Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2708: paralysis

  Chapter 2708 Paralysis

  The emperor was standing on a **** with a group of generals looking at the city in the distance, beside the gate of Daying.

  Man Bao and the others happily came out of the woods and saw the emperor not far away at a glance, so they turned around to bypass these imperial guards and return to the base camp.

  The guards of the imperial guards scattered around confronted Zhou Man and looked at each other. Zhou Man took Bai Erlang and turned and left. The guards hesitated for a while and then turned to find Yin Li.

   Yin Li looked back at them and saw them sneaking back to Daying's back with their baskets on their backs.

  The emperor looked at the city in the distance and sighed, and asked everyone, "Can the officials have a good way?"

  Zhao Guogong said with a black face: "Now the second prince of the Gao family is guarding Anshi city, but he is a steady person."

It’s just too stable. Every day they send people to the city gate to scold them. They not only attacked personally, but also took out the eighteenth generations of human ancestors to scold them, but he was very tolerant, and the generals inside were also super tolerant. They just shouldn’t fight. .

  It is not impossible to attack the city, but the sacrifice will be great. Anshi city is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the number of defenders inside is much larger than them, which is very detrimental to them.

  Other methods, everyone thought about including, but not limited to, sneaking around behind, using gold and silver treasures to sow discord, and even digging a tunnel in the past.

  But after it was proposed, it was rejected by themselves.

  Bai Shan hesitated and said: "May the refugees enter the city from other gates?"

  The emperor's eyes flickered slightly, looking at Yin Li.

   Yin Li looked down and thought for a while and said: "The minister will make arrangements."

  The emperor nodded, and said to Zhao Guogong: "A strong attack tomorrow, attack for two days, we will retreat if we can't break it."

  The emperor looked at the distant city with deep eyes, and they could leave temporarily.

  Man Bao and Bai Erlang didn’t know anything about it, they took out the ginseng when they returned to the camp and couldn’t help but smile at each other.

  Shirajiro just looked at it deeply and fascinated for a long time, and then handed it to Zhou Man, "I won't deal with this thing, I still have to leave it to you."

  Man Bao took it, and said to him: "Don't worry, I will take care of it for you."

  The emperor returned to Daying with his hands on his back, and only halfway through the walk did he remember, "By the way, where's the horse?"

  Why didn’t he come to such an important meeting today?

  Everyone looked at each other and looked at Bai Shan together.

  Bai Shan:...

  He lowered his head and replied: "The white horse went into the mountain to dig for herbs."

  The emperor asked: "Now the medical account is still short of medicinal materials?"

  Zhao Guogong gave a wink, staring at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “It’s better to be prepared. I’m not busy these days. White horse and Master Zhou often go into the mountains to dig some herbs. Maybe they will need it in the future.”

  The emperor did not ask any more questions, but turned to ask Zhao Guogong, "Have you checked the logistics?"

  He said: "Before I couldn't get my hand out. Now since I have to wait, I should check it out. I have a good idea."

  Zhao Guogong immediately said: "Several people have been taken into custody, and the minister is asking for interrogation."

  The emperor asked, "Do you want Yinqing to help?"

  Zhao Guogong declined. This is a matter of the Ministry of War. He didn't want Yinli to intervene.

  Yin Li didn't want to intervene either, he was very busy, okay.

  Not only to protect the emperor, but also to select and send to Anshi City.

  To do detailed work, the first thing is to be loyal, and then to conform to the local face, language, and habits. The ability to kill is the last requirement.

   Yin Li began to select from the entire army, Zhao Guogong went to deal with the previous logistical accident, Liu Huan couldn't help but ran to them to complain, "I am uneasy sleeping now, I am afraid that I will be dragged out to ask the guilt when I lie down."

  Bai Shan: "...what does this have to do with you? Are you not in charge of the armaments given by the Ministry of Industry?"

   "Yes, but the logistics officers who live next to me are all logistics officers. They will not come back after going out these few days, or they have been dragged back."

  Man Bao frowned slightly when he heard the words, "The questioning of the crime at this time has made the army unstable. Why do your Majesty and Guogong Zhao ask the crime at this time?"

  I didn’t see her medicine for so long, so she just wrote it down first. Didn’t it happen on the spot?

  Bai Shan thought thoughtfully, "Maybe the class teacher is going back."

  Man Bao stared, "So fast? The last batch of medicinal materials hasn't been delivered yet. There are supplies, why should we retreat?"

  Bai Erlang and Liu Huan also looked at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan gave a light cough, and said indifferently: "It's cold, and Anshi city can't be defeated for a long time. Your Majesty must be considerate of the soldiers."

   Baijiro: "It didn't take long to attack, right? It's only been a siege for eight days. It's normal for a siege for one or two months, right?’

   Liu Huan: "That’s right, the Ministry of Industry has come to the official document, and the Ministry of Household has asked them to prepare a batch of new thick clothes. They are all on the road. With the spoils of the siege, we are not short of thick clothes for the time being."

  Bai Shan said: "We just listen to your Majesty."

   Then two days later, the emperor really ordered the retreat.

  Man Bao was surprised, but she couldn't help expressing her opposition at this time, because there were a lot of wounded soldiers in the medical account.

  Zhao Guogong stormed for two consecutive days. There were a lot of wounded soldiers. She has not dealt with the wounded soldiers sent back today after the storm.

  When she finally took care of the wounded soldiers, the camp was already packing things up, and she was going to retreat tomorrow.

  Man Bao was stunned, "Retreat really."

  Bai Shan nodded, and said to her: "Maybe the class teacher will return to court."

  Man Bao pursed his lips, "Isn't this a horrible anticlimax?"

  Bai Shan reached out and touched her brows, and chuckled softly: "Your Majesty has your own plan, don't bother you."

  Man Bao looked at him as if he was not at all sad, and he started to think after a moment.

They did not come out for a long time this time. Although the weather is now cold, the siege is still going well, and the materials have not been exhausted. There are a lot of preparations for the imperial conquest. If the emperor just goes back, don’t say he is not. Be willing, courtiers will not be willing, so...

  Man Bao turned around to pack his luggage, "Okay, I'll be back."

The soldiers in the    camp were also surprised, and their morale was a little low because of the unfavorable siege of the city in the past few days.

  Zhao Guogong didn’t say anything. On the second day, the way forward was the way forward, and those who left behind and defended left the camp.

  The Goguryeo army in the city of An City saw it, and immediately happily ran to tell the second prince.

  The second prince thought for a while and said: "Maybe it is the other party's strategy to lure the enemy. We will continue to hold on to the city and do not go out."

  The emperor retired to Liaodong City and began to deal with follow-up matters, such as picking and picking some people from nearby cities, and ordering them to relocate to the interior, or the Central Plains or Jiangnan area, anyway, he wanted to leave here.

  At the same time, it issued edicts to appease the people in the captured cities, and dispatched generals to guard the place to set up the Liaocheng Prefecture Dudu Mansion in Liaodong City to manage the military and government affairs of several nearby cities.

  Government orders came out one by one, and soldiers began to set up checkpoints and observatories on the road to Anshi City, seemingly intending to rule with Goguryeo on this border.

  The second prince in the city of Anshi also hesitated, "Are they really leaving?"

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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