Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2702: Imperial decree

  Chapter 2702 Imperial Decree

  Man Bao walked to Bai Shan's side.

  Bai Shan looked at her face, and asked in a low voice, "Did you not sleep again last night?"

  Man Baodao: "I slept for half an hour in the early morning."

  Bai Shan frowned slightly.

  Man Bao looked at him up and down, and asked, "You have blood in your body."

  Bai Shan smiled slightly and said, "It is inevitable that you will be contaminated on the battlefield, don't you have it?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "It's different. Although I am a healer, I don't have that **** hostility. You have it."

  Bai Shan said: "I went into battle and killed the enemy."

  No wonder.

   She asked curiously: "Then can you count as military merit?"

  Bai Shan became distressed, "I didn't kill a few people, I'm afraid it won't be considered military merit."

  He said: "Your Majesty said that I look too soft and gentle, only good at writing, not good at martial arts, so let me go to the battlefield to experience."

  What else can Manbao say.

   "Are you going to come later?"

  Bai Shandao: "Come on, your majesty asked me to follow Master Yin all this time."

   Yin Li is about to go, so he can only follow.

  Man Bao said: "Then you have to be careful."

  Bai Shan nodded, “Don’t worry, I’m wearing armor, and there’s good luck, he will protect me.”

  But going on the battlefield does make people excited. Bai Shan now has a different idea than before. He is not as afraid of life and death as before, and can avoid crisis when he can avoid crisis.

  Sometimes, facing up can better resolve the crisis.

  Everyone heard the sound of rushing and fighting, Yin Li immediately ordered his troops out and left with the two thousand imperial troops, and the remaining two thousand people left behind the guards.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded, and followed Yin Li.

  The emperor continued to move forward. The corpses of horses and people on the avenue, as well as the injured people, apparently had a big battle here just now, and the battlefield has moved from here to a place farther ahead.

   Yin Li went directly past the corpses and wounded soldiers. The emperor and the others began to sweep the battlefield. Not only did they find the wounded soldiers in their Dajin period, but they also found many wounded soldiers in Goguryeo.

  The emperor took a look and said, "Send to the medical account together."

Man Bao got busy nearby, and the emperor led the people on. The open wilderness was in front of him. No, it should be the fields and wilderness that had been harvested. At this time, the two armies were fighting here. The emperor did not come forward, but neither Backed up and stopped on horseback at the intersection to watch them fight.

There were not many wounded soldiers left on the road. They could not run. Most of them were half-life. After being turned over, they died shortly after. Man Bao only temporarily rescued eight, three of which were still captive.

   Treated their wounds, Man Bao carried the medicine box on his horse, and continued on with the numb Su Mu, and soon caught up with the emperor.

Before she hit the horse, she squeezed to the left of the emperor, half a step behind the emperor and watched the battlefield together.

  The emperor sighed and said: "The terrain just now is really a good place to strike back and forth."

 It is a pity that the Goguryeo army was so courageous that they ran away overnight. Otherwise, the arrangement of Heli was very good.

  Man Baodao: "Why must your Majesty force it, this is a battle between the two armies, and people are wise."

   "But they will still lose," the emperor said confidently: "Their military spirit is gone."

  This is a taboo.

  The emperor turned his head and let the guards go down and raise the drums, letting people beat the drums to help.

  The guards went.

The   snare drum is useful for boosting morale. As soon as the snare drum on the side of the Jin Dynasty rang, everyone looked at the holy driver here, and it was as if he was beaten with chicken blood. He was already fierce, and this time he was brave and not afraid of death.

The Goguryeo army was even more frightened. They were scared by Qihe Heli. From last night to today, they have been worried. They don't want to grab Baiyan City back. They can break through and go out. As a result, the enemy is here again. Reinforcement, or the emperor of Dajin came, so desperate.

  In despair, someone turned around and ran away, running around.

  Even the flag-bearer holding the battle flag couldn't help running, and was cut off the flagpole by the soldiers of Heli. As soon as the flag fell, the Goguryeo army was in chaos. The emperor immediately said, "Let them surrender."

  The two thousand forbidden troops who were watching the battle immediately shouted: "Disarm without killing, disarm without killing—"

  The Qihe Heli who was in the battle and the others shouted angrily: "Aren't you surrendering yet?"

  Xue Bei also led the people to stop slowly. Seeing that the other party was hesitant with swords, he pointed at them with the sword and yelled, "Let go--"

  The person accused was so scared to put down the knife, one person put it down, and people around him put it down one after another. As a result, more and more people put down their weapons, and everyone slowly knelt to the ground.

  Qie Heli immediately waved his hand and asked people to step forward to take away their weapons and begin to gather the captives.

  He turned his horse's head to visit the emperor.

  Man Bao saw that they had stopped fighting, so he saluted the emperor, brought people forward, and found a fairly clean open space nearby for the wounded soldiers to come to receive treatment.

  Qie He Li ran over to see the emperor.

  The emperor immediately dismounted to support him, and said anxiously: "I heard you were injured?"

   "Your Majesty, the minister is fine."

  It’s weird. Qihe has suffered a lot from his injuries. In addition, he has been fighting, his wounds have not been healed, and his body will naturally not be too good.

  The emperor personally helped Qi He Li to find Zhou Man for his injuries, and by the way, he found the people who stabbed Qi He Li from a group of prisoners and handed them to him for disposal.

But Qihe Heli shook his head and asked him to be released with the other prisoners. He said: "We are our masters. It is right for him to kill me. At this time, the war is over. Since the prisoners are going to be released, then let them go together. Let's go."

The Jin army did not kill the captives, especially this was the emperor’s personal conquest. It was in the name of justice, let alone killed. From the emperor’s point of view, the people in Goguryeo were also his people, ahem, not only because Goguryeo belonged to the Jin Dynasty. The vassal country, because this land originally belonged to the Central Plains.

  Taking the cows, horses and weapons, and taking the armors, letting the prisoners return to their hometowns was not only the Jin army’s preferential treatment to them, but also a good way to make them lose their combat effectiveness.

When it was all here, the emperor simply set up camp on a nearby mountain, waiting for Zhou Man’s effort to deal with the wounded soldiers. The emperor’s government and military orders were issued from here, "Change Baiyan City to Yanzhou, and Gai Mou City to Gaizhou, order to take Anshicheng, Huangcheng, and Yincheng."

  Bai Shan wrote down one by one and presented the two imperial edicts to the emperor.

  The emperor had read it and stamped the imperial decree and sent it out.

  The emperor didn’t plan to make a detour to Anshicheng. He decided to continue the attack south, and then took the road from here to Anshicheng. All the villages and towns on the road were conquered.

  Qie He Li had no objection, and asked Xue Bei to take the lead. He was lying down to recover from his wounds. Zhou Man said, his wounds can no longer be slapped, otherwise he will easily die.

  The next battle was particularly smooth. The defenders of Yincheng and Huangcheng heard that the Jin army was coming, but they did not resist, so they gave up the city and ran away.

  The Jin army went in silently to take over, and then surrounded the city of Anshi, which had been stubbornly resisting.

    I saw a lot of comments from book friends, they all mixed Goguryeo with the current South Korea, but in fact, the Goguryeo of this period is not the Goryeo that everyone knows.

     This Goguryeo was a frontier regime in China before. The Central Plains was sometimes called Goryeo. In order to separate it from the Wang family, it was called Goryeo in history.

     Its scope is from the Liaodong area to the present North Korea. In the past, this part was unified with the Central Plains. Later, after the war broke out in the Central Plains, they established a separate force here.

Later, Goguryeo was destroyed by the Tang Dynasty and returned to the territory of the Tang Dynasty. Some people stayed in place, some were moved to the interior, and a small number of people fled to Silla and Baekje further south. The two vassal states are within the scope of Korea as everyone knows it, and the race is also the race of Korea.

     So don’t get me wrong, the Goguryeo in the article is the area of ​​Liaodong now, and it has the same origin as ours, hahahaha

     I don’t know if you will be able to see and talk, so I plan to put in a few more chapters, so I don’t even bother to open a general surgery.

     See you at six in the afternoon.



  (End of this chapter)

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