Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2764: Misfire

  Chapter 2764 Fire

  At noon on October 28, the people on the street habitually looked up at the sky. They didn't see the familiar Kong Ming Lantern. Everyone was a little disappointed. Will the Kong Ming Lantern come today?

Suddenly a lot of soldiers with knives ran up on the street, one person at twenty paces stayed, they also looked to the sky from time to time, and then drove these people away with big knives, "Go and go, the king said, all those things are The Jin Kingdom confuses people's hearts, and you don’t know what evil things are contaminated on it, so you take less..."

  Kill the people along the street.

  The people were frightened and angry, and they couldn’t help panicking when they ran backwards. Some children were so scared that they cried. The adults were reluctant, and pushed them up with the soldiers one after another, "We didn’t commit any crime..."

  The scene is even more chaotic. I am arguing and noisy, and suddenly I hear a faint rush of gongs in my ears.

This is a gong that can only be struck by water. Everyone can't help but look at the sound of the gong and see the fire from the sky. Not only the soldiers, but also the people are also shocked. The water is out, put out the fire."

  Everyone ran towards the burning place...

  The soldiers hesitated and didn’t move. Some people couldn’t help cursing, “I didn’t see what we did. They bullied us, but they were very angry. Now I don’t know how to save it when it’s on fire, and I’m not afraid to give the whole city some points.”

  The soldiers didn't move, they just listened to the commander's orders.

  Their chief frowned, looked at the direction of the fire, and was very worried, "Come on, go and see where the fire is."


  The person who set the fire was hiding in the alley at this time. Seeing that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and apart from the people watching to wet the nearby houses with some water, there was no fire-fighting officer to put out the fire, let alone soldiers.

  One could not help asking, "Boss, this fire won't get out of control, right?"

   "No way?" The boss scratched his head and said: "I saw it on purpose. The fire looks big, but the fire brigade can easily be extinguished when it comes."

  Their purpose is to attract people who are patrolling nearby, and then touch the tower. At the same time, the fire is also a signal to people outside the city. So far, their plan is going well.

  But the fire was out of control. First, the government officers and soldiers arrived too late, and the nearby people gathered a lot, but they arrived late;

  Second, it is winter, the weather is dry and the fire is hard to control;

  Three is the fire burning, suddenly a gust of wind blows up, and the house next door is also lit...

  The few people hiding in the crowd were stunned. Seeing the fire was getting bigger and bigger, more and more people were alarmed. Several people glanced at each other, retreated quietly, turned and ran.

  They ran back to their new foothold, another hospital of Gao Zhi, and reported the matter to their attendants.

  The general was surprised when he heard this, "Didn’t you just set the second prince’s courtyard on fire?"

"Yeah, we just set off a fire. Who knew they didn't even have a firefighting officer here? Even the government officer who patrolled the street came very late. There was another gust of wind and the fire couldn't be controlled. General, why don't we go to the city? Do it at the door."

  As soon as the attendant heard this, he immediately asked: "Are there many soldiers going to patrol the city gate from here?"

   "Not many, they all ran to fight the fire," he said: "We met face to face when we ran back, they didn't doubt us."

  The generals turned around in circles, "But we still can't contact Master Zhang, nor can we contact the outside. If we do it, there will be no people outside the city to support..."

  "General, the little one is willing to go out by water to deliver letters."

  As soon as he heard, he nodded after hesitating, and then a few people sneaked out and went to the moat. At this time, the sky was bright. Fortunately, this section was remote. Very few people usually came here.

Everyone looked up at the gate of the city. According to the prisoner, this opening was not a secret among their soldiers. Many people knew that there was such a place. So if the soldiers patrolling the city wall found out... Said: "It's been so long, and even the soldiers who patrolled have not come. Maybe it's okay."

  The general also felt that he could not delay any longer, so he said to the people who took the initiative to invite: "Go ahead, tell the chief executive, and say that we will move around in unity time."

  At that time, the sky was almost dark. It was one of the two most sleepy periods in a person's life.

  The soldier bit the letter wrapped in oiled paper in his mouth, and then quietly went into the water...

  Not only did the patrols in the city fail to find a soldier, but even the guards who mainly stared at the situation outside the city did not find him.

   Zhao Guogong received the letter and asked about the situation of the soldier's inner city in detail, and immediately got up to find the emperor, "Your Majesty, the time has come."

  The emperor took the letter and looked at it, his eyes lit up, he closed the letter and said: "Okay! Start off now."


  Zhao Guogong ordered to go down, and everyone immediately became busy, including the medical account.

  Man Bao received the order and sent the person who reported the letter, then turned around and said to Bai Shan: "Your Majesty is going to attack the city."

  Bai Shan: "The person who sent in played a role?"

  Man Bao gave an "um" and told him: "Now your'injury' can get out of bed, but you can't make a big move, so don't go out and wander around. It won't happen if you get hit by someone."

   is easy to see through.

  She said: "The war is together, I may not have time to come back to see you for several days.

  Bai Shan understood, nodded and said: "I know, don't worry, I will be behaved all this time."

  Man Bao handed Bai Shan to Da Ji and left with the cake.

  At the main camp, she found that Bai Erlang was standing on tiptoe on the stone and trying to look at the inner city.

  Man Bao asked Taiyi Zheng and the students to go first, while she took the medicine box to find Bai Erlang, "What are you looking at?"

"Fire," Bai Erlang pointed to the fiery red in the sky and said: "I knew it was on fire, and it has been two hours, but instead of extinguishing the fire, it is getting stronger and stronger. You see, it’s half bright now. The sky is up, do you think this fire will get out of control?"

  Man Bao was taken aback, and stood on tiptoe to look at the domestic city, "Really, it won't lose control, right?"

  The palace finally saw the fire soaring into the sky. King Goguryeo was very angry. While looking for someone to scold him, he had to dispatch troops to put out the fire.

  The fire spread, and the entire street of houses would be involved in the fire.

   "Isn't that Gaozhi's other courtyard?" The King of Goguryeo asked angrily, "Why did the sealed ones catch fire?"

  The ministers glanced at each other and couldn't tell, they could only say: "After the investigation, we will find out. The most urgent thing is to put out the fire."

  That area is not for dignitaries, it is another courtyard for dignitaries, which is of great value. The courtyards on this street have been burnt, and I feel suffocated and uncomfortable just thinking about it.

    I’m here tonight, and the rest of the chapter will be completed after May 1st, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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