his eyes and said: "We have to kill, we don't have much food and grass."

   Yanshou vomited to death, "I naturally know, but **** now?"

  He is a little bit reproaching Hui and I don’t know how to advance or retreat. If he hadn’t been chasing Ashina, the 60,000 of them would not fall into the trap.

It’s 60,000. Although they claim to have 150,000 reinforcements, they actually don’t have that many. Only 120,000 can fight. So there are only 60,000 left at the camp. I don’t know if they will come. Rescue.

  Rescue is impossible because they were blocked by the 20,000 soldiers and horses of Dajin.

  The emperor looked from a distance and was very pleased. The result of the battle was greater than he had imagined. The battle went on more smoothly than he thought.

  Unexpectedly, Yanshou was so embarrassed that he didn't fight to go out. Instead, he relied on the mountain to reinforce himself. There was no food and grass and no logistical supplies. Isn't that looking for death?

  Try to rush out. Although they are desperate and there may be heavy casualties, their number is far greater than that of Dajin, and there is still a high chance of rushing out.

  Bai Shan and Yin Li returned to the emperor, took a look, and asked the emperor, "Your Majesty, do you want to persuade you to surrender?"

The emperor glanced at Bai Shan approvingly, "How did you know that I wanted to persuade you to surrender?"

  Bai Shan: "It's cold, and it will consume a lot of us if we consume it again. They don't even have the courage to rush out, it should be easy to persuade them to surrender."

  The emperor nodded slightly, "This matter is not in a hurry, I just saw that there is a young white-robed general who is very brave, what is his name?"

   Yin Li also noticed, and was about to send someone to ask, Bai Shan said: "The name is Xue Gui, from the Xue family of Hedong, the queen of Hedong in the Northern Dynasty."

  The emperor raised his eyebrows, "After the famous general, let him take a rest and bring a thousand soldiers and horses to kill them."

   "Yes." After Bai Shanying came down, someone would naturally deliver the decree, but he needed to write the manuscript and imperial decree. Well, this is the role of Zhongshu Province on the battlefield.

  So the Goguryeo army couldn’t rest even at night. Xue Gui, Ashina, Niu Cashi and others took turns to fight, you go up and kill half an hour, after a while, I will kill another half an hour...

  Waiting to count the casualties the next morning, Yanshou almost shed tears.

  The soldiers came up to report that they did not bring much dry food with the army, whether they wanted to break through the encirclement, or something, the tears of life extension fell.

I was a little hesitant. When I wanted to organize the soldiers and horses to rush out, there were loud screams outside. Not only the soldiers below, but also Yanshou couldn’t help but trembled when they heard these sounds that seemed to explode in their ears. .

Huihe said with a pale face: "Our back road has been cut off, how can we retreat?"

   Yanshou did not speak.

  The lieutenants standing silently in the camp couldn't help but glance at each other. Someone whispered: "General, otherwise, let's surrender."

  Everyone looked at Yanshou with piercing eyes.

  Lian Huihe whispered: "Otherwise, let's surrender. The emperor of the Jin Dynasty will not kill the army. Look at Ashina, isn't it a surrender?"

  Yuanshou is like being caught on a fire and roasting, and you can’t make up your mind.

  Outside, the emperor and Zhao Guo justified: "Let the children scream louder, and boil broth for them for lunch."

  The will was passed down, everyone shouted louder, shouting around the Yanshou army, the sound collided back and forth in the canyon, and the constant echoes made the voice louder.

  The Goguryeo soldiers who were defending with swords and guns all trembled, and Huihe took Yanshou to see, sadly said: "The courage is broken, what shall we fight?"

  Yan Shou's face was pale, and finally closed his eyes, untied his sword and went down the mountain.

  Everyone knew at a glance that he agreed to surrender.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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