Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2815: Blood

   Chapter 2815 Blood

  Man Bao became interested, and simply took the Prince Gong and his son to talk about the impact of diet on the body.

  In fact, this is described in detail in the "Huangdi Neijing", and there is this collection in the study of the palace.

   is a real collection of books. The publication is very precious. Man Bao took it in his hand and opened it with two points of caution, and then let King Gong look at it to show that what he said was justified.

  It can be said that people live by qi and blood. Whether it is skin texture or internal organs, it must be nourished by qi and blood to maintain activity.

  And food is the source of qi and blood.

  However, everything in the world pays attention to moderation.

   Seeing Prince Gong’s disapproval, Man Bao said: “The wine is good, but if you drink too much, you will be drunk; although the rice is sweet and fragrant, you will die if you eat too much.”

  King Gong just got a little serious now.

  Man Bao said: "Master He's father died of stomach stomach, and he now has stomach stomach disturbance, not because the disease is inherited, but because the living habits of the two of them are similar."

After a pause, Man Bao asked Prince Gong, "Master, what is your favorite dish?"

  King Gong said without hesitation: "Lamb soup!"

  Man Bao turned his head and asked the boy sitting on the other side obediently, "Boy, what is your favorite dish?"

  Xiao Shizi hesitated and said, "I like to eat a lot of dishes."

  He doesn't want to choose, he wants it all.

  Man Bao changed the question, "Now you can only order one dish, what would you order?"

  "Lamb soup!" Xiao Shizi also slobbered. The lamb soup not only contains large pieces of mutton, but also has steamed buns, which is very delicious when it is covered with soup.

  Man Bao said to King Gong: "This is heredity."

  King Gong seems to understand but not understand.

  Man Bao continued: "Food is energy, but the food you eat is greater than the energy you consume. Do you know what will happen?"

"What's up?"

  Man Bao always felt that Prince Gong didn't cooperate with her, which would lengthen her time on business trips here.

  Although she asked for this on her own initiative, she didn't want Master Yu, they all checked the case and went back, but she still had to stay here alone.

  I'm very upset that I can't go home this year for the New Year.

   So she beckoned to order cakes and asked her to fetch her blood drawing device.

  She placed something in front of King Gong and said, “If you want to know the consequences, drawing blood is the most intuitive.”

  King Gong frowned and stepped back slightly.

  Man Bao stared at him, "His Royal Highness, you always hear us say that obesity is bad for your health, this is not good and that is bad, but you don't think there is any problem, do you?"

   "Yes," Prince Gong said with a strong stomach: "Although it will be a little tired to walk far, but that is also the reason for the king's overweight, not because of his health."

  Man Bao and Xiao Shizi sighed, “This is a typical taboo doctor, but it’s okay, I will let you see the difference.”

  Xiao Shizi: ...why do you want to tell him?

  Man Baodao: "Do you find a guard who is about the same age and height as you?"

  Even Princess Gong was attracted, and immediately sent someone to look for it.

  King Gong is not very young. It is not difficult to find a guard who is the same age as him in the palace. He is not short, but because he is obese, he looks a little short.

Soon he found a guard, and the head of internal supervision who led him over said with a sharp voice: "He is born in March with the same zodiac sign as the prince. He is two months older than the prince. This is the one with the nearest birthday. Master Zhou, do you think it is available?"

   "Available, available." Man Bao saw that the guard was very powerful, and stretched out his hand to squeeze the hard muscles on his arm, particularly satisfied, "Okay, good, good health."

  I also touched his pulse, and I was more satisfied. The pulse is strong and the blood is strong. It is two extremes with Prince Gong. It is very good.

  Man Bao turned his head and said to King Gong: "Master, if you want to see the difference between you intuitively, then draw your blood."

  King Gong turned around and was about to leave, but she was grabbed by Princess Gong. There seemed to be radiance in her eyes, and she was obviously interested, "Master, take a look."

  She tried to put away the excitement on her face and made a look of sadness, "Master, the concubine is really worried about your body, it is for me and Xiang'er, please take a look."

  Even Chang Shi rushed to hear the news. After thinking about it, he persuaded Prince Gong, "The prince has always suspected that his health is fine. Since Lord Zhou has a way to explain his doubts, why not take the opportunity to give it a try?"

  Wang Gong is anxious, does he not believe in the diagnosis of the imperial doctor and the doctor? He just doesn't want to go on a diet to lose weight.

  Who doesn’t know that being overweight will be harmful to the body, but it’s just a little fatter, there is a problem, and where can the problem be bigger?

  Don’t all the ancients say it? Being able to eat is a blessing, and being fat is a blessing. This shows that he has a good stomach and a good body...

  Chang Shi is as worried about Prince Gong’s body as Princess Gong.

  Each time the emperor communicated with him, nine out of ten times, he would at the end instruct him to pay attention to the health of King Gong, restrict him to a light diet, eat less and move more.

  But it often adds another sentence at the end, don’t be wronged by King Gong.

  It was so annoying that he didn't know what to do. Since there is an opportunity for Prince Gong to recognize his physical problems this time, he has to do whatever he says.

   So Chang Shi and Princess Gong surrounded King Gong to persuade them, and finally even the youngest son couldn’t hold back, "Father, I want to take a look."

   was entangled for half an hour, King Gong finally sat on the chair with a stinky face, and saw Zhou Man approaching with such a large hollow needle, his eyes were slightly closed and a little trembling.

  Man Bao also comforted him, "Don't be afraid, it doesn't hurt at all."

It's strange that Zhou Man tied his arm, and then found a blood vessel inside his arm and inserted it in. She untied the strap, and the blood of King Gong came out of it with difficulty and followed the needle into it. The transparent intestine then falls into a less transparent container.

  Man Bao felt that it was almost done, so he pulled out the needle, and then asked Princess Gong to press the wound with gauze to stop the bleeding. She also said to King Gong, "How about it, it doesn’t hurt?"

  King Gong gritted his teeth, "Isn't it painful?"

  Man Bao took the container forward, shook it in front of Prince Gong, and asked, "Do you see any difference?"

  King Gong glanced at him and said, "What's the difference?"

  Princess Gong said with a pale face: "Why is the blood black?"

  King Gong looked back again, his heart was a little tight, "It's not black, but this color is a bit wrong. Is this king poisoned?"

  Man Baodao: "You think too much, this is not poisoning, this is because you are too fat, and the food you eat is too heavy."

   Then she turned his blood to show him, "Did you see it? Your blood is thick and hard to shake."

  Everyone stared at it.

  Man Bao put down the container and beckoned to the guard on the side, "I will show you what a healthy person's blood looks like now."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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