Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2714: Cherish one's life

  Chapter 2714 Cherish life

The second high prince climbed up the tall building and looked at the West Gate from a distance. He glanced at the dark night and said, "You have to take the West Gate back quickly. At this time, there are not many people, otherwise they will wait for their reinforcements. When it comes, Anshi City will be over."

  Everyone knows that now they only grab the West Gate because there are few people. However, they defend by the gate and it is not easy to win.

  A few generals did not speak. The second-year prince had an ugly expression. His eyes swept across their faces. When he saw that no one had asked for a fight, he simply said: "General Yuanyi, please take five thousand soldiers to recover the West Gate."

  It's not that he is unwilling to give more soldiers. The point of cheating is here. They are now in the city, they are going to attack from inside the city and seize the city gate.

  But there is only one street inside the city gate. Even if that street is very large, there are 20 or 30 people standing side by side. It is not wide, and the attack area is narrow. It is useless even if it is given to many people.

   Yuanyi couldn't help but bowed his head, and took the token and left.

  The second prince watched him leave and said: "Check the entire army and find out the remaining details. All new recruits recruited in January must be checked."

  He doesn't want to be turned away again.

  Everyone responded and went to investigate immediately.

  General Ashina also looked at the sky, and then turned to ask Qi He Li, "When will the reinforcements arrive?"

   "It's coming soon," Qi Li He said, "I only brought ten thousand people. The army is afraid that it won't be until around noon."

  General Ashina looked down and thought for a while and said, "Enough."

  Qihe Heli said it was fast, and it was fast indeed, and the backward infantry arrived more than a quarter of an hour after he finished speaking.

   Ashina glanced at the panting infantry, and directly said to Qi He Li: "You leave two thousand people for me, and the rest will go to the North City Gate."

   Qi Li He: "What?"

"Beware of them sending troops around from the North City Gate," he said: "They have a hundred thousand people, and we only have more than 13,000 people. If we fought back and forth, we would not be able to defend the West Gate, but if we only face the inner city Five thousand people are enough to guard the city gate."

General Ashina said: "We divide our troops and you go to the North City Gate. Once they open the city gate, you will attack the city. It is best to occupy the North City Gate. "

  Qiehe Heli agreed after a little thought, then pointed at Zhou Man and said, "Let Master Zhou go with us."

   "No," General Ashina said with a calm face: "There are so many wounded soldiers here that have not been dealt with, and there may not be wars at the North City Gate, but there must be wars here. The soldiers need military doctors."

  Don’t his soldiers need military doctors?

  He brought eight thousand people, and here is only five thousand. He said that he would have to pass any Zhou Man, and he said: "The remaining two military doctors can give you, I only need one Zhou Man."

  General Ashina went to Zhou Man and said to her: "Master Zhou, you send someone and General Qi Le to the North City Gate."

  Man Bao asked without raising his head: "Is there only one?"

   "One is enough." There are only three in total.

  Man Bao said: "Yes."

  She raised her head, looked around and frowned, "Where are Su Banxia and the others?"

General Ashina squinted his eyes, Qi Heli touched his nose, and the hand behind his back beckoned. After a while, Su Banxia and the others rushed over with the medicine box and touched his forehead. Khan said: "Teacher, didn't you say that setting up medical tents outside the city is dangerous in the city?"

  Man Bao and General Ashina look towards Qi He Li together.

  Qihe Heli looks at the sky and the earth just doesn’t look at them.

  Man Bao retracted his gaze, and said to Ashina: "General, I brought ten students here this time."

   General Ashina said blankly: "Then Lord Zhou dispatched some people to follow General Qi Fu to the North City Gate."

  Man Bao nodded, nodded Wen Tiandong, let him take the four people over, and divided them some medicinal materials.

  She and Qi Ye He Li said: "General, I will ask these five students to give it to you, and please protect their safety."

   Qi Fei Heli no longer grabs Zhou Man, nodded and said: "Don't worry, Lord Zhou."

  Wen Tiandong can only take his classmates away.

  Man Bao said to him: "We are the medical account, and the medical account must stay behind."


  Wait for them to leave, Man Bao continued to squat down to deal with the wounded soldiers.

  This open space was full of wounded soldiers. Man Bao asked him to carry the seriously wounded soldiers to the room next to the tower. They had lost their combat ability and it was useless to stay outside. They could keep warm when they entered.

  General Ashina was also tired. He arranged the patrols and guards, and sat on the ground himself, closing his eyes to rest.

  Xue Gui thought for a while, and sat aside.

  Man Bao turned his head to look at him when he passed by, then looked at his face ablaze, and asked, "Are you injured?"

   Xue Gui was taken aback for a moment and then said: "No, right?"

  Man Bao looked at his back.

  He felt some pain in his back.

  Man Bao glanced at him, beckoned to a student, pointed at him and said: "Take him to the wound." Then he turned and left.

  But after a while she turned back, and said to General Ashina next to him: "General, we need water, is there a well in this area?"

  Xue Gui, who was dressing up, said immediately: "At the end, he is willing to lead a team to find a source of water."

General Ashina glanced at the wound on his back, and did not let him go, but he still beckoned to a participating general and asked him to take someone to find out if there was any water source in the area they occupied, and if there was any, control it. stand up.

   was instructing, he heard the movement, and Xue Gui also heard it, and turned to look towards the street with General Ashina.

  The scout came to report, "General, the enemy is here, there are too many people to count.

  Street is so wide, people stretch and can't see the head, let alone count, he can't count how many people there are anyway.

   General Ashina said: "The gates and streets are so big, we just need to guard the checkpoints, not afraid of their crowds."

  After that, he deployed his troops to defend, and the archers and spears were ready.

  He looked forward with a heavy gaze, and the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked. The West Gate was in his hand. He was not afraid to defend, as long as there was no enemy outside the gate.

  The enemy rushed, and everyone fought through the barrier. Of course, not only swords and guns, but also bows and arrows.

  However, there is a shield on the opposite side of the bow and arrow they shot. Of course, the Jin army also has a shield for the bow and arrow they shot.

  It’s just that the shield can’t stop all the arrows, there will still be some arrows flying over the head of the front row and landing on their side.

Man Bao was startled by the bow and arrow that suddenly fell and stuck not far away, and then made a decisive move to carry the wounded soldiers out of the city gate, and she led the students to bend over and move the medical account out of the city. .

   After she went out, she exhaled, which made it much safer. Not only was it separated by many soldiers, but also separated by a thick city wall. Unless the tower was lost or enemy troops came around, they were all safe.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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