Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2725: Ambassador

   Chapter 2725

Master Zhang groaned, "After all, that is the capital of the enemy country. Bring Gaoyou. If he wants to go back, I can't stop him. Isn't that letting the tiger go back to the mountain?"

  Wait to enter the domestic city, let alone Gao You, even his life is in the hands of the King of Goguryeo, which is equivalent to sending Gao You back, unless his heart is completely biased towards them.

  There is still a saying that Cao Ying is in the heart of Han, but if not, Zhang Hui looks at Bai Shan. Isn’t this giving Goguryeo a bargaining chip in vain?

  Bai Shan sat on the chair indifferently, and smiled at him when he saw him look up.

  He said: "Let the tiger go back to the mountain, then he must be the head tiger. If Master Zhang doesn't give it a try, can you know?"

Master Zhang is still hesitating, "Your Majesty..."

Bai Shan looked down and adjusted his clothes, got up and smiled: "Your Majesty’s original intention was just in case, in case the Eastern Expedition fails, to bring him to peace talks, but now we have captured half of Goguryeo, his original role is no longer used. If Master Zhang is interested, I can go with you to meet your Majesty."

  This is an option sought in wealth insurance.

   Bring Gao You, his probability of success is higher, but the probability of failure is also higher, and the benefits and risks increase at the same time.

  Zhang Hui turned around twice, and gritted his teeth at the last time, "Okay, then please go to see your Majesty with Lord Bai and me."

  Bai Shan simply went to see the emperor directly with him.

On the way, Zhang Hui couldn't help asking him, "How did Lord Bai...convince the high five prince?"

  Learn more so he can persuade the other person.

   "I seem to have heard who said that Lord Bai and the high five prince are old acquaintances, and they have a good relationship in the capital?"

Bai Shandao: "Master Zhang must have heard it wrong. The old acquaintance is true. I saw him when the high five prince went to the capital for the first time in the early years. "

  I have seen each other four or five times in the same capital.

  He and Bai Shan have seen so many face ups and downs every day, and they still don't have much friendship.

  Zhang Hui felt the need to repair the relationship between them, so he smiled and said with Bai Shan: "Master Bai, I am going on an mission. Before I go out, I invite you and Master Zhou to have a meal?"

   "Master Zhang is not welcome," Bai Shan said with a smile: "My wife and I don't like to drink. Naturally, good things should be reserved for people who understand it. Master Zhang can invite them to Zhao Guogong."

  Forget it, he drank all of his wine, even if he didn’t drink it all, he couldn’t invite them. Then how many sips of the wine would fall in his mouth?

  The emperor really doesn’t care about Gaoyou very much now. It’s not how valuable he is if he is still locked up now, but rather a bargaining chip in his hand. Although the food is tasteless, he can’t give it to him directly, right?

   But if the courtier is useful, even if it is possible to send a son back to the other party for nothing, he agreed without hesitation.

  For Goguryeo, it is still very important that this is a prince, but for Dajin, this is only a prince of Goguryeo.

  In the case of smooth warfare, he is not very useful.

  The emperor agreed with a wave of his big hand, but how to convince Gao You for his own use was a matter of Zhang Hui.

  Zhang Hui asked Bai Shan a lot about Gao You. Although he said that he didn't have much friendship with Gao You, he must have a deep understanding of Gao You to be able to trick such an important piece of jade from the other party.

  So he stared at him.

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said: "Gao You is a narrow-minded, short-sighted, good-for-nothing person. It is hard to convince him by coercion. It is good to be tempted, but he should not be too proud to avoid bad things."

  Chapter Emblem: "... Doesn't he have an advantage?"

  Bai Shan thought about it seriously and asked, "Can I bend and stretch?"

  That is the grass on the wall. It can be swayed by the wind. This kind of person is the most difficult to control, and it is best to control it. Whoever has the advantage of standing on which side.

   "However, he has a companion by his side. His knowledge is not bad, and he has some insights. If I am Master Zhang, I will not take him with him this time."

  Zhang Hui's eyes flashed, and he understood, "Leave him in a state of isolation and helplessness?"

  Bai Shan smiled and nodded.

   "Okay," Zhang Hui sorted out the official uniform, and said to Bai Shan: "Then I will go to meet the high prince for a while now."

  Bai Shan retired after saluting and went back to the tent.

  Man Bao had already exchanged his clothes, and was about to find him. When he saw him coming back, he pulled people in.

  She said: "This is the dress. You can put it on now and wear it next to your body."

  Bai Shan touched it, but couldn't figure out the material of the clothes, and the style was so strange that there were no plackets or the like.

  He lowered his voice and asked, "This is the little father-in-law's own?"

  Man Baodao: "...changed it with someone else."

Bai Shan nodded and said with Man Bao: "You let the little father-in-law wait until Anshi City is knocked down. I will let people look around for any strange things in this neighborhood, flowers, trees, insects, fish and birds that we haven't seen before. Beast, I bought it and gave it to him at that time."

  Man Bao immediately nodded and said: "Okay, okay."

   Then he said: "But don't spend too much money."


  Bai Shan put on his clothes. It was cold at this time, and it was not obvious at all to put such an extra piece of clothing inside.

  Man Bao asked him, "When are you going by?"

  "The letter has been submitted. There should be news before dark. If they agree, I will go directly to the second prince. If they don’t agree, then I can only go quietly to meet some people."

  Man Bao’s eyebrows: "It’s dangerous, isn’t it?"

  Bai Shan didn’t take it seriously, “This is very unlikely. If I were a second-year prince, at this time, I wouldn’t surrender and I would see it. I could drag it for a day or a day and wait for reinforcements.”

  "Zhao Guogui truce?"

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said: "It should not be possible, but if your Majesty sends a message, it will not be a large-scale attack."

   Then there is a buffer.

  Sure enough, before dark, a letter came over there, agreeing to negotiate.

  Bai Shan prepared a bit, and early the next morning, he said goodbye to the emperor and took people to the other side.

   Yuanyi brought soldiers and horses to pick up the envoys. Seeing that the man came was a young young man, he couldn’t help but frown. Is he so young?

  Bai Shan smiled and bowed to Yuan Yi, and said: "General Yuan, Bai Shan from the bookstore in Xiazhong, I would like to ask General Yuan for more advice."

   Yuanyi didn't dare to be too sloppy when he heard about his official position. He dismounted, clenched a fist and replied and said sideways: "Sir Bai, please."

  Bai Shan got on his horse and led his team across the middle checkpoint into another city. He didn't look back, but he knew that Man Bao was watching him.

Man Bao was standing upstairs, watching him slowly disappearing into the street while riding a horse. Zhao Guogong saw that the envoy team had entered safely, and turned to go downstairs. He turned to see that Zhou Man was still looking over there, and he paused. For a moment.

  Thinking about it, he still comforted the other party, “Don’t be sad, they are not brave, they should not dare to hurt our envoys, at most they will arrest Bai Shan and threaten us.”

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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