Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2765: Rescued

  Chapter 2765 Rescue

  This time was selected to bring this group of warriors with the surname Qian Qian, Zhao Guogong chose him, one is that he is loyal and brave, and the other is that he is brave and quick-witted.

He gathered everyone in one place and said, "There is still a period of time before the unity time. Now we divide our troops into two places. One place goes to the city gate and waits for the signal outside the city. The other place acts according to the plan and can be in the unity time. It’s best to finish before."

   "General, the manpower on the side of the jail has been mobilized to put out the fire."

  "Very well, who wants to go to jail with me?"

   "The end will go."

  The burning yard and the jail were not on the same street, not even in the same jurisdiction, but they were very close, just two blocks away.

   Zhao Guogong and other generals have discussed in detail, thinking that burning this yard can attract the corps who patrolled at the jail to fight the fire. After that group of people are missing, they can pretend to be Goguryeo's corps and go in.

  The clothes are all prepared in advance and taken from the yamen in the small city. Although a bit old, the style of the clothes is the same as that of the domestic city. At first glance, there is no difference.

  Qian Shen Jiang took forty-nine people to change into clothes, and hurried to the outside of the jail with a big knife openly.

  The jail was looser than they thought, and the two guards guarding the door were standing tiptoe and watching the fire not far away.

  The fire is too big, and it feels like it will burn.

General Qian Qian came forward and reprimanded in Mandarin: "What are you doing? That's how you stand guard on weekdays?"

The two government officials shrank their necks after being reprimanded, and then looked at his brand new clothes. Except for his, the clothes of the other soldiers were picked up by the former servants in the small town, and his was made by Gao Zhi after he told him. The style of the quality officer.

  The other party lowered his head and did not dare to look at Qian Qiang again, because he had just made a mistake, and even forgot the rules of entering and leaving the jail, and directly put the person in.

  Council Qian led people in with a serious face. What he didn't expect was that the officials in the prison were also transferred to put out a fire, so there were not many guards in the prison at this time.

Qian Qiang calmly looked back at his colleagues, and when he saw the head of the cell, he took out an official document saying: "The fire is uncontrollable. The king is afraid that the fire will spread here, so he sent me to **** him. The five princes and the mission were detained in another place."

  The head of the cell opened the official document and looked at it. The seal on it was correct, and even the handwriting was somewhat familiar. But how could the person in the palace bring this kind of official document in person?

  Should not be sent to him by his boss?

The head of the cell was hesitating, Qian Shenjun impatiently urged: "Hurry up to mention people, if the fire spreads and hurts the fifth prince and the mission, can you afford it?"

  The cell was startled and asked quickly: "Then what about the other prisoners?"

  "This is your own business, just listen to your superiors' orders, ask me what to do?" Qian Shenjiang said proudly: "I am only responsible for the safety of the five princes and the mission."

  The head of the cell took out a money bag in front of his chest and stuffed it into the hands of General Qian, and asked in a low voice: "I would like to ask the adults for advice or two. The king is still talking about the five princes and the mission at this time, do you want to..."

  Counselor Qian glanced at him, put the money bag into his arms, and said with a serious face: "Just keep some words in your heart, but you can't export them."

The head of the cell changed his face. I didn’t expect that the words passed on the streets recently turned out to be true. The emperor might surrender to Jin like the second prince and the fifth prince. Therefore, the five princes and members of the mission have been kept for the sake of the future. State accountable.

General Qian Qian urged: "Hurry up, the king is still waiting to see people."

The head of the cell was stupefied and brought the key to mention someone with them. He first opened the door of the five prince’s cell, and when he opened it, he looked up and saw the face of the five prince. He instantly noticed something was wrong, and was shocked, "No, it’s wrong," You are not..."

  Council Qian gave a knife and wiped him on his neck before he finished speaking.

  The prison head widened and the eyes fell, and several guards in the prison were immediately killed by the soldiers.

  Qian Shenjiang glanced back, and when he saw that there was no mistake, he winked and asked him to take someone out to clean up the people outside.

  He opened the prison door and said to the five princes who were shaking hands and feet inside: "Five princes, your majesty sent me to wait to save you."

  The five princes' eyes lit up and asked in surprise: "Your Majesty sent you to save me?"

   "Yes," Qian Shenjiang nodded perfunctorily, and asked, "Where is Lord Zhang?"

"next door."

   Qian Qian will immediately turn around to find Zhang Hui.

  The accommodation for the two of them was pretty good. They were in separate cells, and the rest of the envoy team had no such good luck. They were locked in a nest in the innermost position of the cell.

  Counselor Qian wanted to take away the people when they were released, and other prisoners in the prison clamored, yelling that if they were not released, they would yell that they would not be able to leave.

General Qian Qian frowned, and Zhang Hui stopped him and said, "Don't let it go. Those who can be locked up in the jail are either the vicious people or the criminals with the most sinister crimes. Letting them go out will be a scourge."

  He said coldly: "Isn’t the best way to shut up people by death? Just kill them directly."

  The prisoners were taken aback and moved away from the prison. Although most of them were sentenced to death, there is still a difference between death now and death after a while.

   Qian Qiang said: "My lord, let's go quickly. They just call it if they want. I have killed all the servants in the jail. It's useless for them to crack their throat. Whoever calls it, I just cut it off."

  No one dared to speak out again, silently watching them leave with the high-five princes and the envoys.

  The street was in chaos, Zhang Hui and Prince Gaowu stared at the place where the flames were soaring.

  Qian Qiang subconsciously defended, "It's not all our responsibility."

  Zhang Hui looked back and asked: "Where are we going?"

  Qian Shen Jiang was familiar with and led them to another courtyard of the second prince.

  High Five Prince: "..."

  Council Qian did not have time to take care of his little emotions, and when he brought people to him, he pulled Zhang Hui aside and whispered.

The two people talked for half an hour before it was over. Zhang Hui immediately went to the High Fifth Prince with his head that hadn't been washed for half a month. His dirty hands grasped the five princes who had only been cleaned, and said excitedly. : "Five Princes, your Majesty has specially sent hundreds of warriors to rescue us. Now it is time for us to repay your Majesty."

  After saying this, he lowered his voice and said: "It's also when I am waiting to make meritorious deeds."

  The five princes didn't feel much in the first sentence, but he was very interested in the latter sentence.

  Especially when he knew that his second brother had already become a general in Jin, and he had also been a leader in charge before.

  He also desperately needs a chance to do meritorious service, so he doesn't mind the sour smell on Zhang Hui.

  The two held hands and closed the door to discuss matters.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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