Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2738: Raid

  Chapter 2738 Raid

  The prisoner shrank his neck, gave Bai Shan a disappointed look, and had to turn around and lie down.

  Bai Shan also retracted his gaze, lying still.

  Meng's family weighed it for a long time, and finally decided to take a little more risk, and the Mengzi went to spread the message in person.

  The greater the danger, the greater the benefits will be gained after the incident is completed, so Master Meng followed the guard at home and shuttled through the city, quietly touched the front line, and was discovered by the scouts of the Jin army.

  Mengzi was brought to the front of Zhao Guogong.

  Zhao Guogong was about to fall asleep, and he was refreshed when he saw him, "Bai Shan asked you to deliver the letter?"

   "Yes," Mr. Meng was actually a little hesitant. He heard that Princess Zhao was fighting over there, but he didn't really want to negotiate a peace or surrender, and his relationship with the White Envoy was at odds.

  Bai Shancai sent troops to fight for the East Third Street when he was on the mission, obviously not caring about the life and death of the envoy.

  Zhao Guogong's gaze was forced, and the son of Meng lowered his head and dared not look at him, and honestly said: "The White Envoy has been imprisoned by the second prince in the dungeon. He asked me to pass a message to the Guogong."

"you say."

   "Envoy Bai said that he doesn't need to care too much about him, but he can act according to the original plan and launch a storm at the right time tomorrow."

  Zhao Guogong raised his eyebrows, they had hairy original plan!

  He glanced at Mr. Meng, and thought about it, it seemed that Bai Shan didn't trust him very much either.

   But it should be true that he spreads a word to make a strong attack, it is this hour...

  Chenzheng, in broad daylight, it’s not long after the early eclipse is used up, it is the most energetic time of the day, who is attacking at that time.

  Since it is a storm, it is natural to consider the most beneficial time first.

  Zhao Guogong touched his chin and asked, "What else does the White Envoy have to say?"

  Mengzi shook his head, "No more."

  Zhao Guogong smiled slightly and said to him: "Then please let the son live here first, and then send him to reunite with his family after two days."

  Mengzi's face was pale, knowing that they didn't believe him, and wanted to detain him to see the situation.

Before    came, his father had already assumed this situation with him, and he was mentally prepared, so his face was only paler, and it was not a gaffe.

  He replied, and followed people away after saluting.

  Zhao Guogong immediately called the generals to see the emperor.

  The emperor groaned and said, "It seems that Bai Shan is very sure to protect himself. That's it, attack it, what about the time?"

  Zhao Guo justified: "The minister looks at Yin is pretty good."

  He said: "It happens to be in the middle of Zishi and Chenshi, and the early morning that Master Zhou also proposed."

  At this moment, he remembered Zhou Man’s fallacies, and said, "Master Zhou and Master Bai are connected in mind. This may be what Master Bai thinks. The time that He Mengshi said should be used as a cover."

  The emperor nodded, he thought so too, so he said: "Okay, then launch an offensive at the right time, and let the house begin to bury the pot and cook."


  The emperor left Zhao Guogong, and said to him: "We will retreat until dawn, and Chen Bing and the border will deter them."

  He said with a sullen face: "I don't want the soldiers to be injured too much. Since Bai Shan can report the news while in jail, obviously he is doing well there, and the persuasion to surrender should have made progress."


  Zhao Guogong retired, hurrying to sleep.

Lying on the bed, Man Bao, who spent a lot of points and stalked separately, turned over and lay down comfortably. Well, he finally left according to Bai Shan's plan. I don’t know if the second prince will be frightened tomorrow. When he surrendered, he was still so embarrassed that he slaughtered Bai Shan.

  Alas, sad.

  Man Bao lay on the bed, holding the quilt and Ke Ke sighed: "Let’s go to bed too, Yinshi will get up around the corner."

   And now it's almost childbirth, it's late at night, very late and late, she can still sleep for an hour and a half.

  Man Bao hugged the quilt and yawned after covering the quilt, and said in a daze, "Yin Shih will wake me up in two quarters."

  After finishing speaking, she slept with her head crooked.


  The host’s sleep is really as good as ever.

  Man Bao felt like he just closed his eyes. He was sinking and floating in the water drowsily. Then Keke tickled up and said to her, "It's a second time in Yin."

  Man Bao worked hard to open his eyes and rolled over and said, "How could it be so fast?"

  Closed his eyes clearly, maybe not for a quarter of an hour.

  That’s how she said, she still tried to get up, then put on her clothes and went around the screen. The cake sleeping outside was awakened, and she immediately got up, "My lord?"

  Man Bao couldn’t open his eyes, and said to her, "Put some water and I will wash my face."

  The cake went to carry the big pot, frowned and said, "It's cold."

  She said: "The slave servant goes to the kitchen to see if there is hot water."

   "Don't, just need cold water." Man Bao stopped her, sat down on the chair and said, "Just to wake up."

  The cake can only pour water for her.

  Man Bao washes his face, then asks the cake to pull his hair, "You go to sleep, I'll call someone."

  The cake immediately said: "My lord, the slave and maid will follow you."

  Man Bao shook his head, "You wait for me to get off the battlefield, and then I need you to run errands. You sleep first and take turns."

  Man Bao thought for a while, turned around to wake up the two students in the tent, and called the doctor Lu by the way.

  Everyone looked sleepy. They didn’t know about the raid, so they were a bit dazed at the moment, "What's wrong?"

   "War is about to start, go to the pharmacy to prepare medicinal materials, and the medical account will be moved to the front in a while." She and Doctor Lu said: "I will lead a team with you, and separate medical accounts on both sides."

  Emperor Lu was stunned, "Who said there was a war, why didn't I know?"

  Only after the words fell, Zhao Guogong’s soldiers came to look for them, and when they saw them, their eyes lit up, "Master Zhou, it turns out that you are here. I just went to the big tent to look for you. Your maid said that you woke up early in the morning and prepared."

He smiled and said: "Although you know, but the humble job still has to be passed on again. The general manager will make you prepare for the medical account. The Yinzheng army will attack the south and east of the city together. Both sides need to set up a medical account, you see ..."

  Man Bao looked at Doctor Lu, "East of the city or the south of the city, you can choose one."

  Emperor Lu: "...Dong."

  Man Bao nodded, pointing to the students she had selected and said, "You choose half."

  Educational Doctor Lu simply said: "Half, half of you, half of you are female students, half of me, half of you are male students, half of me."

  Man Bao simply ordered a few people as soon as he heard it, and then said: "Let's go, prepare medicinal materials first."

  It takes a while for them to fight, and it takes more time for them to retreat from injury, so they have time to make some basic preparations.

  Someone brought them food, and the room had been quietly busy. At this time, the whole army was quietly eating.

In the drowsy night, it was the time when people slept most in the day. The Jin army was walking through the city quietly. Some alert people heard the noise and quietly opened the window to look at the soldier’s gaze, scared. I had to close the window with a snap.

  The Jin army didn’t care about them either. They walked past their wall and reached the current boundary line in a short while.

  In the darkness, they squatted in the shadows under the wall, watching the sleepy Goguryeo defenders on the opposite side.

  Everyone was waiting for orders. Suddenly in the night, an arrow shot up into the sky. Everyone saw it, even the Goguryeo soldiers on patrol. They only had time to look up, and then they were wiped on their necks...

  Some people turned their heads and were shot by an arrow at a glance, and the line of defense was instantly defeated...

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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