Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2798: Out of prison

  Chapter 2798 Out of Prison

   Zhou Man would tell him that the account books were sent to the capital long ago. Not only did they pass her hand, but were they handed in by her?

  Of course, I can’t say that. If there is no accident, the people from Dali Temple and Yushitai will be there tomorrow, and he will know it by then, and he can just be caught off guard.

  She said: "The medical office and Zheng Gu's home were completely turned over by the Luo County Order. What hasn't been found is what happened to a pregnant and weak woman?"

The magistrate Luo's sight moved meaningfully from Master An to the treasurer Zheng, and then to Zhou Man, and said meaningfully: "Who knows? Maybe they are hiding somewhere else, only An's knows the place. As long as they handed over the account books so that the county government could continue the investigation, I released An's."

"Master Zhou, I am also doing this for the benefit of the Luozhou Medical Department and Master Xiao Zheng. With the account book, I can find out the source of the medicinal materials and return him as early as possible." The county magistrate Luo narrowed his eyes slightly. Shall we find out the truth as soon as possible? Unless..."

  Luo County Order has not finished speaking, but everyone knows what he means, unless Zheng Gu and Luozhou Medical Department have problems, and the Imperial Medical Department wants to cover him.

Zhou Man nodded and said: "Lord Luo said, but you can't ignore the court's laws. Regardless of whether An's knows the account books, the Luo County Order can copy the Zheng family and the Luozhou Medical Department, but you can't imprison An's before there is evidence. "

   Zhou Man stared at him with piercing eyes, "Master Luo, I am here to take my apprentice and daughter-in-law out of prison this time. I wonder if it is feasible?"

  Luo’s county magistrate twitched, so he hated dealing with disagreeing officials, especially when they were older than other officials and knew the law.

  If it was not Zhou Man who came here today, but the treasurer Zheng and Master An, don't say such a thing, he would not hear, he would not even see each other.

  But can he not see Zhou Man?

  Luo County magistrate moved in his heart. It was okay to find other excuses, but she came here in the carriage of Prince Gong's Mansion, and she was unprepared at the time.

  "Sir Zhou shouldn't be in the capital at this time?" County Magistrate Luo pulled out a smile and said, "I didn't expect that Lord Zhou would be willing to run like this for Lord Zheng. It really is a deep mentor and apprenticeship."

   Zhou Man said with a serious face: "I am here to ask for a peace of mind for Prince Gong by the will of Your Majesty and Empress. Does Lord Luo want to see the imperial decree given by His Majesty to King Gong?"

The county magistrate    was taken aback, so naturally he couldn't talk about it and want to see it.

  The man of Zhou is here now, and he came here again in the carriage of the palace, and he has naturally declared the decree. He dares to watch it, but does he dare to reach out for the decree with Prince Gong?

  The magistrate of Luo wanted to delay, he remembered that Zhou Man was the prince’s person, and Prince Gong and the prince were always at odds...

   Zhou Man seemed to know what he was thinking, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly and said: "Lord Luo, when I arrived at the palace, I learned that Luoyang seems to have a lot of snow this year, which caused the prince’s leg ailments to commit frequent crimes, and he was in a bad mood."

  She glanced out at the sky and said: "Please hurry up, please take care of An Erniang. There are some procedures to be done if An Erniang is brought forward. Seeing that the sky is going to darken, if you delay it, we will delay the treatment of King Gong today."

   "That's Lord Zhou neglecting his duty, right?"

"Yes," Man Bao said meaningfully: "So I have to write a letter of invocation to your majesty and Yushitai when I go back. It is better to be the magistrate of Luo, not like our Beijing official, as long as we make a small mistake. Being held on tightly by Yu Shi, he was very frightened."

  Luo County magistrate's mouth moved, and the fist under the sleeve became loose and tight, tight and loose.

   Finally let out a helpless breath, turned his head and said to his confidant: "Go to prison and bring An Erniang out."

   Zhou Man got up immediately, and the county magistrate He Luo said: “Sitting for a long time is harmful to the body, why don’t we take a walk?”

  Luo county magistrate squinted slightly and said: “Zheng Gu is now the key figure in the whole case. This involves human life, and Lord Zhou is afraid that he will not be able to visit prison.”

   Zhou Man nodded, and said indifferently: "I don't see Zheng Gu. I just want to pick up the apprentice's wife and move my muscles and bones by the way."

  She smiled and said, “It’s cold in winter, and the blood is stagnant. When you move, the blood flow will turn faster, and the body will not be so cold.”

What else can the county magistrate    say?

   can only go with them.

  Dalao is not very far from the county government, just turn two streets.

   Zhou Man did not go in, so he stood at the door of the prison and waited. The magistrate Luo could only accompany him. His confidant took the temporary paperwork and went in to mention the person.

  It didn't take long for a woman with a disheveled hair to come out.

  Master An couldn't help it anymore, and quickly stepped forward from behind Zhou Man, "Er Niang——"

  An Erniang was very scared, her face was a little pale, she heard this familiar voice and looked up, she was pleasantly surprised, "Father--"

  Man Bao and Zheng Da's shopkeeper are both doctors. At a glance, she could see that her face was wrong, and they immediately stepped forward, and one of them grasped one of her hands to get the pulse.

  The shopkeeper Zheng, seeing cold sweat on her forehead, couldn't help but anxious, "But abdominal pain?"

An Erniang only saw her father-in-law. She only met him twice, once when she was hired, and once when she married Zheng Gu. Her eyes were bright and she wanted to kneel down and beg: "Father, please help me. Zheng Gu, he is..."

  The treasurer of Zheng supported her and comforted her: "I know, he is my son, can I not save him? You are not in good health, so take a pill first."

  He took out a bottle of medicine from his body, poured a pill to her, "take it."

An Erniang's mind was like a paste at this time. She was fine today, but the yavier suddenly broke into the cell just now. She dragged her out without saying anything, and frightened her and Zheng Gu. The two struggled for a while. In the end, An Erniang was dragged out by her life. She thought she was going to finish it. Didn't she expect that the family rescued her out?


  An Erniang always feels that something is wrong, and she feels anxious.

  She took the medicine unconsciously.

   Zhou Man glanced at the blue scratches on her hand, took off her cloak and put it on her, turned her head and looked at the magistrate Luo coldly and said, "Master Luo is a good method, and the officer can't help but admire it."

  Luo county magistrate said: "The lower official doesn't know what the adults said."

   Zhou Man no longer entangled, turned his head and said to the treasurer Zheng: "Take her away, let's go back first."

  She turned her head and smiled at the magistrate Luo, and said meaningfully: "Lord Luo, see you tomorrow."

  The magistrate of Luo was taken aback, and thought to himself, why should I see you tomorrow?

  The county magistrate of Luo decided to go to the countryside to inspect the snow disaster.

An Erniang stared at Zhou Man in a daze. She had never seen Zhou Man, but she did not hear Zheng Gu mention his teacher. Seeing that the magistrate Luo was very angry but still wanted to send them away, she vaguely guessed her. identity of.

Master An and the treasurer Zheng said: "My relatives, you are afraid that you can't get away recently, and it's inconvenient. It's better to let her go back to her parents' house and let her mother take care of her. Alas, since they were put in jail, her mother has been crying day and night. , Worried too much."

  The treasurer of Zheng should naturally be "OK", and said with a touch of emotion: "Then my daughter-in-law will have to work with her."

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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