Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2818: case

  Chapter 2818 The case

Master Yu didn't expect the eyebrows that he had tried so hard to find out. He turned around and got most of the information from He Cishi, and said suddenly: "If He Cishi spoke earlier, we might be able to reply. It's New Year in Beijing."

  Sir Xia holding a cup of hot tea, sitting cross-legged on a low couch, with a piece of fur on his knees, gently raised his eyelids and said: "You believe what He Cishi said? Don't you have to look for evidence?"

  Doctor Lu nodded in agreement. During this time, he followed Master Yu in and out to see him investigating the case. He wanted to see a pile of **** and he would have to analyze what his owner ate during the last meal and the last meal.

Master Yu's investigation and analysis did not count, and we had to verify it. So although they found out that the people around Luo County fainted the classic medicine and left the person in the snow to freeze to death, Luo County Order did not plead guilty. , They had to look for evidence that he instigated people around him, and evidence that the classic medicine was changed, and evidence that he had a private relationship with Luo County Order.

  Specifically, they have to check which restaurant they go to for dinner on a certain day, so it is not that He Shishi said that Master Yu would believe it.

  When I thought that if He Cishi said these things to them, Master Yu extended what he wanted to investigate, Grand Doctor Lu shivered and said, "It's pretty good now, haven't we also found out?"

Master Xia nodded and became more blunt, "We can’t get along with the governor He. If he says these things to us, then we will doubt his purpose. Then we will have to check if this is a framing and framing of the governor He. ..."

  The workload has risen linearly.

  It’s not bad now. They only told Zhou Man after he found out, and there is no evidence for what he said. It is entirely based on his own experience and feelings in operating in Los Angeles for many years.

  But... "Unexpectedly, the relationship between Lord Zhou and He Cishi is so good."

Man Bao sighed and said: "He Cishi wants to go back to his hometown, but the DPRK has been unable to determine the candidate for the Luozhou Governor, so he has been suppressing his third letter of resignation. Alas, if one day I am about to die. I also want to go back to my hometown to see it. It’s not bad to die in my hometown.”


  Master Yu said angrily: "Master Zhou, how old are you, what life and death are you talking about in front of us?"

Master Xia frowned and said, "According to He Cishi's understanding of Luo County Order, the method of using counterfeit drugs to drive the Medical Department out of the locality is not something Luo County Order can think of. Who instructed that? What about him?"

  Man Bao subconsciously said: "Master?"

  Everyone looked up at her, "What evidence is there?"

   "There is no evidence," Man Bao shook his head and said, "Isn't there a saying? If you don't have anything to do, please find Master."

  Master Yu, "...what kind of saying is this? The master is to handle some common affairs for the county magistrate, and of course he will also give advice and help check out the missing, but capable officials..."

  Master Yu said this. Obviously, the magistrate Luo can get an inferior evaluation and an intermediate evaluation, we can know that he is not a capable official.

Master Yu touched his chin and began to ponder, "But this kind of thought may not be conceivable by the master. After all, if the local medical department cannot be opened, it is not enough to rely on a county or a state. Last year, no, it was the year before. Yes, since the year before last, the Imperial Medical Office has been a department side by side with Liubujiujiu Temple. Not to mention a county, a prefecture, or even the Sixbujiujiuji Temple can not decide to abolish the medical department policy, but the three provinces and your majesty can discuss it together."

  The doctor Lu was angrily, "The princes of Chaozhong despise our doctors, but when they have a headache, they will come to us. If you have the ability, don't find a doctor to heal yourself."

  Master Yu and Master Xia have embarrassment on their faces. They are either Jinshi or Mingjing, and indeed they are not worthy of medical craftsmanship.

Man Bao hurriedly stopped Dr. Lu when he saw what he said, "You are not right. We are doctors. We are treating diseases and saving people. For example, the princes in the DPRK govern the country and manage the people. If we don’t cure diseases and save people, then we have the meaning of studying medicine. And where is the value of existence?"

  Master Yu and Master Xia felt that what she said was reasonable, and nodded repeatedly.

Grand Doctor Lu became even more angry. If you don’t stand on our side, it’s okay. You still eat inside and out. Just about to quarrel with her, just listen to Zhou Man's righteous saying: "You should be such a curse, these ministers and workers want to occupy more medicine in the world. Resources, so the medical department is not allowed to see more common people. It can be seen that it is narrow-minded, selfish, and it is in vain to be a father, a son of man, and a courtier..."

  Educational Doctor Lu was dumbfounded, and Dr. Tan, who had been holding Tea Shenyin on the side, was also dumbfounded.

  Master Yu and Master Xia could not speak for a while.

After Man Bao popped enough four-character idioms, he felt a little dry mouth, so he picked up his teacup and took a sip. Then he turned his head and said to Master Yu: "So the case can only be found in Luo County. Next, let’s not say that it is difficult to obtain evidence, that is, if evidence is found, it is also at most that someone uttered in front of XX on a certain day, a certain year, and a certain day, saying what would happen if there was no medical department and medical department, and then the medical department would be attacked. It is suspected that they are full of private pockets, withholding medicinal materials, using fake medicines, using fewer medicines, and charging more medical fees and other nonsense, and these remarks alone cannot arrest people, let alone sentence them."

   "Yes," Master Yu returned to his senses, nodded and said: "When you arrive at the magistrate of Luo, it will be difficult to get the disease up."

"But I still want to know who directed the county magistrate Luo," Man Bao hummed: "We can't even know who the enemy is. When we return to Beijing in the future, we will be happy if we post a post and ask us to come to the clinic. Go?"

  Master Yu and Master Xia: ...This is a plan to avenge a private revenge.

  However, the two have no objection, and they also want to know who can't look down on the medical department.

  Master Yu said: "I will check again."

He paused and said: "This case is over, but the snow disaster in Luoyang is a bit serious. Before the new county magistrate arrives, Lord Xia will take over Luoyang's government affairs, first aid the victims and appease the people. The Los Angeles Medical Department can cut and play, and reopen the door to receive patients."

   Zhou Man asked: "Where are the medicinal materials?"

"Before the county magistrate Luo received it from the county government's warehouse, some of it was lost. Most of them have not had time to handle it. I will send someone to count the books and send them to the medical office. Man Bao looked at Dr. Lu and Doctor Xiao Tan forced them with his eyes.

  Emperor Xiao Tan put down his teacup and said: "I will sit in the medical department to help the Los Angeles Medical Department rebuild."

  Emperor Lu snorted and said that he would sit in the hall, but he asked Master Yu, "When will we return to Beijing?"

   "Waiting for your majesty's will," he said: "It depends on whether your majesty wants to keep Zheng Gu or take people back to the capital for processing."

  It was found out that the counterfeit medicine was put in by the order of Luo County, and Zheng Gu’s crime was not very serious. I don’t know if the emperor is willing to give him a chance to perform meritorious service.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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