Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2759: Mentor

  Chapter 2759 Good Teacher

  Logistics received this news and immediately went to Zhao Guogong. The two thousand people led by Niu Cishi were already self-sufficient, but Xue Gui still asked him for food and grass every day.

  Zhao Guogong went to the official document to ask Xue Gui, and after receiving the reply, he wrote to Xue Gui, "It can be used by large households."

   wrote to Niu Cishi again, "You must not take the people away. Your Majesty is a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, and he must leave goodwill for future generations."

Zhao Guogong told the emperor about this, and said, "Goguryeo is simply killing chickens to get eggs. The surrounding areas of the inner city have been expropriated three times, leaving the people with nowhere to rely, let alone further away. Even without us, I'm afraid I can support it. In a few years."

   said again: "Xue Gui is young and inexperienced, not as good as the veteran steward."

  The emperor nodded and commented: "Niu Cishi can govern a place and lead soldiers in battle, Xue Gui is a strong general."

  The emperor moved in his heart and asked, "Big brother, how does Niu Cishi become the governor of the An Dong Protectorate?"

  Zhao Guogong thought for a while and said: "It's feasible, but...will it rise too fast?"

  The emperor smiled indifferently: "He is a sledgehammer, why use it to kill chickens? Besides, with his qualifications, it is not too early to be promoted to governor, but he is from a poor family and no one recommends it."

  If it weren’t for this Eastern Campaign, he wouldn’t know that there were so many outstanding people hidden in the border land.

   Xue Gui counts as one, and Niu Cishi is naturally counted as one.

  If it were not for Silla and Baekje infighting, maybe he wouldn't be able to use his personal conquest, and Niu Cishi would quietly defeat Liaodong.

  Zhao Guogong no longer had any opinions, and the two of them did not talk about this topic tacitly. It is not good for this kind of appointment and removal event to be spread out in advance.

Xue Gui got the advice of Zhao Guogong, and finally knew how to expropriate food and grass without causing too much public grievance. So he took the soldiers to the two small cities. Food shops and so on.

  For a time, wealthy businessmen and some landlord families suffered heavy losses, and many people cried and went to the inner city.

Niu Cishi had to be more gentle. After taking over the city, he directly took over the warehouses in the city. Well, they were basically empty warehouses. Then he went to the official’s house and took a seat. After receiving a few carts of food, he went to another one to take a seat. sit.

  Some people are stingy. They obviously have a lot of food in their homes but are not willing to take out a single grain. Instead, they propose to take the Jin army to the countryside to collect it from their tenant households.

  Niu Cishi sneered again and again, Goguryeo searched everything that could be searched, and then he went to expropriate ordinary people, didn't he take the initiative to bear their grievances?

  And what else can be found from them?

  In the face of such a stubborn and unconscious, Niu Cishi did not use force, and directly took the soldiers to his house for dinner.

He took two thousand people, five hundred people went to another village and town along the way, and another five hundred people went to another place. He took the remaining one thousand people to dinner, and after eating two meals, the other party would be honest. NS.

  Finally, he contentedly pulled four or five carts of grain and left.

  His lieutenant had his stomach rounded up after eating, and he smiled and said, "My lord, they are too fast to be soft. It will be fine if they are stubborn for two more days."

  They can only eat 70% full on their own meals, not as good as being a guest. Since they are guests, even if there are fewer dishes, they have to manage their meals, right?

  These two meals are the best one they have had since their expedition.

  He no longer envied those people in the camp for eating horse meat.

  In the siege two days ago, three of their horses died, and seven of the enemy’s horses died, all of which were skinned and eaten.

  It’s a pity that they went out for a raid the next day, and they didn’t have time to eat a piece of meat.

  Now they are not envious at all.

  More than 50,000 people, divided into ten horses, everyone can eat a piece of meat, but I am afraid that they can’t even see a piece of meat. Where can they be so good?

Niu Cishi said: "This is a raid, do you know about the raid? We have to hurry up. It's already the second day. It's cold now. Tonight, everyone will rest in the city. We will continue tomorrow morning. At least one city will be next day. "

  These cities have no resistance at all. In some small cities, even the walls are not two feet high, so you can go up with a ladder. The siege speed is extremely fast, and the slower one is to collect grain and grass.

  Qihe Heli was seriously injured, and now it is Gao Zhi, Ashina, Xue Bei and others who take turns to call the siege of the city.

  After the First World War, the people on the castle tower became a bit arrogant. They no longer scolded blindly, but replied from time to time. The two armies sweared at each other across the tower and a large open space.

When Gao Zhi appeared on the stage, it was mostly to persuade him. At this time, the people on the castle tower were not polite. They scolded Gao Zhi from top to bottom and from the inside out. He also proclaimed the edict of King Goguryeo and put Gao Zhi from the genealogy. Get rid of it, relegating it to a sinner...

  Gao Zhi's face is very ugly.

  Although he would be scolded in previous appearances, he has never been scolded so harshly, and there is no edict.

  Zhao Guogong saw all this in his eyes, and said to the emperor: "This siege is even harder to be effective. The other party's determination has become firm. This is a major disaster."

  Shiajiro stood drowsy and listened, a little distracted.

  Bai Shan’s injuries healed a lot. As long as he was free in the past two days, he was called to question him, asking about the situation of the two raid armies, and about the situation of the siege.

  The key is that he is responsible for the logistics of the medical account. How does he know so much?

   could only watch the emperor Konglai around, listen to some news and then tell him.

  Alas, when did Bai Shan become so industrious, it is rare to be injured and can rest, why bother with these things?

   Bai Erlang felt so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes anymore. He gradually lost his mind. He didn't know where his mind was floating. When he returned to his mind, he heard the emperor calling him.

  He trembled and tried to open his eyes to see the emperor.


  Gu Zhong glanced at the emperor cautiously, and reminded Bai Erlang in a low voice: "Master Ma, your Majesty asks you how can you ruin people's hearts?"

  Bai Erlang swallowed, and there was a paste in his mind.

Both the emperor and Zhao Guogong looked at him.

  The emperor was a little disgusted, his son-in-law was too unsatisfied, and Zhao Guogong was also a little dissatisfied. How could a talent like Mingda match a horse like Bai Er?

  The emperor turned around and saw that he was dissatisfied again. Although Bai Er was not witty enough and hardworking, he was handsome, kind-hearted, and affectionate with Mingda. The queen liked him so much. Why do you dislike him as an uncle?

   Baijiro thought hard, and finally found something related from his previous learning and memory, "Attack it with fear, and then take it back with benevolence and righteousness?"

The emperor opened his eyes and asked him directly, "Who said this?"

   Bai Erlang did not hide it, and said directly: "Mr. Zhuang said."

He said: "When we were studying, my husband asked questions and said at the time that to receive the people of a country, we must not only receive its territory, but also receive its heart, convince it, change the customs, and agree with the principles of the country. It is to subdue."

  The emperor nodded approvingly, "Since Zhuang Shi told the prince as a teacher, the prince has also grown a lot."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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