Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2824: Demotion

   Chapter 2824

  At this time, Zhou Li had entered the Taiyuan Hospital for internship, and he could finish his studies in April, or stay at the Taiyuan Hospital, or be sent to various medical departments.

After   , it will be very busy, so the Liu family asked for a date before and specially arranged the wedding date in March.

  Today is her day to add makeup.

  Her classmates and friends, as well as some people close to Zhou's family, will also come to add makeup.

  Ms. Tang will come naturally because of Zhou Man’s face, so she will find it when she finishes adding things.

   Zhou Man closed the door, and turned to Mrs. Tang and went to the garden at the back while enjoying the flowers while talking, "I want something."

  Ms. Tang has also heard some wind, and sighed: "Listen to what your brother said, you are implicated by Master Xiao Zheng, and you want to be demoted?"

  Although everyone in the palace and the court had a tacit understanding, these things did not spread.

  As soon as this matter is said to be small, it is not too big, but it is not too big. The Chinese New Year is coming and everyone is busy.

   Zhou Man nodded, and in turn comforted Mrs. Tang, “We also asked for this, so don’t worry about it.”

  Mrs. Tang asked: "Do you know where to go?"

  This matter cannot be disclosed in advance. Now that they know that they are going to Qingzhou no more than two palms, so Zhou Man vaguely said: "It depends on how your Majesty assigns it."

  The emperor gave Zhou Man a lot of face and waited for her niece to put on makeup before making an order.

  Zheng Gu was fined ten months for dereliction of duty. He acted on behalf of the Luozhou Medical Department and made meritorious deeds. Zhouman had no right to believers and was demoted to the Qingzhou Medical Department. He chose a date to take office.

  As a result, Zhou Man's official position as the fifth-grade imperial physician disappeared, and he became an order of Qingzhou Medical Department from the seventh-grade.

  Fortunately, the official position of Chongwenguan has not changed. Not only can she occupy the fourth-grade office field, but she still has the power of Zhishu emperor.

   So Zhou Man took the new appointment letter and went to the Ministry of Household to find Liu Shangshu, and said to him: "You can change my job Tianbai."

  She said: "I will put the Pucun field under the official position of my Chongwenguan, and take back the old Nanzhuang field as the field of my imperial medical office."

   Anyway, after being demoted, a certain amount of land will be taken back. This number only needs to match.

  Liu Shangshu looked at it and said, “There are more fertile fields in Jiu Nanzhuang than in Pu Village. How do you choose to give up the vocational fields there?"

  When she got the full score of Zhou, she was only a small sixth-grade imperial physician in Pucun. The position of Pucun is good, but in terms of it, it is actually not as good as when she was promoted to the fourth-grade editor.

  At that time, she was the celebrity in front of the emperor and the prince, and the Hubu specially gave her the old Nanzhuang area from the fields as a job field.

  The land is not only flat, but also fertile, most of which are fertile fields, and there are more paddy fields than dry fields.

Man Bao sighed and said, "But I have been operating the vocational field in Pu Village for longer and investing more. The current income is higher than that in the old Nanzhuang. ."

  The Ministry of Households has no objection, because she is the one that exchanges good for bad, so she naturally agreed.

Then he signed the official document here, and Zhou Man said: "Didn’t the white horse be promoted last year, but it didn’t catch up with last year’s division of posts. This year it should be divided. It is better to give him the piece of old Nanzhuang. ?"

  Liu Shangshu:……

   Zhou Man said so, and the next day Bai Erlang personally came to book the job field in Jiu Nanzhuang.

  A few days later, even the emperor will know about this.

  He didn't want to know, but there were various rumors outside, and Gu Zhong brought out the outside news when he talked about it.

"A lot of people said they didn’t expect it. The former princesses still added makeup to Lord Zhou’s niece, but only two days later, His Majesty released the person from his post. He said that he could not know if Lord Zhou fell out of favor or not. Still favored."

  The emperor hummed: "They look down on me too much. It must be a woman who said this, and has a bad relationship with the family prince, otherwise they won’t be ignorant of my plan."

  It is not a secret that he wants to rectify the local medical department, so that it can completely take root in the locality. The ministers who have a little brain in the center know the reason and purpose of Zhou Man's release.

"anything else?"

  Gu Zhong smiled and said, "There is also the matter of Master Zhou's job field."

"Your Majesty doesn’t know that Lord Zhou’s job fields are all managed by his own household and never managed by the household department. Oh, I heard that the income is more than twice that of the household department management. Besides, the tenants’ days on the job field are also It's better than the public tenants. In just a few years, the tenant farmers in Pu Village have built new houses."

  The emperor couldn’t help but straightened up, “I vaguely heard who had said about this, and said that I wanted to follow Zhou Man’s model of managing Shitian to manage Shitian in the hands of Huangzhuang and Hubu."

  Gu Zhong also tilted his head and thought hard. After thinking for a long time, he was uncertain and said: "It seems that the crown prince has mentioned it, but it's all years ago, and the minion can't remember it."

  The emperor patted his thigh and said, "It's the prince! Well, call him to ask, is Zhou Man so good at Zhitian?"

Gu Zhong responded with a smile, and while asking people to be called the prince, he teased with the emperor: "I heard that Lord Ma and Lord Bai had also invested money in Lord Zhou’s Zhuangzi before they were appointed. There are gains. This time Lord Zhou returned to his post, and Mr. Ma directly went to the Ministry of Households and asked for it."

  The emperor frowned, “Assignment of job and land is a matter of state, how can he let the Ministry of Households give it to him directly?”

  Gu Zhong smiled and said: "Your Majesty has forgotten that Mr. Ma was also promoted last year, but when the divisional field has passed by that time, it is customary to wait another year."

  The emperor’s face looked better, but he still said, "This is not good. What if the Hube is acting for personal gains?"

  There are too many tricks on the job field. Divide more, or avoid bad fields and transfer the fertile ones directly to the other party. This is regarded as a routine operation;

   More cruel, they hook up, and after a few years, the job field becomes private, and it disappears inexplicably.

   Gu Zhong smiled, and asked, "Your Majesty, would you like to beat the Ministry of Household?"

  The emperor thought for a while and said, "Bai Cheng wants that field to be able to understand. After all, they have been in business. They have invested a lot before, so let's give it to them. But if you want to tell the household, it won't work."

   Zhou Man’s official position in the Taiyuan Hospital was one to the end, and the imperial doctor of Zhengwupin became an order from the Qipin Medical Department.

  The officials of the local medical department do not have the preferential treatment of vocational fields, but they will get more lumi, and the salary is a little higher than that of officials of the same grade.

  This means that her fifth-rank job field will be taken back. The two ranks of Baierlang’s promotion are obviously overwhelmed, and at least half of her job field will have to be taken back to the household department.

  The emperor was afraid that the Hu Department thought that Bai Cheng was a consort and gave him all the fields of Jiu Nanzhuang, so it was not to please him, but to harm him.

  Yushitai's Yushi is not vegetarian.

  Gu Zhong understood the emperor's meaning, smiled and went to the household to beat him.

   So the other officials who were staring at Zhou Man’s office field immediately took action, some were because they were promoted last year and were not assigned to the office field, and some were thinking about changing the position of the office field...

  Of course, those who do this are all officials below grade four. Even though the income of such a small job field is higher than their own, it is not worthy of the officials above the minister to take action for this purpose.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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