Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2713: Assault II

  Chapter 2713 Assault II

Man Bao is very far away, no way, she has to be outside the range of the bow and arrow, but she has Ke Ke, hand in some points, through Ke Ke, she sees the scene of the rush inside, can not help but sigh, Your Majesty will really pick People, Qihe Heli and Xue Gui are brave people, but Ashina and Xue Bei are prudent, especially General Ashina, who has always ruled the army strictly, orders and actions are forbidden. With him, soldiers will not snatch. If you are adventurous with military merit, you can willingly defend the rear for Qi Heli and Xue Gui.

Qi Heli and Xue Guizhi are both brave, especially when the two of them are in a desperate posture, the soldiers they lead also go forward bravely. The Goguryeo soldiers facing them are shaken by their bravery, and their hands with weapons tremble. NS.

  The two took the soldiers, one left and the other rushed to the downstairs of the city. The soldiers behind immediately flew off their horses, chopped off the people guarding the stone ladder, and rushed up.

Qi Fei Heli and Xue Gui seized one side of the stairs. General Ashina followed closely and immediately led his troops to stop the Goguryeo soldiers who were constantly rushing from the city to rescue them. The army re-enclosed.

Man Bao could not help sitting upright, looking inside with light in his eyes, Qi He Li was the first to attack the tower. Xue Gui was one step behind, and he took the man to attack from the other side, and then the two sides moved closer to the middle. The people on the tower were cleaned up.

After Qi Fei Heli occupied the castle tower, he stood on the wall facing the city of Anshi, and shouted: "The castle tower is from the Great Jin Dynasty. Soldiers, take down the West Gate!"


The soldiers under    just as if they had been beaten up with chicken blood, their red eyes burst out with a roar, and they all attacked inward.

  The Goguryeo soldiers could not take their edge. They were so scared that they retreated. Some turned around and ran away. They were killed by the red-eyed Jin army who followed them.

  General Ashina led them to chase a hundred feet away and then drank everyone, not allowing them to chase anymore, saying: "Defensively, set up checkpoints, and guard the West Gate!"

  Everyone withdrew back unwillingly.

  The ambushman hiding in the lane saw them coming ten feet away, and couldn't help but patted the wall with annoyance. Why is this person so annoying?

  The Jin army retreated in an orderly manner, and then moved all the checkpoints to block the road. They also removed all the things that could be demolished nearby and threw them in the middle of the road as a barrier.

  Man Bao kicked the horse's stomach after Qihe Heli's roar, and quickly entered the city with the rest of the people.

  The soldiers who left behind to protect them were startled, and hurried to catch up, "Master Zhou, it is not completely safe at this time."

  Man Baodao: "The city gate has been captured. Everyone enters the city gate to treat the wounded soldiers."

  Man Bao led into the city, Qi He Li just went downstairs, his eyes brightened when he saw her, and he stepped forward and said, "Master Zhou, my arm was stabbed."

  Man Bao glanced, because it was protected by armor, the knife was not very deep, but it also bleeds. She nodded slightly, and after a glance, she decided to treat it in the large open space under the city wall.

   So she pointed to the empty tunnel and said: "Here is the medical account, let them bring the wounded soldiers.

   Then and Zhou Liru and Wen Tiandong took off the cloth bags, opened the medicine box and gave Qi Heli stop the bleeding and bandage the wound.

   General Ashina led the chasers back and shook his head after looking at Qihe Heli, "You are too aggressive, this injury could have been avoided."

  Qihe Heli snorted and did not refute. He looked at the young white-clothed general who was standing not far away, lifted his chin and said, "That kid is good, I wonder if he intends to come to our army?"

   General Ashina said: "He is not suitable for you, General Xue is suitable for you."

  Xue Bei lifted his honest face and smiled at He Li.

  Qiqihe Li:……

  Man Bao bandaged him, and went to see the wounded soldiers who were brought over. Most of the soldiers who were brought over were seriously injured, not those who were seriously injured, and they were able to help each other through the period.

   Ashina only looked at the three busy teachers and students, and then turned around to arrange defense.

  There are at least one hundred thousand people in this city. They just robbed one of the city gates. Whether it can be held or not is not certain, so be careful.

  At this time, the second high prince received the frontline message, and the West Gate was lost.

  His eyes were dark, and he was almost unsteady. He held the table for a while before standing still. He looked at the generals below with red eyes and asked: "How did the West Gate fall?"

The generals bowed their heads in shame, and the lieutenant who retreated from the west city gate cried: "It is Qi Xi, the prince. They are wearing the clothes of soldiers in the general Qixi camp. The city guard thought it was General Qi Xi who came back and opened the gate. ."

  The second high prince was so angry that he picked up the tea cup on the table and smashed it at him, shouting, "Are you not able to tell whether you are yourself? Don't you need to verify your identity before opening the gate?"

   "Yes, but they also have support in the city," the school lieutenant shrugged off the responsibility and pulled the others down. "Those who supported are those of General Yuan Yi."

   General Yuanyi was taken aback, then furious, "You planted me!"

Captain    really didn't plant him. According to the normal procedure, even if the army came back at night, even if they were wearing their own armor, they did not open the city gate immediately.

  Some soldiers will first open the small door and go out to check their identities, get their military orders to enter the city, etc., or open the city gate after confirming that they are really themselves.

However, General Ashina deliberately chose the middle of the night. Everyone was a little sleepy. The people on the wall saw that it was them, and responded a few words, saying that they encountered the Jin army on the road, so the team was a little confused and lost, so they didn’t ask much. , Directly open the small door and go out for verification.

  As a result, when the soldiers went out and approached the front of the team, the new recruits from the city gate tower, who were new to them as coolies, rushed out and killed the soldiers patrolling underneath.

   Then another dozen people instantly threw out from the laneway, and quickly threw himself down to capture the few recruits.

  It was such a mess, the people on the tower immediately turned the arrow to face inward, and then General Ashina immediately launched an attack. The two soldiers to be verified in the future killed directly, and then rushed into the city.

  The small gate can only be entered by a rider, but as soon as they entered, they stood with the people inside and opened the gate of the big city as quickly as possible.

  It's a pity. Twenty-two of the twenty-five people died. At this time, three more were trembling under the needle of Man Bao.

   is really shaking, after all, it hurts, and their muscles contract involuntarily.

  Man Bao dealt with the filthiness of their wounds and then hemostatically sutured them and turned around to deal with other wounded soldiers.

  The corpses of the other 22 people were also pulled out. General Ashina and the three still alive said: "This time you are a great accomplishment, and I will wait for your honor with Your Majesty."

  The three of them breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes flushed, and the corners of their eyes were a little moist.

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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