Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2819: The emperor's plan

   Chapter 2819 The Emperor's Plan

  The capital is being sealed for the New Year. All sorts of papers have been cleaned up a year ago, and most of the papers that will be sent now are all papers.

  Master Yu thought that it was impossible for them to go back to the New Year anyway, so he didn't urge the tolerance of the letter at all, so he sent it slowly.

  So he arrived on the fifth day after three to five days' journey.

  Zhezi sent to Zhongshu Province, Bai Shan saw the zhezi sent from Luozhou at a glance, so he pulled out the zhezi first, and after scanning through ten lines, he did not write a suggestion, but changed his hand and pressed it on the case of Master Fang.

  Seeing Master Fang looked up at him confusedly, he smiled and said, "Kindly hidden."

   Master Fang: …Since you want to be intimate, you don’t have the ability to look at it. Don’t you understand when you see the Zhezi in Luozhou?

  He glanced at Bai Shan, first picked it up and looked at the Luozhou Zhezi. After thinking about it, he wrote the handling opinions and put it in it, and put it in the second-most important zhezi on the right hand side.

  So the emperor didn't see this envelope until the afternoon, and there were already the handling opinions written by Zhongshu Province, but the emperor only glanced at it, and he had his own thoughts.

So the emperor summoned Xiao Yuanzheng, "The local medical office has a lot of problems, and the relationship with the local county government is a bit strained. In the past three years, the impeachment of the local medical office received by Yushitai alone was 160. Eight letters, if you add in your local medical department's impeachment of the local county government office, then a total of two hundred and twelve chapters."

  Xiao Yuan sighed, "We still impeach less, much less than the local county government impeached us."

  Emperor: "...What I want to say is that these contradictions always accumulate. The powers and responsibilities between them are partially intertwined, and their interests are entangled. It is difficult for who to accept."

"But on the whole, the medical department lacks confidence. This is also due to your imperial medical department. All you send to the local medical department are students. They are not very experienced in treating diseases and saving people, not to mention the ability to manage the local medical department. "The emperor said: "A young and fledgling young man who lacks confidence and can't suppress the people under his hands, let alone cooperate with the local county government. You can make a careful calculation. The local medical department you have set up, there are still a few problems. Is it coerced by the local county government?"

  Xiao Yuan was silent.

  In fact, there are not many local medical departments established in the first batch. There are only thirteen. Among them, the best one is Zheng Gu, who has a natural advantage.

  He has worked as a small shopkeeper in Ji Shitang. He has experience, and Ji Shitang and Zhou Man are behind him. He is confident, has the means and talents, and has good medical skills. Therefore, the Luozhou Medical Department is the best one.

  I just didn’t expect it to be the first to suffer a major blow.

  Xiao Yuan was sighing and felt that it was much more difficult to manage the imperial medical office than the imperial hospital. This imperial medical office was so hard.

  He humbly asked the emperor, "Please, your majesty, minister."

The emperor nodded and said: "Before further expansion, you need to send a capable person to the locality to clarify the relationship with the local county government. At least the most basic rules and regulations must be laid down with the locality so that it can be promoted. Therefore, with the framework, if the local medical department and the local county government get along with each other, it will be a big difference."

  Speaking of this, the emperor said with a deep face: "Naturally, there will be no such cases of local county government framing adulterated drugs in order to drive away the medical office."

  Xiao Yuanzheng is not a fool either. After pulling out the people in his Imperial Medical Office and the Imperial Hospital, he will know who the emperor is referring to talented people.

The officials in the local county office, not to mention the county magistrate, but the chief book and the county lieutenant below are not vegetarians. Although he is not happy, he still has to admit that the imperial physicians in the imperial medical office and the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital can treat illnesses and save people. However, the ability to manage the place and the ability to communicate with people is still far behind these county magistrates, master books, and county lieutenants.

  Especially in the understanding of court laws and rules and regulations, they are more different.

  After all, it is normal for the imperial physicians to read books such as Su Wen and Materia Medica, but it is abnormal to read the Laws of the Great Jin Dynasty.

The local county magistrates all have the power to leapfrog to the emperor, but the imperial physicians of the hospital, they are in the capital, and they have enough grades and have no chance to go to court. Reporting and the like, either report to him or I met the emperor directly and replied.

  Spoken reports and written discussions are still very different.

  Not to mention that there is such a big difference in what they talked about.

  He rummaged through the entire Imperial Hospital and the Imperial Medical Office in his mind, and it is obvious that only Zhou Man can beat those county magistrates.

She is different from them. Like the civil servants, she was enlightened from the "Thousand Characters". Not only did she read "The Analects", "Book of Rites" and "Shangshu", but also translated the history books and the laws of the dynasties. They were trained in the way of civil servants.

  Knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle. If you want to say that the person who knows the civil servants best, it must be the civil servant, so let Zhou Man go.

  Xiao Yuan was quietly looking up at the emperor, and then tentatively asked: "What does your Majesty think of Zhou Man?"

  The emperor sighed and nodded, "She's pretty good..."

  Since it’s not bad, why are you sighing?

   "It's just so good, she will need her medical skills here in the capital as soon as she leaves."

  Xiao Yuanzheng: "...Your Majesty is relieved, isn't the capital always okay when Doctor Zhou goes to the Western Regions?"

  Is their medical skills good?

  The emperor thought that the medical skills of Xiao Yuanzheng and Liu Taiyi were also very good.

  With the articles of association, the candidates were determined, Xiao Yuanzheng also relaxed a lot, and asked simply: "Your Majesty is going to put Doctor Zhou in Luozhou?"

   "No," the emperor shook his head directly: "Luozhou is not suitable for them."

  Xiao Yuan is puzzled.

  The emperor said: "Luozhou is a wealthy man. There are many families on it, and it is the hometown of many officials. It is not easy to spread out there. Zheng Gu is a lesson."

  It is not very distressed to lose a Zheng Gu Emperor, but if he loses Zhou Man, then he will be distressed.

The emperor said: "I chose a good place for them."

  Xiao Yuan was muttering, "They?"

   "Yes, it's them," the emperor took a copy from the side and said, "Bai Shanshang's copy, he asked for it to be released."

The emperor said: "The reason why the medical department is struggling locally is because it is more competitive with the county government. Alas, I clearly want them to improve the people's livelihood, and somehow I have started fighting by myself. I am now. Give them a chance, and it depends on how well they will progress."

  Xiao Yuan is tangled up, "Your Majesty, will this be bad for the relationship between husband and wife?"

When the emperor heard this, he said angrily: "There was also a copy of Bai Shan on the book of the Imperial Medical Office back then. Since it was also his proposal, how could it be bad?"

  This makes it easier to fight, right?

  But Xiao Yuan was thinking about it and didn't say anything, nothing else, where can the noise go? It's a big deal and I live away from myself, when the time comes, many good guys will choose Zhou Taiyi.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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