Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2703: To dig

  Chapter 2703 Digging

  Man Bao took care of all the wounded soldiers and ran to Bai Shan, "Let’s dig flowers and plants."

Bai Shan is busy. The emperor is currently dealing with the city that has been attacked during this period of time. He has to rename the city and select officials from the dynasty to take over the city. It is also necessary to select some local big clans and old people to meet to show the emperor’s kindness. , And then give them the position of the first or second hand of the place.

  After the emperor decides these things, they will need to write the imperial decree and write an official document to explain it. Sometimes the emperor can't remember who is who, and they have to remember for the emperor.

  I really thought that Zhongshushe people were easy to do, and anyone with a bad memory could not stay in front of the emperor.

  But so busy, Bai Shan still thought for a while and said: "You wait for me after Shenshi."

   "Forget it," Man Bao said, "Now the sun is short, and the sky will be completely dark at most two hours after the time is applied. Give me good luck and I will take him."

  Bai Shan: " want to be lucky, right?"

  Man Bao smiled, "I don't want to take others."

  Bai Shan sighed and said: "Alright, you go, take both guards at home, now there are many defeated troops broken up, it may not be safe in the woods, if you accidentally hide deserters inside, it would be bad."

  Man Bao nodded, and went to find Daji.

  So after lunch, they went into the mountains carrying the medicine basket.

  Because he knew the place was far away, Man Bao went on a horse.

  In the beginning, they could ride horses. When they got deep into the woods, there were branches everywhere. They would not be able to ride horses anymore, so they had to dismount and tie them.

Keke directed her to find it. After a while, Man Bao followed Daji behind Daji with a medicine hoe, and said to Keke: "Don’t scan too far. If you go too deep, it’s not only dangerous, but we can’t. Come out."

  Keko doesn't care about her, it just scans, as to whether to dig or not, that is a matter of treasure.

  Man Bao was speechless, so he could only follow Keke's instructions, and finally found the plant it specified, so he dug.

  Man Bao looked at it and didn’t think it was a medicine, but let’s take it away first.

  There was the kind of towering tree that hadn’t been seen on the road. Man Bao circled around, and finally made the excuse that the branches seemed to be useful for concentration, so Da Ji climbed up and broke a branch for her.

  Actually, she could climb up on her own if Daji hadn't stopped her.

  The two guards obviously seldom follow Zhou Man to dig things, and they can't accept such unreasonable troubles from their mistress.

  But Daji's complexion remained unchanged, and his face was accustomed to it. He took off his shoes and climbed the tree, cutting her branches and leaves with a knife.

  Manbao is very good, and the things are not easy to come by. She decides to divide it into several sections after returning, which can not only be included in the encyclopedia, but also be posted on the forum.

  Continuing forward, Man Bao saw a piece of ginseng in a thick place with a rotten leaf.

   is a real piece.

  The first time she saw this thing, the ginseng she had seen before was dried in the shade, and she had never seen raw ginseng.

  Man Bao trot forward, squatting down to watch.

  She pulled away the dead leaves on the ground, began to look at the ginseng eyes bright, and asked Keke: "Is it big?"

   "There are two big trees, the others are smaller."

  Man Bao heard from the treasurer Zheng Da, ginseng is very difficult to dig, especially the complete ginseng, the beard and beard will be cut off accidentally.

  While Korean ginseng is only in the Liaodong area, the participation of the Central Plains is different.

  Man Bao put down the medicine basket, took the medicine hoe, and solemnly said with good luck: "We must be careful when we dig this thing, forget it, let me dig it myself."

  She was afraid that they would dig it up, it's all money.

So Man Bao carried a **** and started digging. She digged for the first time, so she first found a small ginseng tree next to her to practice her hand. She was already careful and then careful, but she still accidentally broke several of them. Must be.

  Man Bao summed up his experience in his heart, and immediately excavated the second root, and finally it didn’t break anymore.

When Zhou Man dug out the first ginseng root, the three Daji people opened their mouths in surprise. They found such a good thing. No, it was the mistress who found such a good thing.

  The two guards couldn't help swallowing.

Daji was also surprised, but soon calmed down. Seeing that she was digging hard, he simply took the **** and said, "I'll dig it for you from the side."

  This speed is faster, the digging range is larger, and the ginseng is better.

  Man Bao responded.

  Man Bao dug a lot of five roots, all of which were selected by Ke Ke which were not bad. The rest was a bit small, and Man Bao did not dig.

Pushing the soil back, filling in the hole, Man Bao clapped his hands and looked at it with joy before digging out the five ginseng roots, two of which are very large, with a large head and a fat body. Yes, it is divided into four sections, which look like human arms and legs.

  Daji turned out a dirty cloth in the back basket. This was originally intended to pack the roots of the medicinal materials. He knew that Man Bao had the habit of packing the roots back to plant, and sometimes had to dig some soil back.

   "Big lady, wrap it up with this."

"it is good."

  Man Bao carefully put the ginseng on it and put it under the basket after it was wrapped. She and the three said: "You know about this, I know, don’t tell others to know?"

  The Guard Armor asked in a daze, "What if the young master asks?"

  Man Bao was speechless.

  Guard B patted him and said: "The big lady will tell the young master."

  The armor now remembered, and bowed his head embarrassedly.

  Manbao has gained a lot, and asked Keke: "Are there any things that haven't been recorded nearby?"

   "No, the nearest one is on the other side of this mountain. It will take about two hours from here."

  Forget it, it's getting dark now.

  Man Bao touched the back basket and asked it, “You haven’t included ginseng yet. Can you scan all raw ginseng that appears in the range before it’s collected?”

  Koko seemed to know what she wanted to do, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Yes."

  Man Bao smiled instantly, his smile was too brilliant, Da Ji looked at her smiling face, and couldn’t help laughing, “The lady is so happy.”

  Man Bao nodded: "I'm very happy."

   "Don't be overjoyed," Keke said, "If you don't include it for a while, it will not be included if it loses its activity, but you may not have time to include the next one."

What    said seemed reasonable, Man Bao hesitated for a while and said to it: "I'll go back to think about it."

Man Bao went back to the camp with joy on his back. When he returned, it was almost dark. Bai Shan stood at the gate of the camp and waited for them. Seeing that they could come back before dark, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately greeted him, "I give You left the food, you have to come out earlier next time, it will be dangerous after dark."

    A guest came to my house in the afternoon, so I can’t spare time to write. I’m really sorry. The next chapter is around 10 o’clock in the evening.



  (End of this chapter)

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