Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2707: Together

  Chapter 2707 Together

  If it is a domestic city...

  The emperor clicked on the table and said, "Continue to surround Anshi City, and think of other ways to attack the city."

If Feng Liang really went to the inner city, they would only need to break through Anshi city, and there would be no city below that could stop them from going south. He didn’t plan to go around the west to build Ancheng and go directly to the domestic city and Pyongyang. Jian'an City is isolated and helpless. What is the difference between existence and non-existence?

  So everyone began to sit on the opposite side of Anshicheng every day and meditate on how to break it?

  Man Bao doesn't care about them. He checks the situation of the wounded soldiers every day, and then goes to the medicine in the pharmacy. After confirming that there is nothing wrong, he turns around and goes to dig medicine.

   Bai Erlang followed her puzzledly and said: "Before there was no medicine, this is all medicine, why are you still digging?"

  Man Bao wouldn’t tell him that he was doing business for personal gain, and he said directly: “I don’t know when the next batch of medicinal materials will be delivered. Dig a little bit more and be prepared for it.”

   Bai Erlang said: "You said earlier that you lack scorpions, so should you not catch scorpions, right?"

  Man Bao: "...Let’s not say if there are scorpions here, but there are, now it’s cold, where can I catch them?"

  Man Bao paused, turned his head and asked him, "Do you want to go?"

  Shirajiro hesitated, "I really want to go, but recently your Majesty is calling everyone to think about good strategies for siege..."

  Man Bao: "What does it have to do with you?"

   Baijiro: "...I will occasionally be called for questioning."

  In fact, it was just an observer. The emperor didn't expect them to give any ideas, so he just stood there and listened to what the generals discussed.

  Man Bao turned and walked, "Okay, I'll go by myself."

  Baijiro followed her and muttered, "Is the mountain fun? I heard people say that there are many precious medicinal materials in the mountains of Goguryeo, such as ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, and so on."

  Man Bao was a little guilty, and said: "There are not many. If there are so many, everyone will be rich by digging ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum."

  Shirajiro looked at her suspiciously, "There are not many, that is, there are very few, have you dug up?"

  Man Bao hushed: "You keep your voice down, come back to my camp, and I can show you a look."

  Bai Erlang's eyes shone slightly, and he lowered his voice and said, "I'll go digging too, you can bring me."

  "Didn’t you say that your majesty will summon you?"

   "It's okay, didn't I manage the pharmacy for you? It is normal to follow you to dig medicinal materials."

  Man Bao felt reasonable, so the two of them took their own guards and ran away quietly, making Bai Shan who came to them after finishing the work on hand was empty, and there was no one to find.

  Waiting in the forest, Man Bao remembered that there was an outsider this time, and she couldn't help seeing Bai Erlang's two guards.

Bai Erlang also glanced back, and whispered to her: "This is what the princess gave to me. Your Majesty told them that he must follow me every step of the way. I have to keep following, I can't get rid of it."

  Man Bao whispered, "Will they tell your Majesty?"

   "No," Bai Jiro said, "I told them that they won't inform, but there is no way to hide this."

  Man Bao nodded, "It's okay, Mingda can know."

  Two guards:......Although the voice is very small, they still hear it.

  There is Keke to give directions, and Manbao’s eyes are also powerful, and many medicinal materials will not be let go as long as they see it.

  Bai Erlang followed to dig a lot, but his interest is not here, he wants to dig ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum.

  Ganoderma lucidum does not exist, but ginseng does exist.

  Especially this kind of inaccessible forest, there are many good things in it.

  Bai Erlang followed Man Bao and slid into a small underground valley holding a tree, and found a bunch of ginseng.

   He swallowed, and gave Zhou Man a thumbs up, "You are so amazing, the locals didn't find it here, you did."

  Man Bao said modestly: "It's okay, it's okay."

  Daji and the four guards looked around nervously, turned the neighborhood around, and then guarded them after confirming that there was not much danger.

  However, a guard digs out a few small piles of dung. Da Ji went up and looked at it. After smelling it, he said: "Hurry up, we can't stay here for long. This is bear dung."

  The guard said: "We came in too deep."

  Man Bao immediately asked Keke which ginseng root was the largest, and then he aimed at digging, and asked Bai Erlang to dig another one.

   "But don't be afraid. The army is stationed outside the mountain, and many animals ran deeper."

  No way, even if there is food, everyone is still hungry and lacks meat to eat!

  So the soldiers who are not besieged the city, who are more free, can't help but go to the nearby mountains and forests to eat some game. In addition, the army is stationed outside. If there are more people, the human taste will be heavy, and the animals will naturally run away.

  The guard smashed the feces and said: "It's been a long time, at least seven days, and there is nothing fresh around here. It seems to have gone."

  But Manbao's speed is not slow. She is already very experienced. She dug down and dug out a whole ginseng in a short while.

  She was very happy, and then looked at Shirajiro.

  Bai Erlang was sweaty, digging and wiping the sweat, Man Bao pointed him, "Go a little bit to the side, dig deeper and then extend it."

  Man Bao went to dig the next one, and Da Ji also stepped forward to do it. Other guards and guards were eager to try when they saw it, but the master did not speak, and they did not dare to do it.

Man Bao thought about the place this time. It would be bad if he really meets the blind bear. They must not be able to beat him, so he beckoned: "This one, that one, and this one is good, you guys. Dig it, count yours, and divide it by yourself."

  As soon as everyone listened, their eyes lit up and they immediately stepped forward.

  Man Bao continues to dig another one.

  Wait for everyone to dig it up, and Man Bao intends to keep the remaining small ginseng.

  The guard wanted to plan everything, he said: "We can't dig this thing if we keep it."

  Man Baodao: "We can't dig it, but there are others. This is a gift from Heaven and Earth to the locals. We dig it well, and we must always leave the seeds to others."

  She said: "Moreover, such a small ginseng doesn't have much medicinal properties, so it can't be sold for a few dollars."

  Everyone just let it go, and quickly climb up.

  Daji and a guard went up first, then tied the rope to the tree and threw it down. They grabbed the rope and climbed up.

   Climbing out of the valley, Man Bao glanced back and sighed: "Look at the fertile land in this valley, with lush vegetation, there must be a lot of medicinal materials."

Bai Erlang pulled her away and left, "Let’s go, all the ginseng has been dug up, what if the blind bear really comes back? Didn’t the book say that there are guardian beasts next to the treasures of heaven and earth? This bear may be ginseng. The patron saint beast."

  Man Bao: "You have been fascinated by miscellaneous books. Bears don't eat ginseng. How can it protect ginseng? And it is not a divine beast."

  "But bears live here, do you think there will be ant nests or honey here?"

  Daji, no matter how they chirp, they hurried away while dragging one with one hand, and the two jogged to keep up with him.

   After two quarters of an hour, the group slowed down and heaved a sigh of relief.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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