Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2717: Anshi City Three

  Chapter 2717 Anshi City Three

   "How many people are there on the other side?"

  The city guard bowed his head and said: "It is estimated that there are nearly 10,000 people."

  General Gao's eyes were dark, and after dismounting, he went straight up to the tower to look.

  He looked condescendingly at the army in a square formation, and then he saw Qi Heli who was the leader, so he couldn't help swallowing.

  He turned his head and said to the lieutenant: "Quickly report to the second prince, the Jin army has come to attack the North City Gate."

  The second prince:......

  He was stunned, "There are so many people in the Jin army? How can you divide the army?"

   Zhasa sighed: "Prince, Yanshou reinforcements were 150,000, and the Jin army dropped when only 30,000."

At this time, at the West City Gate, General Ashina led the people to retreat wave after wave of offensive. The opponent was constantly strengthening reinforcements, and the twenty meters he pushed out were lost again. Not only that, but also regressed fifty meters. , Or because they entered the range of the tower, the soldiers upstairs were shooting arrows from top to bottom, which repelled their wave of attacks.

  The lieutenant felt that this was not a solution, and said to General Ashina: "General, they have too many people, this is not a solution."

Xue Gui, who was on the side of   , had a different view.

  General Ashina glanced at him and said, "How do you think people should be employed?"

  Xue Gui looked down and thought for a while and then said: "The generals are now very good at using soldiers, taking turns guarding, the streets are narrow, no matter how many people there are, they can only come up so many each time."

General Ashina shook his head and said: "But our people have been fighting for one day and one night. Even if they take turns to rest, their energy and physical strength can't keep up. And they have a steady stream of reinforcements. In the long run, even if the city gates are easy to defend and difficult to attack, they will always Will be captured by them."

  It's just that the price the other party may pay is very high.

   General Ashina said: "We won’t be able to hold on for long, let people urge reinforcements."

  The lieutenant and Xue Gui responded together and retreated.

  General Ashina looked at Anshicheng with a deep gaze.

  Man Bao walked up and stood with him on the tower and looked ahead.

   Ashina looked at her in surprise, "Why Lord Zhou came up?"

  Man Baodao: "The wounded soldiers have been dealt with, let's take a break."

  The doctor will be tired too, okay, of course it is a rest at this time.

   Ashina withdrew his gaze, continued to look at the soldiers fighting ahead, and asked Zhou Man, "Is there a good way for Lord Zhou?"

   "No," Man Bao said dejectedly: "The number of enemies is too different. Unless they have no fighting spirit, they can only work like this."

  "This is a battle of life and death, and they must stick to it no matter how timid they are, and sometimes there is only a fine line between timidity and courage."

  Man Bao said: "As long as you are not shouting and screaming that you will slaughter the prisoners after the attack, cowardice should not become brave."

   General Ashina was taken aback for a moment and said, "How can we be so demented?"

He said: "We are the army of benevolence and righteousness. We won Goguryeo because it was previously integrated with the Central Plains; the other was that the Goguryeo royal family was disrespectful to your majesty and neglected the court; the third was that they kept harassing the border; and the fourth was that they ruled. The people’s life was not easy at all, the top was so extravagant, and there were countless corrupt officials below..."

  In short, they are here to accept them and become one. Didn’t you see what your Majesty could release after capturing the prisoners?

  Liaodong city area even used the local Tu people as governing officials, how could they slaughter the city?

Man Bao said: "Then tell these reasons out, and persuade those soldiers to serve as a soldier for Goguryeo, as well as for us as a soldier in Dajin. Our army pays more than them, and the food is better than them. I don't want to You can go home as a soldier, so generous."

  General Ashina thought for a while, and felt that although this method was a bit nonsense, he did not have any reinforcements available now. Anyway, there is always a truce in the middle. It is better to talk about it during the truce.

  So he passed on.

  The Goguryeo army carried out another wave of shocks. After half an hour, everyone gradually rested, and each stepped back a few steps, blocking the scattered levels in the middle, and they advanced more than ten steps.

  Because these dozen or so steps are hard to come by, they will not retreat too much. Of course, the Jin army cannot retreat too much. What if they take the opportunity to rush up?

  So the two sides held spears to guard against each other, and their respective people went forward to check, and quickly dragged their wounded soldiers over and sent them to the rear for healing.

  The Jin army will occasionally turn out the wounded Goguryeo soldiers, and they will push directly over there without doing anything.

  Goguryeo will also throw the wounded soldiers from the Jin army to them.

  Everyone exchanged wounded soldiers tacitly, and then sat down to rest.

   Yuanyi also learned well, knowing that it is not good to change forwards after wave after wave, so after each wave of attack, he slightly changes the following soldiers, not completely, so here also needs to rest.

A small banner took out the dry food to chew, his hands were still shaking, not afraid, but tired. Since yesterday morning, he has been participating in the battle, and he can rest every half an hour from early morning until now. Half an hour, but also can't really fall asleep.

  Maybe because of too much force, the hand is shaking a little at this time.

  He took a bite of dry food, looked at the Goguryeo soldiers not far away, and asked with a loud voice, "You don’t eat dry food?"

  Goguryeo Bing glanced at him and did not answer.

  Xiaoqi changed his language, "You are not a Han, are you from Fuyu?"

  The other party still ignored him, "Isn’t it, isn’t this Goguryeo? Then you speak Fuyu? You can’t be a person, right?"

  He changed another language awkwardly, but he was very unskilled. He still cursed, "Your mother, your mother."

The Goguryeo soldiers looked at him silently and heard him say "Your mother, your mother" in various dialects. Man Bao came up to deliver salt water to them so as not to lose their strength. By the way, check their condition. If they are physically strong If it didn’t work, I changed it quietly. He couldn’t help but read a sentence curiously, and then asked: "What does this mean?"

  A Goguryeo soldier finally couldn't help it. The main Zhou Man looked like a girl's house. It has been a long time since dawn. Everyone knows that there is a good-looking lady in the Jin army who is a doctor who specializes in treating wounded soldiers in the Jin army.

  At this time, their hearts were complicated, especially when they saw Zhou Man coming up to give them water, they couldn’t help replying in Chinese, "Your mother."

  Man Bao was upset, "How do you curse?"

  Xiaoqi was surprised, "You are a Han Chinese, brother, where are you from?"

   Then turned his head and said to Zhou Man: "Master Zhou, he didn't scold you. Those words are all ‘your mother’s.’"

  Man Bao: "...Why do you want to learn this sentence? Shouldn't learning dialect start with ‘have you eaten?’?"

   Xiaoqi was taken aback for a while and then said: "I don't know, our general banner taught us."

  The general flag who has been sitting on the side in a daze to rest:...

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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