Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2825: ask

   Chapter 2825 Ask

  In addition to Zhou Man, Bai Shan also got the will of the release, and the two began to hand over the matters.

  This year, a group of students from the Imperial Medical Office have graduated, because the Luozhou Medical Department has just happened. Xiao Yuan is deciding to send them to various medical offices that have been opened for internships for a period of time, and then call them back to complete their studies.

  After graduating, they will be sent to the local medical offices that were approved just a year ago.

  A group of outstanding students were left for internships in the Taiyuan Medical Office and Taiyuan Hospital. Zhou Liru, Chen Banxia and Su Ye were in Taiyuan Hospital. Zhou Man simply took them with them during this time.

  In order to make them familiar with the operation of Taiyuan Hospital as soon as possible, Zhou Man directly took them around the capital to give a full set of peace pulses to the adults and their families in the capital.

  Today it is Master Wei's turn.

The reason for choosing a special day for him is because it is too difficult to block him in his house and palace, so Zhou Man can only post a post in advance to make an appointment with him, and then take three students with him during the scheduled time. Come here.

  They first diagnosed Mrs. Wei's Ping An pulse, and after giving some dietary health advice, they went to see Mrs. Wei.

   Zhou Man first gave Master Wei a pulse, and asked him about his recent diet and schedule, and then said: "Master Wei, you should rest more. Don't be overworked and thoughtful."

  Master Wei smiled, and was about to speak, Zhou Man had already turned around and waved to her three students, "You come over to Master Wei to get the pulse, write down his pulse case, and you will have to take the test later."

  Zhou Liru and the three immediately stepped forward and lined up to get Wei Zhi's pulse.

  Wei Zhi:...

  He can only sit still, and smiled and stretched out his hand to let them get their pulse.

  After they finished reading, they raised their heads and said to Zhou Man: "Master Zhou, do we talk to the study?"

   Consciously interrupted enough, Zhou Man, who was about to get up to say goodbye, was taken aback for a while and went to the study with Wei Zhi.

  Wei Zhi pondered for a moment, and then asked straightforwardly: "Master Zhou, the doctor Liu showed me before and said that my body has improved. It is still the treatment of Master Zhou that it can have such an effect."

  Wei knew: "The prescriptions prescribed by Master Zhou are very good, especially the pills. I wonder if you can tell me the prescription or sell me some more?"

  Man Baodao: "No more."

  Wei Zhi:...

Zhou Man also had a slight guilty conscience, but he still said: "The prescription of the pill was changed according to your physical condition. It is not difficult to make it, but I added something to it when I made it."


"I don't know what it is called," Man Bao Huhu said: "We met at the foot of a mountain when we went to the Western Regions. We have never seen it before, not many. At that time, we ate it with wild vegetables, but after we ate it. I think it has the effect of replenishing qi and blood, especially in replenishing qi."

   "It's a pity that there are not many things. At that time, I searched for that one and only got a few plants. I added all of them when I made pills for adults."

This excuse was that Manbao thought in advance when he was making medicine. Everyone knows that she likes to dig flowers and plants. On the way to the Western Regions, and on the way back, she digs all the way and digs all the way back, let alone others. If it weren't for Keke, it would be difficult for her to remember how much she dug.

  Sure enough, Wei Zhi didn’t doubt it. Of course, he knew Zhou Man’s preference, and some people sent her not gold and silver when seeking medical treatment, but some rare and precious plants.

  He sighed and said, "This is the Favor."

Man Bao thought for a while, got up and wrote down the prescription with the pen and paper on his case, and said: "The decoction is more effective, but the residual poison is also strong. This flavored honey pill can be taken for a long time to maintain your health. Master Wei might as well take the prescription. Give people medicine and take one pill every day before going to bed. Although the effect is not as good as before, it is always effective for health."

  Master Wei responded, smiling and sending Zhou Man out.

  Wei Zhi returned to his study, took out a handkerchief from the drawer, and opened it. It was wrapped in oil paper. When it was opened, there was only some medicine residue inside.

He remembered the words he brought back from his confidant, "A total of three famous doctors were invited to try the medicine, and they all gave the approximate names of the medicines used. They were basically correct, but two of them bluntly said that the pill’s qi-tonifying effect It is stronger than the decoction of the square prescription, and it has the ability to consolidate the roots. Ask us if the method of preparation is different, so it has this medicinal effect, and I ask the small question about the source of the pill."

  Wei Zhi knocked his fingers on the table unconsciously, and the pills were as effective as Zhou Man said, but it turned out to be only this bottle, and there was no more.

  Wei Zhi shook his head and smiled, remembering something, and hurriedly recruited someone to come over, "Go chasing Master Zhou, and ask her if she still remembers what the herb looks like, can you draw it?"

  There is no more, but they can entrust the merchants from the Western Regions to pay attention to it. Maybe they will gain something?

  At this time, Man Bao was sighing with Ke Ke, “Why didn’t Master Wei ask me for a portrait? I’m ready for him.”

  Keko ignores her.

  The image of Zhouman was kindly provided by it. There are some plants in its database that are not available in this world. Among them, one plant has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing blood, and the effect is not bad. It is also a medicinal material in their world.

  The green medicine liquid that can consolidate the body's data is extracted from this plant. It can repair the body damage caused by the day after tomorrow, and it can also promote the production of new cells to repair the body.

  Of course, the technology mentioned is also difficult to master.

   Zhou Man looked at it and made sure she hadn’t seen this kind of medicinal material. After she had never heard of it, she drew a picture and kept it.

  Thinking that Master Wei will ask about the difference in the efficacy of the medicine in the future, and then take it out, if you don't ask, then forget it.

  As a result, she was all ready, Master Wei asked, but did not give her a chance.

  Man Baozheng regretted, but the servants of the Wei mansion chased him up.

  She was excited, and immediately said: "I have already painted the things. They are left at home. Excuse me for a trip with me, and I will give you the things."

  Waiting for her to show him the portrait, she still smiled and said, "If Master Wei is lucky enough to find this medicine, I wonder if you can give me a few? It's best to live, and die... OK."

  The servants of Wei Mansion:...

  Although she has never seen it, Keke also said that this medicine is a plant unique to a certain planet in the future, but what if?

  The land in their world is so vast, and the species is so rich. She may not be able to see it in her entire life. What if it hides in a corner of the world?

  So there is still hope.

  The servants of the Wei Mansion took a picture and went back to Wei Zhi, and reported the matter to him in detail, saying: "My lord, Mr. Zhou obviously waited for us to ask."

  Wei Zhiben laughed and shook his head: "It's really hard for her. It's rare to encounter such medicinal materials, but I use them all on me."

  Wei Zhi paused for a while and said: "This matter cannot be spread, even at home, only you and I know about it, not a third person."

  The confidant responds.

  Wei Zhi let go of the doubts in his mind, and started to touch the official document next to him. The servant could not help but persuade: "My lord, Master Zhou asked you to rest more. Today is a day off, so please take a break."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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