Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2760: Method

   Chapter 2760

  The emperor praised Mr. Zhuang, and then said: "Since Mr. Zhuang has taught you, then you can talk about how to make them fear, and how to show benevolence and righteousness?"

  Hakujiro: "...threatening to intimidate them? Show kindness again?"

  The emperor beckoned with him, "Come on, come and tell me, how do we threaten and intimidate them in such a situation, and then do kindness?"


Finally, he bowed his head and went back to find Bai Shan. At this time, they had already lived in the small city. They still changed people to the besieged city outside the gate of the inner city every day, but neither the people inside nor the people outside would do anything easily, everyone. They are all confronted with curses.

  Because of "injury", Bai Shan has been shutting the door tightly for several days, and even Bai Erlang doesn't know about him pretending to be injured.

  He also pays attention to himself. Even in the room, there is no one else. He is sleeping on his stomach or on his side with a pillow in his arms.

  Bai Erlang sadly told him, "In front of Zhao Guogong, your majesty will only come up with a solution within two days. You can help me think about it."

  Bai Shan: "...I can't figure it out for a while, but your opinion is correct, but the operability is very low."

   "That's right," Bai Erlang said annoyedly: "Now the officers and soldiers of the domestic city and the people are hiding in the city. Both sides talk by shouting. Basically, they quarrel with each other. What can I talk about?"

  The people on the top of the city and outside the city gate are determined people. How could it be possible to threaten and intimidate people with just a few words?

Bai Erlang sighed and said: "It would be great if I could see the people in the inner city, even if it was to tell them a book and spread some small news, it is a pity that now there is no news about Master Zhang, let alone let us go. The preaching also threatens people to give merits afterwards."

  Bai Shan, who had no idea at all, thought about it, "You are right."


  Bai Shandao: "It's impossible to tell a story, but it's okay to write a book."

He said: "When you write an article, the first half is threats, and the second half is temptation. I don't believe that the people in the domestic city have no relatives or friends. In these villages and towns outside the city, there are also several small cities nearby. They must have relatives and friends. in."

   "Your Majesty is now serving porridge inside and outside the city. Recently, the people in the small city have less resentment towards Feng Shangshu, and they have a good impression of us, the new Jin army, so this matter is feasible."

   "How can I write an article and send it in?"

   "Let the Kong Ming Lantern pass, and we will set the Kong Ming Lantern on a day when the west wind blows."

  "What if they don't know how to read?" Baijilang felt that they need to consider various issues, "Maybe they don't know Chinese characters?"

"Goguryeo uses the same mandarin and characters as ours, how can we not know it?" Bai Shan said, "However, there are few people who recognize characters among ordinary people. This point really needs to be considered. If this is the case, then draw the article into a picture. Bar."

  Bai Shandao: "If you don't know words, you will always know how to draw, right?"

  Shiijiro pointed his finger to his nose and asked, "I draw?"

  Bai Shan, "You don't paint, do you still paint?" Are you embarrassed to bully an injured patient?

   Baijiro shouted: "Do you think I can draw it?"

"Why not? Although your painting skills are really lacking in skills, you can still draw things clearly. Otherwise, don't you have to study for a few years for nothing?" Bai Shan said, "Let you just paint, what are you afraid of? "

So Bai Erlang went to find the emperor. After he came out, he took a lot of papers and sent the papers to Bai Shan’s house. Then he went to the gate of the city to see the Goguryeo who was holding the porridge with his head, and took them. Write down his look and words...

  Man Bao rode by and saw him, and the team he had separated came over, looking at him curiously and asking, "What are you doing?"

  As soon as Shirajiro saw her, he asked, "Didn't you go to the prison camp? Why did you come back?"

   Zhou Man: "I'll be back when I'm done."

  She dismounted, squatted with him and looked at the refugees who were waiting in line to receive the porridge, and saw that the numbness on their faces was much less, "There is a result in the prison camp."

  In the past few days, she obeyed the imperial decree, except for medical treatment of the Jin army, she went to the prison camp.

  The prisoners in the prison camp have always been in a state of life and death. Except for some special people, after most of the Goguryeo soldiers were captured, the emperor would ask Zhao Guogong to count the number and place of origin, and then send the people back to their original places.

  Except for a few people, no one will return to the domestic city to continue serving as a soldier, and most of them will sneak back home.

  This is no way. They don’t have much rations. They can’t support so many prisoners. It’s better to give them two or three meals of dry food, and then let them find a way to go home.

  As for this group of captured Goguryeo soldiers, the emperor had to treat them a lot. He didn't let them go. He also transferred a doctor like Zhou Man to treat wounds every day.

The purpose of    is to buy people's hearts.

  Hakujiroichi heard that her mission had been completed, his eyes brightened, and he immediately got up and said, “What are you doing in the cold? Go back and report it.”

   Then there is no need for him to think of a solution, right?

  Man Bao glanced at him and said: "It is true that rats have rat paths, snakes have snake paths, but the path of snakes is not easy."

  In addition to Zhou Man, Xue Bei, who is loyal and honest, has been working in the prison camp, so Man Bao is waiting for him to come and report to the emperor.

"...The five prisoners who came to surrender. They used to be a formation patrolling the city wall," Man Baodao: "They said that one year there were prisoners in the inner city who fled, and the city gate was kept closed, but the people just disappeared. They were patrolling. At that time, I discovered that a section of the wall under the moat had a hole broken, because the moat was originally connected to the inside and outside of the city. That section was quite special. Usually few people went there. During the summer and autumn flood seasons, the river rose and blocked that hole. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the hole was revealed again."

  Xue Bei added: “They have reported it before, but because the domestic city is in the hinterland of Goguryeo, such a small hole is harmless, so it has not been repaired.”

  Zhao Guogong immediately asked: "Is the hole still there?"


   "But," Man Bao said with frowning eyebrows: "It's too cold now, and there are floating ice in the river. It's easy to get into the water at this time."

The emperor and others felt that this was a small problem, and certain sacrifices were normal. He also ordered to organize a death squad to attack the city, but the generals were reluctant to take the lives of the soldiers to fill in the unsuccessful battle. The emperor was heartbroken to think about it. Finally gave up.

  However, this approach can have results now. Once people enter the city and get close to the city gate, they are half done.

  The emperor asked: "Are all the warriors you had chosen before are still there?"

  Zhao Guogong immediately responded: "Yes."

  The emperor nodded slightly, "screen again, and remove those who can't swim. Let them try to enter the water in the first two days, and don't rush to move."

   Then turned his head to look at Shijiro: "How did you think of the method? You have to think of a method before they act. It's best if the hearts of the people in the domestic city can float."

  Shiajiro can only go back silently and continue to stare at the refugees.

    The double monthly pass has officially started. It’s the end of the month. If you don’t vote, the monthly pass will expire. Please ask for a monthly pass.

     See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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