Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2785: My head hurts

  Chapter 2785 Head hurts

  Chiren is still very happy to meet the two little friends. His beard has become whiter, and even his eyebrows have begun to turn white, and his eyebrows have become more and more kind.

Seeing the two little friends, the three of them sat together and talked about the scriptures, and learned that Bai Shan was repairing the crown at this time, so he generously gifted the rotating Buddha string to Bai. good.

  Bai Shan was shocked, did not answer, and retorted: “This string of Buddhist beads seems to be the master’s old thing, how can I get it?”

Zhiren smiled and said: "For the poor monk, there is a Buddha in his heart. What kind of beads he holds in his hand are the same, but for the world, this string of beads has been held by the poor monk for decades, and it still has some value. Yes. The little friend is not a layman, but the poor monk wants to give away some vulgar things at this moment."

  Bai Shan couldn't help but glanced at Man Bao, then took it with both hands, thanking Master Zhiren.

  Jie Ji brought the tea over, and after putting it down, he bowed to the two of them, and turned a blind eye to Zhiren’s gift-giving behavior.

  But the other monks in the temple are not so calm.

  The string of prayer beads in Chinin's hand has been held for many years, and in the words of the monks, it is contaminated with the nature of the Buddha.

  I don’t know how many people want to seek wisdom and forbearance. No, it’s one of the buddha beads.

  Who would have thought that Master Zhiren would send it out so easily? Without blinking.

  Bai Shan accepted Master Zhiren’s gift, but was more enthusiastic towards Master Jiren, "Master, I have learned some of the moves not well enough, and I want to ask for more advice."

  Master Zhiren smiled and said: "You go and compare, I will play chess with Xiaoyou Zhou and talk."

  Zhou Man actually didn't want to talk to Master Zhiren in chess. She couldn't play the opponent in chess, which was boring.

  She even wanted to see Master Bai Shan and Master Jie'a discussing and teaching, but Master Zhiren opened an invitation, and it was not good to always refuse. Man Bao could only watch them leave.

   Then she immediately took out the chessboard and chess pieces, planning to make a quick battle.

  Master Zhiren who prefers to play chess slowly:...

  He shook his head helplessly, and asked with a smile: "Master Zhou is still a little impatient, your Majesty didn't let you practice your temperament?"

   "No," Man Bao said, "Your Majesty should think I have a good temper."

  She felt that the emperor's temperament was much more anxious than her.

  Master Zhiren smiled, and without wasting time, he raised his hand and asked her to go first.

  Man Bao was not polite, squeezing a chess piece and then dropped.

Master Zhiren smiled. He saw Zhou Man and Bai Shan playing chess. When the two of them played chess on their own, they really had all the moves. When they were in the Western Regions, they became bored. , Directly took out the pen and paper to try all kinds of weird moves and then recorded them.

  Master Zhinin smiled at her and played chess slowly, using chess to hone her, not at all affected by her impatience.

Man Bao’s chess game is very open and close, and the speed is extremely fast, but Master Zhiren just won’t win. Instead, he slowly puts her chess pieces in the middle, but always leaves her a few ways to survive. You can't pretend to be invisible.

  Man Bao scratched his head and scratched his cheeks. He could only continue to play. Both of them picked up a lot of chess pieces, and Man Bao's heart gradually settled down and began to take the chess game seriously.

  Master Zhinin saw that her heart had calmed down, so he smiled and started to get serious.

   "Master Zhou, I heard that the Imperial Medical Office is going to add medical offices everywhere?"

  Man Bao smiled and said: "The master is well informed, this matter has not been decided yet, it is just being discussed and discussed in the court."

  Master Zhiren smiled, and said with Zhou Man: “Temples in various places have always had the tradition of porridge and medicine. If the imperial medical department wants to add a local medical department, it may be possible to cooperate with temples in various places.”

  Man Bao asked: "Does this mean the master?"

  Master Zhiren sighed and said: "The original intention of Huguo Temple is to spread Buddhism and lead others to benevolence."

  Man Bao smiled and said: "The court also speaks of goodness, but I think that before goodness, there is justice and legal principles, and the country is governed by legal principles, and the world can be peaceful for a long time."

  While using legal principles, religion can no longer be mixed. Whether it is Buddha or Tao, the doctrines of the two sects actually conform to the times and teach people to introspect and be good, but they are definitely not suitable for entanglement with the government.

  Man Bao directly rejected Master Zhi Ren.

  Master Zhiren said: “If the Imperial Medical Office needs help in the future, just talk to Huguo Temple.”

  The Imperial Medical Office is different from other departments. It mainly treats patients and saves people, so Huguo Temple wants to cooperate with them.

  Nai He Zhouman didn't want to cooperate with them.

  Although in some places, the influence of Buddhist temples may be greater than that of the imperial court, Man Bao is not afraid of it. Now the country is stable and the treasury is poor, but it is not empty. They just take it slowly and are not in a hurry.

  She didn’t want to bury a greater disaster in the future because of her irritability.

  After a game of chess was over, Man Bao lost without any suspense, so she was very happy to see Master Jie An instructed Bai Shan to go.

  Master Zhiren was actually a little confused. He and Zhou Man went to see Bai Shan's martial arts practice. He couldn't understand why Zhou Man was so wary of Buddhist temples.

  Bai Shan is the same, but it’s okay when talking about the scriptures, as long as the entry into the WTO and the political affairs are involved, the two will instantly become sharp.

  Looking back on history, Master Zhiren sighed slightly, and after sending away Bai Shan and Zhou Man, he asked Jie An to invite the host of Huguo Temple. He said: "The Imperial Medical Office rejected your cooperation."

  The host should have expected it, nodded and said: "Then we can do it by ourselves."

Zhirendao: "On medical skills, the monks in the temple cannot be compared with the doctors trained by the Imperial Medical Office." "But believers will trust the monks in the temple more," the host said: "Moreover, the court may not be willing to spend too much on ordinary people. Money and medicinal herbs."

   Zhiren sighed, closed his eyes slightly and said, "I am a Mingjun today, and the Xiao Yuanzheng now headed by the Imperial Medical Office is not a greedy and incompetent person."

  He said: "The country is good, the people in the world are good, the Buddha is compassionate, and the believers will live better."

  The host leaves.

Zhiren watched in silence, and then raised his head to look at the quiet anger standing by the side, faintly sighed: "My teacher thinks that even if I can't understand the truth in this world, it is more thorough than most people, but now I look at you, brother The cognitive difference between Zhouman and Baishan has created many doubts for the teacher."

  Jie did not understand, "Master has already escaped from the world, why suddenly let his heart sink in the dust?"

Zhirendao: "Bai Shan is right. What Buddhism wants is to enter the world. I practice Buddhism, delve into the Buddhist scriptures, and translate the Buddhist scriptures into missions. Preaching is to enter the world. How can you get away from it if you reach it?"

Zhiren smiled and said, "But the truth in this world is unreasonable. He said that Buddhism wants to enter the world, but he is unwilling to rule the people to believe in Buddhism. Isn't it possible to civilize the people?"

  Jie 嗔:...... My head hurts, but I feel that the monk is the easiest, and the fighting is the most enjoyable. Otherwise, next time Bai Shan comes to ask Wu Yi to be gentle with him?

    Me: It’s really a headache

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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