Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2773: Palace Banquet

  Chapter 2773 Palace Banquet

  Bai Shan and Man Bao kept secrets very tightly. No one told the family about Bai Shan's injury, not even the two guards who followed Bai Shan and Da Ji.

  Of course, they didn’t say that it was because Bai Shan had told him.

  The current Baishan is no longer the previous Baishan.

  If before, they would naturally listen to the old lady, but now that Bai Shan has set up a family and is already the head of the Bai family, they would naturally listen to Bai Shan, even if they were sent by the old lady to take care of Bai Shan.

   And Da Ji was supposed to tell the old lady, but thinking that the young master’s injury was a bit weird, he followed and did not say anything.

  At night, the family sat together. Old Zhoutou was like listening to the heavenly book. It took a long time to find his own voice, "That is to say, Man Bao is now the county head?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  Lao Zhou swallowed his head. The town owner didn’t know much, but the county owner knew. Isn’t the county owner the prince’s daughter in the legend?

   "Can the daughter outside really be named the county head?"

  Man Bao pointed at himself and said: "Father, look at me, I will do it."

  She said: "Actually, I don't really want to be named the county head. It's great to be named the county head. The county head can't be hereditary, and the county head may continue to be hereditary."

Although    is a downgrade to attack the title, it is better than her generation.

  Everyone's eyes turned to Bai Shan when they heard this.

Mrs. Liu asked Bai Shan curiously: "You are just a scholar in the middle school, who went to organize government affairs and draft edicts for your majesty. How can you make a great contribution to the title of earl?"

  As the saying goes, nobles show their merits and their position shows their abilities. Even if Baishan is promoted, he should be promoted to show his ability. Only those who have meritorious services can be awarded as earls.

  Bai Shan said: "I have been on the battlefield several times, and the last time I gave a timely warning, I saved General Qi Fu and two thousand soldiers, so your Majesty sealed me."

Mrs. Liu looked up and down suspiciously, "Really?"

  Bai Shan nodded solemnly, “It really can’t be true anymore, grandma doesn’t believe me.”

  Lao Mrs. Liu took a look at Da Ji, and did not ask him. The child has grown up, and it is not good for her to ask too much detail.

  Lao Mrs. Liu looked at the imperial decree of the two people, and finally became happy, and asked with her lips curled up: "This is a happy event. Would you like to entertain the guests?"

Bai Shan and Man Bao glanced at each other and then shook their heads and refused: "This time, your Majesty has given a lot of rewards. We are just a small seal. If we also entertain guests, I don’t know when the queue will be arranged. Why not invite a few close restaurants to eat. Just a meal."

  Lao Mrs. Liu thought for a while and thought it would be better to keep a low profile.

  They sealed two houses this time, and whether it is Manbao or Baishan, the foundation is still relatively shallow, but the two are too young.

  In fact, even if they did not entertain the guests, Bai Shan and Zhou Man still attracted the attention of many people.

  Bai Shan won’t talk about it. He won the emperor’s high praise for this trip, and he believed that his experience is more important than the entire Liaodong;

  Secondly, Zhou Man. She entered the officialdom with no foundation as a woman. Nowadays, she has not only an official position to demonstrate her ability, but also a knighthood to demonstrate her merit.

  It is impossible to say that it is not shocking.

  Some families with unscrupulous offspring, but unfortunately one or two smart daughters and granddaughters, couldn’t hold back the excitement in their hearts.

  If their daughters (granddaughters) can also serve as officials, and be arms to each other with their fathers and brothers in the family, wouldn’t this also be an act of honoring their ancestors?

  Just thinking deeper, everyone couldn’t help but regret that Zhou Man’s road to success is difficult to replicate.

  Based on medical skills, she entered the Taiyuan Hospital. Because of the need to compile medical books and facilitate the treatment of the prince and the prince, she entered the Chongwenguan.

  If other women want to follow her path, they have to go to the Imperial Medical Office and start studying medicine like her.

  The female officials that North Korea and China can accept today are only the Imperial Hospital and the Imperial Medical Office, and other departments will obviously not accept it.

  Even Chongwenguan, I am afraid it is difficult to accept the second female official.

   And let the smart girl in their family study medicine...

  These adults are not very willing.

  The doctor is a craftsman. Although the position of the Imperial Medical Office has been elevated, in the eyes of everyone, the doctor is still a craftsman who waits on others.

  Everyone also thought about it in their hearts. After the entanglement, they suppressed this idea.

  But young girls have their own ideas, and many girls get together to meet at the palace banquet for a major event.

  The emperor will hold a celebration banquet in the palace within two days after the award.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan are both on the list this time, and they can bring their family in, so Man Bao brought Qian and Zhou Liru, and Bai Shan brought his grandmother and mother.

   Originally, he didn't want to take Mrs. Liu, the palace banquet was very cumbersome, all kinds of courtesy, although glorious, but also very tired, he did not want Mrs. Liu to suffer this crime.

  But Mrs. Liu feels that if Bai Shan is released, then the capital will have to leave family members to take care of them.

  Man Bao is impossible. Zheng is thin-skinned, so she can only get it on. So Mrs. Liu wanted to go to the palace this time to meet someone, first leave an impression, and then talk to someone about it.

  So a family of six went out together.

  Shirajiro and Princess Mingda waited for them at the gate of the palace, and they all entered the palace together.

  Originally, there was a full presence, and the servants in the palace were considerate enough. With the addition of Princess Mingda, everyone respected Mrs. Liu and the Qian family more. They directly carried people to the palace where the banquet was held.

Both Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Qian were a little uneasy. They led their in-house attendants and explained softly: "Your majesty and the empress are sympathetic. It's not easy for the elderly ladies and old ladies to walk such a long way. The minion waited at the gate of the palace, waiting to carry him."

  Mrs. Zhao Guogong and others also entered the palace in a chariot, not only referring to Mrs. Liu Lao and Mrs. Qian.

  The two of them were relieved.

  This is the first time Qian came into the palace. When Man Bao helped him get out of the car, she was a little flustered, but her hand held Man Bao’s little hand warm, and her heart settled down.

  She raised her head and glanced at the gate of the palace, and exhaled quietly. The gate looked quite tall and big, much more styled than theirs.

   is worthy of the palace.

  But because the Zhou’s house where she lives now is not bad, although the grandeur of Tai Chi Palace shocked her, she was still stable.

Man Bao helped Qian into the hall and turned a door. Inside was a big yard. Because it was winter, there were not many flowers at this time, but the gardeners in the palace could still put out a lot of potted flowers. It looks especially good in the deserted winter.

  There are also red plums that have been opened in advance, and the red and beautiful branches are together, which is really beautiful.

   Turned around the yard and went to the promenade. Entering the second yard is the main hall, where the banquet was held. At this time, many officials and family members were already here.

The two of them only came in, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but look over. A few little ladies' eyes lit up, and they walked forward and bowed to Zhou Man. They raised their eyes slightly and smiled: "Meet Master Zhou, Little Queen Nine Mother, my cousin and the grown-up are good friends..."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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