Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2797: Luoyang County Order

  Chapter 2797 Luoyang County Order

  Man Bao looked down and thought, and said: "Let's go, I will pick up An Erniang in person."

  The treasurer Zheng quickly got up, "Would you like to call Anjia together?"

  Man Bao gave a "hmm" cry.

  Anjia is a drug dealer, and the business is not very big, but it is also a family with a name in Luoyang.

  The treasurer of Zheng arrived in Luoyang before he had time to find the other party. He went to the door at this moment, and An Jia followed them to the county office without saying a word.

  They glanced at the blue cloth car following behind, there was the emblem of Prince Gong's Mansion on it, "That's...Dalang's teacher?"

   "Yes," the treasurer Zheng led them to see Zhou Man.

  Man Bao got off the car to meet them, and didn't say much, and went directly to the county government.

  Although Prince Gong cannot intervene in local government affairs, his fief is in Luozhou after all, and Prince Gong’s Mansion is located in Luoyang. Local officials still have to show some face.

  The servants saw the carriage of Prince Gong’s Mansion and immediately vacated one person to inform the county magistrate, while the others greeted them with a smile.

  Waiting down the high stairs, he immediately frowned when he saw a few unfamiliar Qingbu carriages behind the carriage. Why are they belonging to the Anjia and Zhengjia again?

  The officers turned their eyes and couldn't help but glance at Zhou Man's carriage.

  The Zheng family and An family are so powerful, can they invite people from Prince Gong’s Mansion?

  The coachman got out of the car and put the stool down. The cake first jumped out of the car, glanced at the dumbfounded servants, and turned around blankly and lifted the curtain.

  The servants thought to themselves, is this the Orchid of Prince Gong?

  Heh, now even Hu Ji dare to intervene in local government affairs?

  I just thought so. A white hand stretched out and put it on the cake's hand. Zhou Man bent over and got out of the car. She raised her head and gave the servants a condescending look. Then she helped the cake's hand to get out of the car.

  She looked up to look at the door plaque of Luoyang County Office and the wall and eaves on both sides. Not to mention, the repairs were pretty good, even better than Chang’an County Office.

  How long has the county government of Chang'an County been repaired?

  Today’s good name, the hundreds of officials underneath are also learning from him. If you can have a clean name, you will never take the initiative to corrupt your reputation.

  Therefore, Chang'an County Office has not been repaired for many years.

Because repairs require money, no one wants to make a report and ask for money. When it is Mr. Tang's turn to be the county magistrate, he swears at the office while quietly saying to Zhou Man, Baishan and others: "I don't repair it, huh. , Anyway, I don’t live in the backyard of the county office and the office area does not leak water."

  If there is a water leak, Master Tang will take the servants from the county government to go to the roof to repair it. Even the tiles are stolen from his own house, so he will definitely not spend any extra money on it.

  I heard that the magistrate Guo started cursing within a few days when he moved in, and then he was still stubborn and undressed in Chang'an County.

  In contrast, Luoyang County government looks more magnificent and newer. It should have been repaired only two years ago.

  Man Bao was thinking of something in his heart. The treasurer Zheng and the master of Anjia had already walked up and stood behind her.

  Luoyang Luo County magistrate greeted him with a smile on his face. When he saw Zhou Man, he smiled, and when he saw the person standing behind her, he put the smile on his face.

  He doesn’t know the treasurer Zheng, but he knows Mr. An. He has been so annoyed recently. When he saw him, Mr. Luo knew why they came.

  So looking at Zhou Man's attitude is not very good.

  He walked down the steps with eight-character steps, and glanced at the carriage behind Zhou Man again, and then he frowned at Zhou Man after confirming that it was the carriage of Prince Gong’s Mansion, "This lady is?"

  What a cat or a dog, can anyone from the palace come here to scare him?

  Man Bao only glanced at him, and Daji behind him came forward with a famous post when he opened his mouth and said: "This is the famous post of my lord."

  A person still needs a famous post?

  Luo County magistrate took another look at Zhou Man, faintly feeling that something was wrong, stretched out his hand to take it, and opened it, his face changed slightly.

  He immediately closed the famous post and hurriedly saluted: "It turned out to be Lord Zhou. I don't know if the adults are here, the next official will be missed."

  Man Bao replied: "It was the official who came to visit rashly and disturbed the county magistrate of Luo."

  She showed a slight smile, and said: "The magistrate Luo doesn't mind if we go to the house and talk?"

  Luo County magistrate reacted, and hurriedly said sideways: "Master Zhou, please."

  Luo County magistrate glanced at the treasurer Zheng and Master An behind, and then withdrew his gaze, glanced at his confidant’s servants calmly, and then hurriedly followed Zhou Man last year.

  He invited Zhou Man to the front hall.

  Man Bao raised his eyebrows slightly. The front hall was the place where he went to the hall. Generally, the county magistrate met in the back hall.

  However, Man Bao is not picky, and when he arrives in the front hall, he looks at the magistrate Luo with a smile, wanting to see how he sits.

  Luo County magistrate stepped, but really wanted to sit on the seat of the magistrate, let Zhou Man sit on the left side of the lower head, but under Zhou Man’s gaze, he did not dare.

  On official positions, Zhou Man is higher than him;

   On dignity, Zhou Man is not weaker than him. He is a two-ranked scholar, but he is also compiled by Chongwenguan, which is even more expensive than him.

  Luo County Magistrate smiled inconveniently and turned his head and said: "Add a few more chairs, please sit down, Master An, this is..."

  He looked at the treasurer Zheng, and took the opportunity to change the subject.

  Man Bao didn’t sit down, just waited for him to arrange, and said: “This is the treasurer of Zhengzhou Jishitang in the capital, and also the father of my unscrupulous Tu’er.”

  Luo County magistrate smiled stiffly.

  The treasurer of Zheng has already bowed deeply to him, "Master Luo."

  Luo county magistrate quickly avoided, just as the government officer moved a chair, he quickly said: "Please take a seat, Lord Zhou, please take your seat."

  He is now sitting down at the top right side, and Man Bao sat down on the opposite side of him—the top left side.

  The two face each other, and Man Bao is also straightforward, "The county magistrate Luo should have guessed why I came."

County magistrate Luo felt like hot oil at this time. He didn’t understand how Zhou Man, a capital official, and especially the imperial physician, came to Luoyang, but he still had a serious face and said calmly: "Zhou. Sir, this is our local government affairs in Luoyang. Even if your official rank is larger than that of this county, you can't force me to act favoritism, right?"

"I didn't intend to intervene in Luoyang's local government affairs. We followed the rules," she smiled slightly: "My unscrupulous apprentice, whether he is really offending or being framed, it will all be done by Luoyang. Parents judge, I don’t want to care about him, but I can’t ignore my apprentice’s daughter-in-law.”

She said: "The child was just pregnant and cannot stay in jail for too long. Zheng Gu is not an official now, nor is he involved in a major crime. Before he is sentenced, he is not as guilty as his family, so I am here to pick him up. The kid went out."

  She got up, gave a deep glance at County Majesty Luo, bending over and said, "Luo County Majesty also ask for permission."

  The county magistrate Luo's face was blue and white, he immediately jumped up and stepped aside, and hurriedly bowed deeply and saluted: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, your lord will be dismissed."

   He gritted his teeth and said: "Zheng Gu still has something to say. We suspected that the thing was hidden by An's, so An's was taken into custody."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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