Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2772: Relocation

  Chapter 2772 Return to Beijing

  So he agreed with Heli to find Ashina, pestering people all the way back to the capital.

  The emperor and the others arrived outside the capital in the evening, but they did not enter the city immediately, but stationed outside. The next morning, when the Qintian Supervisor had settled the auspicious time, Wei Zhi led the Manchu Wenwu out of the city to meet the emperor.

  The emperor no longer rides in a car, but rides on his horse, leading the officials and the imperial army into the city. At the gate of the city, Wei Zhi and a hundred officials knelt down to greet him, saying three long live.

  The emperor only felt that the sky was high and the ocean was broad when he rode on the horse, and his mind was as broad as the sky, and his pride came to life.

  The officials who followed the emperor on horseback also dismounted, leading more than 5,000 imperial troops to kneel down, echoing the hundreds of officials at the gate of the city, three shouts of long live.

  Man Bao knelt on the ground, slightly raised his head and glanced at the emperor in front, and a wave of pride also rose.

  She feels that she is very lucky. Fortunately, she has encountered the present and has her own place among the hundred officials.

  Her eyes were shining, and she bowed her head to sincerely kowtow to the emperor.

  The emperor raised his hand and said, "All the Qings should be flat."

  The prince led the officials here to get up, and the opposite Wei Zhi also led the Baiguan to get up.

  Then everyone gathered around the emperor to enter the city, and felt the support and love of the people in Beijing.

  Well, it's mainly for the emperor.

  As a fourth-rank official, Man Bao had the honor of riding a horse and not far behind the emperor, and he also felt the surging love of the people.

  Zhou Lixue brought out the younger brothers and sisters at home, crowded in the crowd, and shouted loudly for Your Majesty the Emperor with others. When they saw the little aunt, they screamed: "My sister, it’s my sister, that’s my sister—"

   shouted again: "That's my little uncle——"

Both sides of the    road were crowded with people. The upper floors and even the trees were full of people, all watching the emperor eagerly. The capital was more lively than ever before, comparable to the Chinese New Year.

A group of girls squeezed by the window of the restaurant and looked down. When Zhou Man passed by, there was a scream of exclamation. Twelve or thirteen-year-old girls pushed me, and I pushed you and screamed, "Did you see, look? Are you here? Is it Master Zhou?"

   "It's Lord Zhou, she also looked up at me, oh my god, oh my god, she smiled at me..."

   "Nonsense, it's obviously at me, ah ah ah-Master Zhou, Master Zhou, look here."

   "It's a crimson official dress, her face is so white, and she looks so beautiful, I like it so much."

   "I like it too. When I get home, I want my mother to make me crimson clothes."

   "That's an official gown, how can you wear it?"

   "The style is similar, but it doesn't have to be exactly the same, it looks good."

   "Yes, I didn't expect women to wear official gowns so beautiful. When I go back, I will try my brother's official gown."

   "Your brother's official robe is green, isn't it pretty?"

   "Who said it's not good-looking, I think it's pretty good-looking, but unfortunately I haven't seen Lord Zhou wear a green official gown."

Some young women brought their children to watch, pointing at Bai Shan's young and attractive sons, and said to their sons: "Have you seen? You study hard, and you will be able to serve your Majesty like them in the future. The ins and outs are all fresh-clothed angry horses;" "

   pointed to Zhou Man and said to his daughter: "You also have to study hard, learn a skill, preferably learn medicine, maybe you will be an official in the future, the Enyin family."

Although not very hopeful, Zhou Man's achievements and the rise of the Zhou family still make many families have daughters who are looking forward to them. They feel that after teaching their daughters well, they can also bring the family together, no worse than raising sons.

  Man Bao retracted his gaze, turned his head and said to the two servants of the Ministry of Labor, who was riding her horse: "I always think that someone is calling me, but I don’t see any acquaintances at first glance."

  The two servants did not speak silently, Zhou Man rode in the middle, they were on the two sides, so they heard more clearly, so they didn't want to talk to her at this time.

  Man Bao saw that they ignored her, so he could only look back with regret.

  Yin might also sit in the restaurant. He reserved a private room alone, and saw his little friends riding by in front of him. The corners of their mouths were slightly picked, which was very pleasant.

  Longevity was also very happy and said, "The son, the son, the son, the son and the man have all returned safely."

   Yin or nodded, and when all the guards of the imperial army passed downstairs, he got up and said: "Let's go, let's go home."

   Changshou smiled and asked: "Young Master, do you want to go to Zhouzhai to see Young Master Bai and others later?"

  Yin or shook his head and said: "They just come back, not only to discuss their merits, but also to see their relatives. We will see you at the dinner in a few days."

  The emperor must be happy to get Liaodong this time. When he settles down, there will be a celebration banquet in the palace. See you then.

  The emperor led his ministers back to the palace, and first met with Baiguan in the Taiji Hall. Everyone discussed the events in the past few months.

  Of course, today the emperor’s class returns to the court, which is considered a happy event, no one will find the emperor uncomfortable at this time, so everyone said good things.

The emperor    also responded to the situation and ordered the rewards that were drawn up on the road to be promulgated.

  People who followed the Eastern Campaign were awarded rewards, ranging from small rewards to big promotion or even noble titles.

  Qihe Heli, Ashina and others were knighted, and at the same time they moved to another place to continue to be a general, by the way, they could govern the place and assume the responsibility of the governor.

  Zhao Guogong and others have also been rewarded, and a few of them will be Zhou Man afterwards.

  Bai Erlang was praised, and then jumped from the seventh-rank Hanlin to the fifth-rank Hanlin. He still studied and studied in the Hanlin Academy;

  Bai Shan’s position has not changed. He is still a member of Zhongshu Province, but he is named county chief and has seven hundred households;

   Zhouman’s official position has not changed, but he has received a lot of rewards. In addition to some gold and silver properties, the title is also raised. He has been promoted from the head of the village to the head of the county, and he has thousands of households...

  Even the courtiers couldn’t help but look sideways. This young couple was really interesting. They were promoted together, and even their titles were promoted together.

  Man Bao happily accepted the order. After the emperor sealed everyone in, she quit the hall. Baishan was a little bit younger than her, so she stood outside and waited for her.

  The couple went home happily under everyone's attention.

Lao Zhoutou and the Qian family came to the capital after autumn. They also went to the street early this morning to watch the excitement. Among the crowd, they saw Manbao riding a horse on the upper reaches of a hundred officials, and Lao Zhoutou burst into tears. Just come down.

  Even Qian’s eyes were full of tears, and for the first time, I truly felt that their Man Bao was so prosperous.

  Even if she is not a boy, she can also be an official yinzi, a shining ancestor.

  So Man Bao and the others were caught by Lao Zhoutou and Qian's as soon as they came back. They checked the people up and down, and then they were relieved that they were all okay.

  Lao Mrs. Liu couldn't restrain her emotions, stepped forward to hold Bai Shan, checked everyone, and was relieved to make sure that he was okay as well.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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