Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2763: Mixing

  Chapter 2763 Mixing

  When King Goguryeo learned of this incident, the paper fluttering down had been picked up, and even the soldiers sent out could not take all the paper back.

  And some scholars and literate people have quietly memorized the article and spread it to the entire domestic city.

  The popularity of domestic cities is floating.

  Especially, they did not completely cut off contact with the outside. The Jin army was raiding the towns around the inner city, almost isolating the inner city and surrounding it. The king of Goguryeo and the generals in the court knew about it.

  In recent days, many people have questioned the previous tactics of Gao Husa and King Goguryeo.

  Although they severely damaged the Jin generals that time, they lost even more. Not only did they lose one general, they also lost two thousand soldiers and horses. In contrast, the Jin's losses were not worth mentioning.

  Especially in the country of Jin, so many generals have caused a heavy blow to He Li, as well as Ashina, Feng Liang, Xue Bei and Xue Gui...

  Even their first and second prince of Goguryeo became one of their generals.

  If it hadn’t been for that scheming, the Jin army would not be ashamed and furious, and would directly attack nearby towns with no strategic significance, so that they would not even be able to collect food and grass quietly now.

  In addition, various things have happened frequently recently. Because of the treason of the second prince, the king of Goguryeo sent many ministers who had served as the second prince to jail. Many ministers felt that the king of Goguryeo was innocent and widowed.

  No one would have imagined that the second prince of high school was treasonous. Others were far away in Anshi. How did the ministers in the inner city know that he was going to surrender?

  Because the second prince surrendered, these courtiers who once said good things to the second prince, then why are you embarrassed to live?

  These people are just courtiers, but King Goguryeo is the second prince’s father, shouldn’t he be more responsible for his responsibility?

  More than the second prince was the treason of his son, and the fifth prince is still in prison.

  You son and father, to be honest, some ministers still muttered in their hearts, they were worried that King Goguryeo would also surrender.

If the king surrendered, and Liaodong was taken back by the Jin country, this war would definitely require someone to carry it out.

  So who is the most suitable?

  Of course it was their ministers.

  Just thinking about it, they were frightened, so don't look at the domestic city during this period of time because of the last war, but there are not many people who come into contact with the emblem in the prison in private.

  Of course, they will not come out in person, but selected some talents from the family to contact.

  Zhanghui's life is a little better than before. After learning the news from the guards guarding the sky prison, he immediately asked the high five prince to ask, and in the evening he got a piece of what had fallen from the sky.

  The emblem swept through the crusade documents at a glance and ten lines, and put them aside directly, very disdainful. Although this article is easy to understand, it has no technical content and is not worth reading.

  But these short stories and paintings are good, just a cursory glance makes people feel empathetic.

  The high five prince lay on the wall and asked, "Master Zhang, what is the use of Jin Guo putting these things?"

  Zhang Huidao: "It's very useful. There is a saying by the saint today that people are like water, and the emperor is like a boat. Water can carry and overturn a boat."

   High-five prince: "The domestic city is guarded by soldiers, not ordinary people."

  Zhang Hui relied on the high-five prince to be unable to see himself, and smiled contemptuously and said: "Aren't the soldiers also the people?"

  Even, they should be more empathetic than ordinary people, because the King of Goguryeo gave up two thousand soldiers not long ago in order to restore morale.

  Well, the articles and stories are written in this way, and the people in the city also said the same, and many soldiers believed it.

  Bai Erlang led people to follow the Qin Tianjian to place the Kongming lanterns everywhere, so angry that the king of Goguryeo made people shoot down the Kongming lantern with an arrow.

  Let’s not say whether the arrow can reach the Kongming Lantern, that is, it can. The Kongming Lantern that was shot fell down with a snap, and the paper placed in the half-open cloth bag flew down faster during the tumbling.

  King Goguryeo:...

  He was so angry that people chopped off the archer.

  As a result, the atmosphere in the city became more tense, and even the people dared not go to the street, but in order to wait for new floating paper, many people would go out around noon.

  The stories that fall every day are different, the paintings are also different, they still like to watch it.

  In this kind of expectant and tense atmosphere, a hundred people selected by Zhao Guogong stood in front of Zhou Man one evening.

  Man Bao could only pour them a bowl of medicine, "This medicine can prevent you from catching cold, so drink it all."

  Hundreds of people picked up their bowls and dried them together, and then followed the Goguryeo captive to a moat with a touch of mouth.

  Zhao Guogong personally sent the people to the river, and said to them: "The general and your majesty are waiting for you to return in triumph."

  Hundreds of people did not speak, but gave a military salute together, and then quietly boarded the small canoe in the dark.

   During this period of time, the soldiers patrolling the walls of the city relaxed a lot, especially in the past two days, the people staring at it found that soldiers who had to walk every quarter of an hour before might not come once in half an hour.

Hundreds of people rowed under the city wall in silence. This was a relatively remote city wall and river channel. Under the guidance of the captives, they saw that there seemed to be a missing piece in the rippling water. A soldier reached out and touched it and whispered a report: There is a hole, but the river is not shallow. Although it appears, the boat can't get through."

   also frees up a water surface to the left and right of their heads, so they have to enter the water if they want to get in from here.

   They knew this early in the morning, and they had prepared it a long time ago, but when they really reached out to touch the icy water, the warrior who was singled out still shrank his neck.

Then they gritted their teeth and slid into the water. They poked their heads out to breathe. Their heads almost touched the city wall. This hole was washed out, and the section was very uneven. One section was even completely submerged in the water. They could only hold their breath. Dive and swim over.

  Wait when they enter the city, that is the beginning of the real test. They have no identity here, and they have to avoid the soldiers patrolling the city, and even ordinary people, so it is very dangerous.

  As soon as they got ashore, they trembled into an alley with trembling, carrying the wind on their backs and opening the bags behind them with oil paper, and after taking out their clothes, they took off their clothes and put them on.

  A group of people huddled together to discuss in a low voice, “What to do, it’s so cold, it’s so dark, there’s no one yet, how can I find a place?”

  One person shivered and took out the map and said, "Zhao Guogong drew the map for us. We are here, and General Gao’s other courtyard is here. We passed from here..."

  Gao Zhi was standing in the yard looking at the moon and was sad. It was his sad thing that Anshicheng was broken. He thought more than once, if the city gate could be held tightly at that time...

  However, he did not expect that this time he would use the most disdainful method to make a contribution to breaking the gate of the inner city.

    The next chapter is around eleven o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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