Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2716: Anshi City Two

  Chapter 2716 Anshi City Two

  The other generals only remembered this, and immediately said: "Prince, the final general is willing to lead troops from the North City Gate to support the West City Gate."

  The North Gate is the closest to the West Gate. Needless to say, the east and the south are separated by mountains. It takes a long way to reach the other side.

  Others heard this and immediately followed suit.

  Of course, it is impossible for the second prince to let so many people go, so he ordered the first high general to call: "I will give you 10,000 soldiers and horses. Be sure to take the West Gate from outside the city."

  The second prince said, the more he thought it was a good idea, and said: "Now that their city gate is open, they can directly enter from the outside."

  General Gao also thought so, so he asked for orders so quickly.

  Others turned their heads to look at him, a little envious and jealous, why didn't they seize the opportunity?

  This can be regarded as a piece of credit.

  General Gao went to order soldiers, and then took the people to the north gate.

  At this time, the sky is already bright.

After arriving outside the North City, Qi Li Heli, who started camping and sleeping, was awakened by the sun. He got up from the leaves and touched his arm first. He felt that the wound was okay and there was no bleeding anymore. Then he pressed his own. The waist was fine, and the wound that had been healed with scabs did not open again.

  He then leaned on the tree and beckoned to Xue Bei, and asked, "What is happening at the gate?"

   "Nothing happened," Xue Bei said: "General, I think their attention is on the side of the west city gate. We are all stationed five miles away, and there is no movement at all on their city gate."

  Qihe Heli pondered, "Is it because we are too quiet, so they didn't find it?"

  Xue Bei: "...Does the general want them to find out?"

  Qihe Heli thought for a while and then said: "Forget it, wait a minute, Ashina will definitely be able to stop it. Let's eat first and rest for a while. If they haven't found it, go out and let them find out."

  He said regretfully: "It's a pity that all we think about are sudden attacks, we didn't think about siege, otherwise the current North City Gate is very suitable for siege."

  Xue Bei did not speak.

  I didn’t prepare for the ladder, trebuchet, or hitting column, so how to siege the city?

   Qi He Li waved his hand, "Let everyone eat breakfast."

   Xue Bei ordered to go down and eat first.

  The soldiers took out their own dry food from the cloth bag on their waist. Because they knew that there was going to be a desperate war and the main account was coming soon, so everyone was not stingy about the dry food.

  After eating the morning meal, everyone still sat with their hands and feet spread out, and the horses were put aside to chew on the sparse grass.

  Many people took out a handful of beans from the cloth bag on their waist and fed them to the horses. The cavalry cherished their horses. In addition to their own rations, they would also bring a little to the horses.

After taking a look, Qihe Heli also stretched out his hand to touch his beloved horse, and pulled a cloth bag from his waist, took out a handful of beans for it to eat, and said: "When the main account arrives, let you eat. ."

  The horse snorted at him, and the scouts came to report: "General, their scouts are out of the city."

   Qi He Li couldn't help but straighten up.

  When the army goes out, the scouts go first, this is the custom.

  The scout always runs in front of the army.

  However, Qi Heli has always made people pay attention to the situation of the North City Gate, so they opened the small door and released four scouts, and they knew immediately.

  Qihe Heli took a look at his team, and they rested in the woods on the roadside. Although they avoided the road, as long as they were not blind and ear-blind, they could be spotted by crossing this road.

  Qie He Li thought for a while and said, "Leave people behind."

  The traces are so big, there are many people who just fold the branches and lie on the grass like him, and it is impossible to clean them.

  Moreover, it was only five miles away, and it was a short time. Qi Heli immediately decided not to waste this effort.

  They came here not to set up an ambush, but to stop those who are out of the city, so they did not intend to hide their deeds from the beginning.

  The scout took the order, and in a short while, he led people to arrest the four scouts who were riding on the horse.

  It's not that Goguryeo's scouts are incompetent, but who would have thought of running on the official road and suddenly running out of enemy troops in front of them?

  However, they had also been trained in such a situation. The four of them did not panic. They leaned their horse's head and went into the woods, wanting to go back from the woods to report the letter.

  As a result, as soon as they entered the woods, they were thrown directly by the person who jumped from the tree. They jumped down from the horse and acted as a cushion...

  The Goguryeo scout felt that all his bones were about to be broken, and he lifted the person on his body forcefully, and then got up to run. As a result, he was confronted with three or four spears as soon as he raised his head.

  He was stunned.

  His other three companions also stared at the people who surrounded them in a daze.

  There are at least two or three hundred people, right?

  Two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention that there are so many more people than them.

  The four were taken to Qihe Heli.

  Qie Heli asked them curiously, "Where are you going?"

  The four did not answer, and they would not be traitors if they were killed.

  Qie Fei did not ask, but he touched his chin and began to think, "Are you trying to encircle Wei and save Zhao, attack Liaodong City, and force us to visit?"

  Four people:...

  Xue Bei: "...General, they probably want to send troops to the West Gate and capture the West Gate from outside."

  Forgot why they came here?

Qizhe Heli said: "The best time is before dawn. Now it's dawn and our reinforcements are coming. They may not be able to defeat the West Gate if they go now. It is better to go to Liaodong City and cut off our army directly. Back road."

  Qihe Heli was shocked when he said that, "You didn’t plan that way, did you?"

Xue Bei was also unsure. He stared at the four scouts and saw that they were numb and couldn't see what they meant. He was also a little anxious. He immediately said, "General, you can't let them out of the city. account."

  Even if the Goguryeo soldiers may not have been able to beat them to the Jin army, it is a sin to shock Shengjia. They must not take such a risk.

  Qihe Heli was very impressed, immediately mounted the horse, and shouted: "Lined up, let's call the formation."

  The soldiers immediately got up to tidy up their clothes and weapons, and then mounted their horses.

  Has arrived at the North City Gate, and General Gao, who was waiting for the scouts to return to report, did not expect to wait for the scouts, but instead waited for the army of Dajin to come.

   Qi Fei Heli let his soldiers go up and call for battle.

His soldier drank a sip of water first, cleared his throat, and then called forward. He fell into anger and shouted at the city gate in a loud voice: "Grandchildren guarding the city, grandpas are here, don't hesitate to open the door to greet you. ..."

   Hearing this familiar scream, General Gao almost fell off his horse. He turned blue and asked, "Why is the Jin army here?"

  The city guard also looked bewildered. How did he know why the Jin army was here?

  No, it’s normal for the Jin army to be here, isn’t they going to attack the city?

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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