Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2739: In person

  Chapter 2739 Come in person

  The Jin army went down two streets with lightning speed, but the Goguryeo soldiers were not without strength. The whole city was on guard, even if the war was not serious these days, there were people who were wary.

   Therefore, the offensive of the Jin army was quickly contained, but the shouts of killing continued to skyrocket, and the whole city was once again caught in the flames of war, just like the siege of the city some time ago.

  The whole city woke up. The people honestly closed their doors and waited. In fact, they only wanted one result at this time, and there must be one result whether it was a win or a win.

  As the Jin army said in the streets and alleys these days, the Liaodong area was originally integrated with the Central Plains. The Gao family lived in the Liaodong, built Goguryeo, and respected the Jin Dynasty.

  In addition, the emperor has been telling the Jin army to preach bad things about the Gao family in the past few days, saying that the Gao family’s court is brutal and inhumane, and taxes are levied...

  Many people don’t say anything, but they agree with it in their hearts.

  So they did not dislike Liaodong returning to Dajin at this time. Anyway, as long as there is a result, they don't want to stay at home anymore.

  Although it is winter now, they have not had time to store enough firewood. What should they do for the winter this year?

  They get out the door.

  The second prince was awakened. When he rushed to the Senate, Xun Sa and the generals and ministers had already arrived. Except Xun Sa, everyone was a little dazed, "Why did Jin suddenly attack?"

  "Do they know about our imprisoning envoys?"

  When everyone was talking, they couldn’t help but peek at the second prince.

  The second high prince pursed his mouth and asked, "How about the frontline?"

   Yuanyi reported: “Three streets were lost in the east of the city and two streets in the south of the city. Now they are deadlocked.”

  The voice just fell, and the leader ran in and said: "Prince, a large number of Jin troops were found on Henger Street, and several highlands were taken by Jin troops."

  The second prince's face changed, and he almost uttered at the same time as Xun Sa, "They are going to cut the connection between us and Chengdong."

   Zhasa immediately said: "Prince, absolutely can't let them occupy Henger Street, otherwise we will lose control of the East City.

  If they lose control of the east city, what is the point of them occupying only half of the city south?

  When the time comes, I can only give up Anshicheng and escape.

  The second prince immediately dispatched troops to Henger Street to support, and then became surprised, "Why did the Jin army suddenly attack?"

  How long did he put Bai Shan in the dungeon?

  Thinking of this, he was shocked and immediately ordered his guards. "Go to see Bai Shan in the dungeon."

  The guards left, and returned two quarters later to report, “Bai Shan is still in the dungeon and has not escaped. Other members of the delegation are also in the guest house, and no one is missing.”

  The second high prince has arranged all the people who can be arranged to the front line. He sat quietly, puzzled, why did the Jin army suddenly attack?

  Is it impatient to wait for his reply, thinking that the time has been delayed for too long?

  The second prince rubbed his forehead and asked, "How does Xun Sa look?"

   Zhasa quietly said: "Prince, now we are both equal in strength. Please come to the front line in person to boost morale. As long as you hold this time and delay it for another ten days, this difficulty can be solved."

  The second prince hurriedly asked: "What's the solution?"

   Sasah said: "The weather is getting colder, if the old minister is not wrong, after ten days, at most twelve days, the first snow will come down, and it will be a heavy snowfall."

  He said: "The Jin army is a long-range attack, and the materials are far less than what we waited for, and there is not enough food and grass, so as long as we hold on, they will retreat if they can't attack for a long time."

  The second prince hesitated, and Xun Sa knelt on the ground, bowed his head and said: "The old minister is willing to serve the prince to fight on the front line, please come to the prince."

  The second prince got up and said with firm eyes: "Okay!"

At the same time, the emperor on the other side had appeared on the front line wearing armor and crouching. As soon as he arrived, he saw Zhou Man with a medical account shuttle in the back and arranged the soldiers sent down in the front under the eaves, and healed his injuries. On the one hand, he also had to avoid Ryuya who would occasionally fly over.

  The emperor frowned slightly, looked at the houses on the front, back, left, and right, and said to Yin Li: "Bring some money and expropriate all the houses around here. I will use it to house the wounded."

  Yin Li responded with a "yes" and was about to make arrangements. Bai Erlang immediately ran up on his horse, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, let me do this. I was in charge of the medical account."

The emperor saw him now, and looked at him up and down, and saw that he was wearing a cloak with a conspicuous red robe inside. He was immediately angry, "This is a war. What are you doing in such a conspicuous outfit? What about your armor? Don't be afraid of that. Does the arrow stick into you?"

   Baijiro: "...Your Majesty, this is the official robe of a minister."

  Following the emperor, what does he wear without an official robe?

   And his cloak is black, okay, it will cover it at once, as for the armor, "The minister has no armor."

  The emperor turned his head and said to Gu Zhong: "Choose a set of armor that I don't use often, and send it back to the horse."

   Then he said to Bai Erlang: "Hurry up, what are you doing?"

When Bai Erlang heard this, he was happy. He immediately ran back with some people to get some money, and then knocked on the door. There were no people in many houses, because many of the streets were paved in the front and houses in the back, and many people did not live in them. Here.

  So Bai Erlang directly let someone smash the door and requisition it directly after entering. When he met someone with someone, he would give money and requisition the front storefront, and let them close the door in the backyard. They would not go to the backyard.

  He doesn't care whether people agree or not, as is the case in wars, so people cannot weigh their choices slowly.

   Bai Erlang requisitioned the house, turned around and took people to carry the wounded soldiers outside into the house. He also asked people to set up a brazier and prepare quilts and other things for keeping out the cold.

  The wounded soldier who was almost freezing outside felt better. He was wounded, drugged, burned by the fire, and after taking the drug, he became drowsy.

  Bai Erlang ran into another shop, and he saw Man Baozheng let someone dismantle the door, and let them hold down a wailing soldier, sweating on his forehead and holding a saw to cut off the opponent's arm.

   Most of his hand was chopped off by a knife, and he could not be saved. In order to stop the bleeding, he had to saw off this forearm.

  Shirajiro immediately rushed up to hold the person, and asked, "Isn't there any hemp?"

Man Bao said, "I gave him a meal, but he still called. Ma Fei San does not seem to have much effect on him. I don't dare to take heavy medicine. I have used needles to relieve the pain, but it will still be very painful. You can press it first. Live, I move faster."

   Several soldiers came to help, pressing down on the people, Man Bao and Su Banxia quickly saw it together, and after a long time saw off the hands, Man Bao began to give him hemostatic medicine.

   Seeing that his face turned pale with pain, he asked Su Banxia, ​​"has the pain medicine been cured yet?"

  Su Banxia shook her head, “There is little water here, and it needs to be fetched from far away, so it’s a bit slow.”

  White Jiro thought for a while and then said: "I'll go to you and ask some people to come and help."

  Man Bao nodded, and when the wounded was dealt with, he went to deal with the next one.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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