Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2774: thank

  Chapter 2774 Thank you

After listening to Man Bao for a while, he understood that she was talking about Mrs. Tang, and was about to say hello with a smile. Another young **** the side said again: "Little Nvzhang Auntie, my father is the minister of ceremonies who is going to the east with Mrs. Zhou this time... …"

   "The little girl Liang Erniang, her father is Shaoqing Hongyousi..."

   "My grandfather is Zhao Guogong."

  The crowd was silent.

  Man Bao also fell silent, looking at them confusedly, "Little ladies, this is..."

Aunt Zhao pursed her lips and smiled. The eleven or twelve-year-old girl pretended to be mature and generous and saluted, raising her eyes to look at Zhou Man with admiration: "I heard that Lord Zhou is very knowledgeable, but I was not in Beijing before. , I wonder if I have the opportunity to ask Master Zhou this time?"

  Man Bao asked: "What do you want to ask?"

   "I want to ask anything," Aunt Zhao said: "I can't finish talking about it for a while, why don't I come to visit another day? Master Zhou, what time do you think is appropriate?"

  Wang Jiuniang couldn't help but whispered: "I will go too."

  When she started, the others immediately followed, "I want to go too."

  Man Bao:……

  Lao Mrs. Liu just froze for a moment and smiled with Man Bao: “The plum blossoms in the garden are about to bloom. Why don’t you find some time to invite the children to enjoy the plum blossoms in the garden?”

  Man Bao nodded blankly.

  Bai Shan glanced at Aunt Zhao and the others, turned his head and said to Man Bao: "Aunt Shang next to Empress Empress is here."

Man Bao looked up and looked around, and saw Aunt Shang approaching with a smile on his face, and Zhou Man and others bowed to their knees before saying: "The lady has heard that the madam and the county prince are coming into the palace. County prince, please, please."

  Many maidens and little ladies turned their heads to look over, and the adults who were talking together on the other side also looked over.

  At such a banquet, it is a very glorious thing to be received by the queen.

  Generally speaking, only some valuable women and old ladies of a family can have this honor. In addition, they are people who are very important to the emperor. The queen specially summons his wife and mother in order to show their importance.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan immediately helped Qian and Mrs. Liu to the apse.

  Bai Shan did not go in, but handed Mrs. Liu to Man Bao, nodded with her, stayed where she was with her mother and Zhou Liru, and watched the three of them enter the hall.

  This is the advantage of women being officials. They can accompany their families to meet the queen.

  Zheng entered the palace for the first time. At this time, the familiar mother-in-law was not there, and he couldn't help but tighten the veil in his hand anxiously.

  Bai Shan saw it, stretched out and held her hand and smiled: “Don’t worry, mother, grandmother will be out soon.”

  Zheng nodded.

Zhou Liru had been in the palace once, and the young man was brave. Seeing Zheng's expression on her face, she stepped forward and hugged her arm and said, "Grandma Zheng, let's go to see the flower room of the palace in a moment. I heard my sister say that it is in the palace. The reason why there are flowers to see in winter is because they have flower houses. It is much better than ours."

  Zheng smiled and said, "How can the little flower room in our house compare with the palace?"

  Bai Shan couldn't help but smile when he saw his mother relaxed.

  Man Bao took Qian and Mrs. Liu into the house and saluted the queen together.

  In the apse, there were a dozen old ladies and ladies sitting on two sides, and a dozen younger girls or ladies were standing behind them, not crowded.

  The queen immediately raised her hand to let them get up, and pointed to the next position and said: "This is the first time I have seen the madam and the county prince, Lord Zhou, please help your grandmother and mother come up and sit down, let the palace talk to them."

  Man Bao helped the two of them up and let Mrs. Liu sit on the top, Qian's sat on the bottom, and she stood behind them.

  The queen looked at her and smiled: "It's rare to see Lord Zhou being so quiet and gentle."

  Man Bao raised his head and smiled at the queen obediently.

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and said: "She is still young, and it is inevitable to be naughty. Thanks to your majesty and the empress for tolerance."

  The Queen smiled and said: "Such a smart and lovely person, my palace and your majesty don't want to be tolerant, and they don't agree with it in their hearts."

After speaking, he looked towards Qian, his face slightly solemn, and solemnly said: "Dajin can have talents like Lord Zhou. Thanks to the county prince’s upbringing, both the Zhou family and the Bai family have taught their children very well. Your Majesty also said that Bai Shan I am the pillar of the country, thank you Madam and the county prince."

  The queen leaned slightly to pay her respects. Mrs. Liu was so frightened that she hurriedly got up and bowed to her knees. Qian followed along, "The mother is so ridiculous. It is a great honor for the two children to be appreciated by your majesty and the mother."

  The Qian clan is more simple, and directly said to Man Bao: "Hurry up and come to Xie Niangniang."

  Man Bao came out and bowed down and bowed.

  The queen quickly asked Aunt Shang to hold the person, and said with a smile: "It can be seen that the county has a good teaching."

  When the other fate wives saw this, they were also happy to sell Zhou Man, so they nodded.

Qian was praised by so many people. Among them were the queen and the noble lady who hadn't seen so many. His face was slightly red, but she said generously: "This child was brought by her sister-in-law since childhood. My body If it’s not good, you can just talk to her."

   Then an old lady stared at her face, and asked after a long while: "I heard that Jun Zhou gave birth to seven children?"

   "Yes," Qian did not dare to talk about the topic of having children, and smiled: "Six sons, but unfortunately only got one daughter."

   "What a blessing," the old lady smiled: "But I don't think the county's face is bad, I don't know how to maintain it?"

  Qian stunned for a moment and said, "These are all nursed by Man Bao, eat more food and meat, and his face will be better."

Everyone is envious. They don’t lack food and clothing, but as long as they have children, they will have various problems. It’s okay to give birth to one or two. Those who give birth to more than three are basically the more troubled they become, even the queen. Not spared.

  An old lady couldn’t help but ask: "Are all seven children supported?"


Everyone was even more amazed. They had long heard that Zhou Man’s family was Ding Xingwang, and that the adoptive parents who raised her were her uncle and aunt, who gave her many cousins, a family that she earned after becoming an official. The karma was taken care of by a few older brothers, stupefied that he had accumulated some foundation from no foundation.

   can be regarded as a model of mutual assistance and glory.

  But Zhou Man has too many brothers going back and forth. Except for one of her eldest and fourth brothers, and the fifth and sixth brothers who are in charge of the restaurant, they have never seen anyone else, so they don’t know whether they are true or not.

  Only when I heard that she actually had six older brothers.

  However, the object of admiration is not Zhou Man, but Qian.

An old lady couldn’t help but sit up straight, leaning forward slightly, “Mr. Zhou County, I don’t know how your child was raised? To be honest, the old man was pregnant with six children and gave birth to four in his entire life, but Only one son stood still."

She took out her veil and wiped her tears and said: "When my son was in the city, I gave birth to a lot of children, but only two children stood there. Now my grandson is going to get married. I, I always feel a little bit in my heart. I'm worried, so I want to learn from Zhou County."

  Qian raised his heart and couldn't help looking at Man Bao. What she said in the field in the village can be said here?

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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