Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2816: Scared

   Chapter 2816

  Bright red. When Zhou Man shakes, it slides in the translucent container, which is very smooth.

  She put the two containers on the table in front of Prince Gong for him to see, and said, "Did you see, your blood is different."

  King Gong snorted: "Naturally, this king is dragon son."

   Zhou Man skipped his words directly and shook his blood: "Blood flows out when the heart is agitated, flows down the blood vessels, flows to the various organs, and maintains their vitality, but..."

Man Bao pulled up the intestinal tube from which his blood was drawn and showed him, "Your blood is very thick. There is no stagnation at all, but yours is very slow..."

  "If his blood is clear river water, then your blood is a mudslide."

  King Gong:……

  "This kind of blood flow is slow, and the internal organs cannot be nourished by blood in time, they will be internalized, and when the internal friction reaches a certain level, they will be exhausted."

  King Gong's face was pale, his eyes looked straight at the container and intestine in Zhou Man's hand.

"But this is just the beginning," Man Bao picked up the intestinal tube again and said: "This tube is equivalent to a human blood vessel. It always circulates stagnant blood. It is considered an overload of work. In fact, the blood vessel is also the same as the human blood vessel. Like other organs, they are also alive. Since they are alive, there will be loss. When a certain section of it is very fragile and a certain section becomes narrow again, it will be more difficult for blood to circulate."

"But the brain and internal organs are clamoring for blood for blood, what should we do at this time?" Man Bao said: "The blood will rush forward and rush hard, and then one day it will snap," Man Bao He tore off the intestinal tube that he had used repeatedly several times. Prince Gong was so frightened that he leaned back, Man Bao sighed, "If this is a blood vessel in the brain, then you will be paralyzed by a stroke. This is the lightest. , Serious, just die."

  King Gong shook his lips and said: "You, you, you, you scare this king!"

   "No," Zhou Man denied categorically, and said with a serious face: "If you don't believe me, you can ask another doctor to ask, is your body too obese now that it has seriously affected your lifespan?"

  Chang Shi recovered, jumped up and knelt in front of King Gong, hugged his thigh and cried: "Master, you have to lose weight, you must lose weight..."

  Although he doesn't want to be this long history, since he has already, then he has to do his best, and Prince Gong can't die.

  Chang Shi cried: "Master, you can't be okay--"

  Princess Gong was also frightened. She took the youngest son and stepped forward and cried, "Master, look at me and Xianger. If something happens to you, what should we do with the orphans and widows?"

The princess    all cried, and the inmates and maids who were serving on her knees and started crying, and there was a burst of crying in the hall.

  Man Bao:……

  King Gong said irritably, "Why cry? This king is not dead yet."

  But everyone didn't listen to him. As long as they looked up and saw the two **** intestines in Zhou Man's hand, they felt that they were blood vessels in Prince Gong's brain, and they cried even harder.

  This was unexpected by Zhou Man, so he could only sneak away first.

  When Prince Gong comforted his family and turned to look for her, she was gone.

  King Gong grinds his teeth, and when he turns around, he feels a little flustered when he sees his black blood.

  The big internal supervisor cautiously stepped forward, "Master, this thing..."

   "Take it away, put it in..." Prince Gong paused and said: "In the study." He wanted to watch it every day, and he couldn't reduce it if he didn't believe it.

  The Great Inspector breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully took both blood to the study.

  Man Bao took a moment to listen, and said, "The blood is useless. Keep it for bad?"

  But Prince Gong insisted on letting it go. Seeing the comparison of the two blood, he finally stopped stealing food, and Zhou Man stopped paddling when he asked him to exercise.

  Even Xiao Shizi is serious.

  Man Bao pondered for a while, but he didn't expect it to be so easy. Say it earlier. She had already drawn his blood two years earlier.

This incident caused great shock to the people in the palace. Chang Shi wrote a letter to Beijing overnight, describing the incident in detail, and then crying bitterly, saying that for the sake of King Gong’s health, even if it was a fight This old life, he will definitely stare at King Gong, let him eat less and move his legs.

  A few days later, he couldn’t resist writing a book to the emperor, saying that Prince Gong is now extremely self-disciplined. He goes to bed early and wakes up every day, eats small meals and takes exercise. Why is this?

  Naturally, it was because the King Gong was filial and wanted to be a good son, a good father, and a good husband.

  Man Bao couldn’t help but complain to Bai Shan, who was far away in the capital, when he knew this seal.

  If you are really filial, why did the emperor let him lose weight in the past two years?

Bai Shan wrote back to her, "Your Majesty is very touched. He has already given many things to Prince Gong. It should be there soon. Because of your admonitions, your Majesty and Empress have also rewarded you with some things, and the family has already accepted them on your behalf. One of them is a good fox fur. Keep it, and then gather another one to make you a cloak."

  Bai Shan said with regret: "You can't spend the New Year at home this year. My father-in-law is very sorry. He has already sighed about the weather for three consecutive years. He said that he didn't celebrate the New Year with you last year, and he didn't celebrate this year..."

  Man Bao replied: "You tell my father, when I go back this time, Princess Gong can give me at least fifty taels of consultation fees, which is equivalent to my ten months' salary."

The year came and passed in a letter from both of you and me. After knowing that Zhou Man’s foreign business trip could earn almost a year’s salary, he stopped complaining about her not being able to go home for the New Year. , But solemnly said: "This is for the emperor, it should be, it should be."

In order to lose weight, even during the Chinese New Year, King Gong also declined the banquet outside. There was no banquet at home. The father and son ate a small bowl of rice on the night of the New Year’s Eve. As for meat and vegetables, there was no restriction on Zhouman that night. .

  Woke up the next day, the father and son continued to lose weight, and their lives were worse than those in the palace.

  But the results are also very gratifying, especially the king Gong, because he is too fat, the effect is also very obvious.

  Man Bao stared at King Gong after lunch and then turned to see Mr. He at the He’s house.

  Man Bao changed the prescription for him and got two sets of needles every day, which can make him feel much better.

  Because of the loss of pain, his spirit seemed to be better, and he could already sit up from the bed. Seeing that his condition seemed to be getting better, tears filled the He family’s eyes.

  He Jishi is still waiting for the court’s reply. Seeing that the staff still has not selected a candidate for the Luozhou governor, he can’t help but sigh, and Zhou Man said sadly, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to return to my hometown.”

  Man Baodao: "There are so many talents in the DPRK and China, and there are Jinshi exams and Mingjing exams every year. Why can't a Luozhou governor be selected for half a year?"

    Start to lose weight with King Gong tomorrow

     See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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