Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2706: Where to go

  Chapter 2706 Where to go

  On the fifth day when Zhao Guogong encircled Anshi City, the logistical grains and medicinal materials were finally delivered.

  Zhao Guogong did not ask why they were late, and directly chopped off the logistics officer who was escorted, and then put the people out of the camp.

  The emperor did not comment on this, but as soon as the incident happened, everyone tightened, especially the logistics officers.

  When the incident broke out, the logistics officer who was still escorting things on the road immediately tightened his skin and tried every means to rush to the front line.

  Perhaps they are late for a reason, but for being so late, they must have their own selfishness, and they are not working hard enough.

  After all, the knife on the neck is too high, not low enough.

  Who didn't tie his head to the waistband on the front line? Soldiers need to work hard to survive, so if they are like the soldiers on the front line, they will naturally find ways to deliver things.

  Logistics are so long late. To put it lightly, they are all delays. If it were not for the urgent use of people, Zhao Guogong could cut them all.

  Not to mention that some of them have been replaced.

  It was the medicinal materials of the Imperial Medical Office that had not been exchanged. Man Bao received the medicinal materials and immediately replaced the fresh medicinal materials he had used before, but some soldiers could no longer survive the excessive blood loss.

  After all, the medicinal materials they dug up are limited, and some are only suitable for traumatic injuries, not for internal bleeding.

Man Bao could only watch people's stomachs swell, and finally died of blood vomiting in her big stomach. If there is medicine, she can't use medicine to stop the bleeding. She can also make a small opening in her stomach. There is a 40% probability that she can. Save the life after an abdominal hemostasis.

  It is also because of this. Every time Man Bao passes by the entrance of Daying, he tries his best not to look at the people hanging on it, and walks into Daying without expression.

  Because the weather is getting colder and colder and Anshicheng cannot be captured for a long time, the atmosphere of the camp is not very good.

   Ashina suggested: "Your Majesty, the minister is willing to lead an army to go deep and attack from behind."

  The emperor shook his head, "No, there are at least one hundred thousand troops in Anshi, they can easily cut off your back."

  Because of this, he did not agree to divide the army, so he did not want to use his soldiers to kill their numbers.

The emperor thought, "I don't know where Feng Liang and the others are."

  Feng Liang was just undertaking Shicheng at this time, and he was hesitating whether to go north to Anshi City or east to Daxing City.

  The former can converge with Your Majesty, and the latter can go deeper into the Kingdom of Goguryeo. Maybe you can go directly to the inner city or Pyongyang. That way, you can really win Goguryeo.

  Feng Liang’s deputy general Qiu said: "General Manager, go north, go east is too deep."

  Fengliang hesitated, but if he went east and took the inner city in one fell swoop, he would be able to destroy Goguryeo. This is a great achievement.

General Qiu wanted to be more secure, and said to him: "The weather is getting colder. Anshi and Jianan are both big cities. The Goguryeo royal family will definitely try their best to protect these two cities. If your majesty cannot attack for a long time, he will definitely retreat. If we go east and go deep into Goguryeo, I’m afraid we won’t be able to get out."

  Feng Liang looked down and thought.

General Qiu continued to persuade: "My lord, our wounded soldiers will not last long."

Their team has no logistics. From the moment they entered Beisha City, they were raising the battle with war. Every time a city was broken, they would search for grain and medicinal materials. The officials in Shicheng had prepared in advance and would take away the grain and grass before they left. The herbs and herbs are all burned, and I would rather burn them than leave them.

  Feng Liang stared at the map and said after a while: "How sure can you bypass Jian'an City and go to Anshi City?"

As General Qiu was about to speak, Feng Liang shook his head and said, "The journey is good. We are going to the inner city. Since they want to protect the two cities, they will definitely send a large number of reinforcements. If this is the case, we will encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, and send troops from Anshi city. He Jian’an City leads to the domestic city."

   "But then we were cut off."

   "As long as your Majesty can quickly break through the city of Anshi, you can drive into the anti-siege for a long time, and it is not certain who will be the deer."

General Qiu felt this was too risky.

  Feng Liang said: "We are looking for wealth and danger. Let everyone dress up and go to Daxingcheng tomorrow. They will definitely not have many defenders in this place. We don't love war, so we will leave when we gather enough medicinal materials and grains."

General Qiu opened his mouth, unable to say anything against it.

  Feng Liang is the general manager, he has the final say on this matter.

  The reason why your Majesty Fengliang became the chief of the march of Pyongyang Road is because he is steady and rational, and he will go deep with the army, and will not advance, but where is he now steady and rational?

  Feng Liang said: "Go and invite Royal Doctor Zheng here."

  Emperor Zheng Zheng has a shaggy beard. He has lost his previous spirit, and his eyes are dark.

  He looked at Feng Liang blankly.

Feng Liang had a good attitude towards him. They attacked along the road, and their losses were not great. Naturally, there was a reason why Goguryeo did not expect them to attack by sea, but there was also a reason why Zheng Zheng and a group of students from the Imperial Medical Office accompanied the army, and the wounded died. The rate is not high, and those with minor or moderate injuries will soon be able to return to the battlefield again.

  Plus the soldiers they captured along the way, enough.

  Feng Liang asked the doctor Zheng, “How many medicinal materials are left? Our next city is Daxing City. After we enter, we can add medicinal materials."

  Emperor Zheng submitted a detailed order and asked: "Aren’t we going to attack Pyongyang directly?"

Fengliang said: "Your Majesty said that Baekje would not send troops, and Pyongyang would not be guarded after the attack, so I plan to go to the inner city."

  Although Baekje is unwilling to send troops, Silla has sent some troops. At this time, they are fighting from the east to Pyongyang, which can also contain some of the troops.

  It was a bitter storm in Goguryeo at this time. They didn't understand how things would turn out to be like this. It was obvious that the five princes had written to say that Dajinlu was willing to negotiate with them. Why did they turn around and send troops to them?

  Lost city and land one after another, the Gao family was also very angry, and then couldn't help accusing each other first, "I said long ago, don't provoke Dajin, don't provoke Dajin, why don't you listen?"

   "This battle was provoked by the Great Jin first, my lord, how can you blame us?"

   "If you hadn't sent troops to attack Yingzhou, how could this happen?"

  "Because of Silla's provocation, Dajin was dissatisfied with us early on. Even if we didn't make a move, they would not let us go. It would be better to make a move first."

   "We did it first, but where is it stronger now?"

   "My lord, send someone to ask for peace."

  "We have to send troops to defend Anshi City. Liaodong City has been destroyed, and Anshi City is broken again. We no longer have a city that can withstand them."

   "There is still an army wandering in our Goguryeo Kingdom. I don't know where it is at this time. They must be wiped out, otherwise they are mostly in danger."

  Alas, I’m so sad, and my life is going well. Why do you have to provoke Dajin?

  The emperor was also looking at the map and meditating, “I don’t know if Fengliang will come to Anshi, or continue north to the inner city, or south to Pyongyang.”

  It’s not good to be separated by such a large enemy zone and ocean, and information is difficult to transmit.

  Yin Li and Feng Liang are familiar with each other. After all, the two of them often deal with each other because of their work. They can be regarded as friends. After a little thought, he said, “Feng Shangshu may go to the domestic city.”

  The emperor raised his eyebrows and stared at the inner city.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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