Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2724: Black-hearted

  Chapter 2724 Black-hearted

Gao You gave Bai Shan a piece of jade pendant with the size of a child's palm. He said: "This is something from my royal court. After we were born, my father asked the craftsman to make it for us. There is my name on the inside of the jade pendant. You leave it to your majesty. Know my sincerity."

  Bai Shan held it, and solemnly nodded with Gao You, "Okay, don't worry about the five princes."

  Gao You nodded seriously.

  Lou Mian, who had been standing quietly by the side, watched them come and go with his eyes open.

  Bai Shan turned his head to see him, smiled at him slightly, and caught a glimpse of his arm exposed from a small sleeve that he rolled up because of the potion, with a little bruise on it.

His eyes sank, his smile on his face remained unchanged, he turned his head and said to Gao You: "Fifth Prince, Your Majesty likes kind people. When the Fifth Prince sees Your Majesty, remember to be more generous. If you like your Majesty, your Majesty may be happy. You will be rewarded directly with official positions and titles."

  Gao You's eyes lit up and asked: "Can I be a princess?"

  Bai Shan's face remained unchanged, and he smiled: "If your majesty is happy, the fifth prince may take the opportunity to give it a try."

  Look at the emperor not cutting you down.

  Do you really think anyone can be a princess?

Ashina was able to marry the emperor’s younger sister at such an age, because he was already a fierce and wise general in the grassland before he surrendered. He had the talent to govern the place. If the times were not on his side, he would not. Forced by the opponent to take refuge in Dajin.

  However, even if he had taken refuge in the Dajin, he brought his own tribe and soldiers, and brought his own political resources.

  The emperor firstly wanted to appease the Turkic army and Turkic people, and secondly, he liked his talent, so he married his sister to him.

  What does Gaoyou have?

  If the second prince on the opposite side is willing to surrender, there may be a chance. After all, unlike Gao You, the second prince has military power in his hands, and his management in the Goguryeo Kingdom is deeper.

  Bai Shan thought in his heart, can he use Shang Zhu's temptation to trick the second prince over?

Bai Shan quickly rejected this idea in his heart. Forget it, the second prince of high school is different from Gao You. The other party definitely can't believe his empty promises. He really asked him to write down the papers. Where can he turn the emperor into a princess? ?

  And the emperor may not like such a cheap son-in-law.

  Bai Shan took the jade pendant and said goodbye. Before leaving, he whispered with the guards outside: "Watch people closely, and then they will be separated and detained."

  He said blankly: "They are already captives, where is the distinction between high and low? Although the main account is far away, but your Majesty may pass by sometime, it is not good to hear the abuse."

  The two imperial soldiers looked at each other and bowed down.

  Bai Shan then left.

  Walking out for a while, I ran into the emblem on the head.

  As soon as Bai Shan saw him, he was shocked, and immediately put the jade pendant on his sleeve into his sleeve, greeted the emblem with a smirk on his face, and said, "Master Zhang."

  We will leave after the ceremony.

  Zhang Hui was also a little choked when he saw him. Seeing that he was about to go, he immediately moved his steps to block him, and then glanced at the direction he was coming, and after confirmation, the bad premonition in his heart became stronger.

   He stared at Bai Shan's sleeve and asked, "Where did Master Bai come here?"

  Bai Shandao: "Just leave, Master Zhang, I have to prepare for an envoy, so I won’t bother Master Zhang."

  After talking about it, we must go around the emblem.

   Zhang Hui grabbed him, his face changed, and then smiled hard and said, "Master Bai, we all want to venture out to the enemy country, why don't we sit down and communicate together?"

Bai Shan tried to pull back his sleeves and said, "When I talk to the adults later, I have to see my wife now. You know I'm going to take a risk, and I have to report anything to my wife. "

   "Master Zhou is reasonable and can understand Master Bai. This is not a hurry." He pulled his sleeves over.

  Bai Shan pulled his sleeves back again and said, "I'm in a hurry."

  I knew long ago that I would not wear wide sleeves just to pretend to be elegant in front of Gao You, so I regret it.

Zhang Hui grabbed him and took another look at the direction he was coming from. Seeing that he was so anxious, he became more and more certain, so the two brothers took him on his shoulders and pulled them towards his big tent, "What's the hurry, Lord Zhou is you. Daughter-in-law, can she still run? Walk around, and we will be brothers in trouble. I have good wine there, so I can take it out to be bold."

  Bai Shan:...He doesn't like drinking.

   was dragged to the camp by Zhang Hui. He did not let go of Bai Shan, and asked his relatives to find wine as soon as he received the account.

  Dear and follower: ...I drank the wine a long time ago, where would he go to find the master?

   But he hesitated a bit or turned around and went out.

  Bai Shan tugged vigorously, and found that she couldn't get it back, so she could only give up. He confessed his fate to sit on the chair, "Master Zhang, you can just say something."

   "Since Master Bai said so, you are welcome," he stared at Bai Shan's sleeve, "Master Bai came out of the high five prince, right?"

  Bai Shan thought for a while, and nodded because he felt that there was no way to hide it.

  Zhang Hui said: "What good thing did you get? I scored half of it."

  Bai Shan: "...It's just a jade pendant, how to divide it in half?"

  He said: "Master Zhang wants it, so he can ask him for a copy since then."

  Zhang Hui: "He is not a fool. With your warnings, how could he be fooled by me?"

  Zhang Hui was very regretful, he was so late, blame him for being late, if he remembered that there was such a prince in the army...

  Bai Shan bachelor said: "Then I can't help it. There must be someone who comes first and then arrives."

Zhang Hui simply sneered: "No, if you don't give it to me, I will go to your majesty. If the inner city is willing to surrender, you can directly order the second prince to obey, and the difficulties of Anshi city can also be solved. It’s important."

  Bai Shan: "...After all, Gao You is a prince, and there must be a lot of things on him. Why should you smash a piece of jade with me?"

  He said: "With this skill, you can go to Gaoyou to get the same now."

   "But this piece of your hand must be the thing that can best prove his identity." Zhang Hui said: "Then I will go and ask for one, you and me change it."

  Bai Shan certainly disagrees. Gao You has said that this jade pendant is unique to the prince.

  He said, "Should it be he who can prove his identity the most?"

  Bai Shandao: "You might as well take Gao You directly to the inner city and let him be a lobbyist to convince the court of Goguryeo."

   Zhang Hui looked at him with an expression of "You treat me as an idiot", "Then why don't you take him to the other side to persuade the second prince?"

"Because the second-year prince is just his brother, I don’t know how their brothers are, and the second-year prince will definitely not be willing to exchange half of Anshicheng for him." Bai Shan said: "However, there is the father of the high-five prince in the domestic city. Mother, as well as his uncle's family and the forces under his hand, if he can persuade his forces to agree to surrender..."

  The emblem became thoughtful and released his hand holding the sleeve.

  Bai Shan immediately retracted his sleeve, stroked his injured right hand, and exhaled, "Master Zhang, think about it."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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