Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2786: Qualification

  Chapter 2786 Qualification

  Man Bao has forgotten Master Zhiren’s temptation, and happily walks home with Bai Shan holding hands.

  This is a very normal thing. Buddhism and Taoism have the responsibility of preaching, anyway, their hearts have never died. If this is the case, why bother with it, so that they can’t play well?

Bai Shan saw a stall owner squeezing a clay figurine, and the mud in his hands quickly formed in his hands, with a round face and a pretty smile. After a little modification, he squeezed it into one in a short while, his face was full. With a smile, he handed it to the customer in front of him, and then continued to squeeze a lump of mud to pinch other people...

  Bai Shan immediately pulled Man Bao forward.

He saw the two of them, his gaze swept across the hands that they held together, and he smiled: "Do you want to pinch a pair of clay figurines? I have many kinds of clay figurines, but you can also pinch them alone. Together, there are plain and painted ones."

  Bai Shan smiled and said: "We have to pinch three, one is a pair, pinching us together, the other two are ours alone, and all of them must be painted."

   "Okay," the stall owner smiled so that his eyebrows were curved, and after looking at Zhou Man, he quickly squeezed it, and praised Zhou Man as he pinched it, "The lady's face is round, it's a blessing."

  Man Bao couldn't help but smile at Bai Shan, the stall owner saw it, and secretly wrote down this scene, pinching this mood when he planned to pinch a pair of personifications later.

  The two were bored waiting, Bai Shan used the cover of his sleeve to pinch Zhou Man’s fingers to play, “What did Master Zhiren say to you just now?”

  Man Baodao: “It’s okay. The Imperial Medical Office wants to add several local medical departments. Huguo Temple wants to cooperate with us, but I refused.”

  Bai Shan nodded slightly, “Now that the country is in peace and security, the treasury does not lack this amount of money. We don’t need to cooperate with the monks.”

  Gaochang in the northwest was destroyed, and Goguryeo in Liaodong was also destroyed. Now your majesty and Dajin’s national prestige are spread all over the world, at least in the present time, Dajin will no longer have major wars, and there will be a sharp decrease in the number of people at home and abroad.

  In this case, the expenditure on armaments will be reduced a lot, not to mention the annual expenditure on food, grass, medicinal materials, etc., which can save a lot of things.

  The Imperial Medical Office requires very little of these, and it does not need external support at all, so there is no need to cooperate with Huguo Temple.

  This is not a time of war, the country is helpless, the treasury is empty, and we have to rely on external forces.

  Bai Shan turned his head and asked, "Where do you plan to add a medical department?"

  Man Baodao: "Twenty-five places have been reported, but Xiao Yuanzheng and I both think that half of it can be approved."

She said: "The imperial court has agreed to let us cooperate with the Ministry of War. In the future, military doctors from all armies will be sent to our imperial medical office for training for two to three years, and students in our imperial medical office can also choose to work in the military."

  Bai Shan raised his eyebrows, "I didn't see your folds."

  Man Bao smiled and said, "I wrote the zhezi, should they hide themselves?"

  Like this kind of paper that is not very urgent and needs to be discussed back and forth, Zhongshu Province will not hand in the same brain as the jerky paper. It is who is who catches it. Anyway, it can be handed over to the emperor.

Like this kind of folder, they will be intimate, such as the father's folder, then they can’t comment and upload for the son; the younger brother’s folder, then the older brother can’t comment and upload; of course, the wife’s folder can’t be uploaded by the husband. .

  Manchu dynasty civil and military officials have many fathers, sons and brothers in the same dynasty, but they are the only two couples who are officials in the same dynasty.

  Unfortunately, Bai Shan was in the important Zhongshu Province. In addition to the secret folding, all the folds, useful and useless, must be passed by the Zhongshu Province.

  Even if there are four people in the book province, the probability of passing through his hands is still too high.

  So it’s better to avoid it.

  Bai Shan didn't care, and nodded, pulling her to stand aside and waiting for the clay figure.

  Neither of them saw them. In a stall next to them, someone glanced at them, then bought something casually, turned around and left.

  Not only them, but even Daji and Keke didn’t notice this person.

  The stall owner made the clay figurines meticulously, handed them to them, and said with a smile: “Don’t get exposed to the sun, in the morning and evening, put it in the shadows the rest of the time. It can be kept for a long time.”

  In fact, the best way is to knead it and burn it in a furnace to turn it into porcelain, so that it can be stored longer.

  Bai Shan paid the money, and after thanking him, he took Man Bao’s hand and left.

  The two of them went shopping all the way back home.

The next day, Man Bao still slept until the sky was bright before getting up to wash and read. Ah, the vacation days are really beautiful. There is no need to go to the Great Dynasty, and there is no need to go to the palace early, let alone on duty. You can sleep until the dawn. , So comfortable.

   Then she opened the book. Before a page was turned over, she came to report in May: "Lady, the treasurer Zheng of Ji Shitang is here."

  Man Bao gave a "Huh" and put down the book, "Why is the treasurer Zheng coming here?"

She and Ji Shitang have always been in a good relationship, even now the two companies have a lot of cooperation, but the treasurer Zheng will basically not find home, because she will occasionally go to Ji Shitang as long as she is free. It is not only to exchange medical skills, but also I want to ask if they have received any incurable diseases.

  Man Bao stood up and said, "Please come in quickly."

  She went to the hall to meet people.

  The treasurer Zheng came in with a smile on his face, and after meeting with Zhou Man, he directly asked: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, the Imperial Medical Office is going to add a local medical department?"

  Man Bao: "...Are you all so well informed?"

   There is only one word in the eight characters. Although the princes in the middle of the court are relieved, how many places will be given has not yet been determined.

  It is a bit suspected that the doctor Zheng told the treasurer of Zheng.

The treasurer Zheng said with a smile: "This is not well-informed, but a pharmacist heard the conversation between Dr. Zhou Xiao and Lord Bai on the road, and found me the qualifications to ask the medical department to supply medicine. I just knew it. ."

  The innocent doctor Zheng:...

  Man Bao's heart beat, and he couldn't help sitting up straight, "Someone heard me talking to Bai Shan?"


  Man Bao frowned, the two of them stood close, and they lowered their voices when they spoke. They were surrounded by guards. How could they be heard?

  But there are always some strangers in the world, maybe he has good ears.

  Man Bao looked at the treasurer Zheng, and asked curiously: "He has the qualifications to supply medicine, and the treasurer will come? Who is he?"

  The treasurer of Zheng smiled and said, "I didn't ask for him, but for Ji Shitang."

  Manbao: "..." I understand, he came to ask for his aptitude as an excuse.

  "Don’t you have a doctor Zheng in your family?"

  The treasurer of Zheng said: “But on this matter, what Mr. Zhou said is more effective than what Mr. Zheng said. If Mr. Zhou is willing to stand by our side, then Ji Shitang’s qualifications will be stabilized.”

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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