Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2826: Prepare

   Chapter 2826 Preparation

  It’s impossible to take a break. Wei Zhi first put down the official document after hearing what someone said, and went outside to rest twice, and then he couldn’t hold back and turned back to the study.

  The people who saw it were helpless.

  Everyone who should be watching Zhouman has seen it, and the matter of the hospital is almost handed over, and only the matter of Chongwenguan is left.

   Kong Jijiu only said to her: "You can only borrow this part of the books you want to lend."

   Zhou Man looked at it and asked: "Why?"

"Because the transcripts are not enough, if you borrow a copy of Chongwenguan, there is only one left. Once lost, it is a loss." Kong Jijiu frowned, "You have worked in Chongwenguan for so many years. You often use books, don’t you have transcripts?"

   Zhou Man complained: “I’m so busy, how can I have time to copy the book, and when I have time to copy it, wouldn’t it be good to just edit a new medical book?”

  Kong Jijiu squinted and clicked on the three books on the book list and said: "I think you have borrowed these three books from the medical books you edited. Didn't these three books have been copied?"

   "No, I just memorized it."

  Kong Sacrifice Wine:...

Seeing that it was going to be bad, she quickly explained: "Who said I had memorized it, but you also know that the older the person, the worse the memory. I am afraid that sometimes I won't remember it when I arrive in Qingzhou, so I can check it out or edit the medical book. It’s not good if the time is wrong."

Kong Jijiu took a deep breath and pressed the breath in his chest before saying: "Then these three books are also removed. You have to check the Chongwenguan after you have finished the book. I will ask someone to check it carefully at that time. Your wrong chance."

  Man Bao:……

Kong Jijiu said that he crossed out the book titles on the book list, and he had to see which books could be deleted. He said, "You take so many books out, if something happens, then Chongwenguan The loss is not small."

  Man Bao: "...Should you not regret me? I am always more important than books, right?"

  Thinking about it, Kong Jijiu is really true, so he said to her: "Master Zhou, you have to take good care of yourself."

  Man Bao: ...not so happy.

  Man Bao packed a lot of books from the Chongwen Museum, plus his own books and books in the space, there are no young and old.

  She collected nearly a box of her own manuscript paper and medical records.

  The box is covered with a layer of greased paper, and the box is closed after wrapping up the books, so that the books will not get wet when it rains.

  People carried these boxes to the car and tied them, and Guang Zhouman and Bai Shan's books were packed in a car.

  Lao Liu stood on the corridor and looked for a while, beckoning to call Bai Shan and Zhou Man into the room to speak.

  She said: "This time you take Liu Gui with you and let him handle some trivial matters for you."

  Lao Mrs. Liu paused and then said: "Here in the backyard, who do you think Man Bao will take care of?"

  Man Baodao: "May be stable, and let her take care of the backyard."

Mrs. Liu nodded approvingly, "I will leave it to May."

"Boan from Daji's family has already married a wife, but Shuping hasn't settled down yet. I asked Meng, if she wants to stay here to take care of her two children, Daji will still follow you." Mrs. Liu said: "You Don’t pull Daji to do bad things."

   "No," Bai Shan promised: "We are very sensible now."

Although Mrs. Liu didn't believe it in her heart, she didn't say anything.

   "They will be released in two days. I don't know if they can pass the exam this time?"

  Man Bao also thought about it. Zhou Lixue and Zhou Ligu also participated this year. I wonder if they can pass the exam this time.

It is said that they are not young anymore. Ming Jing is not very difficult. As the saying goes, thirty old Ming Jing, fifty young scholars, if Zhou Lixue fails the exam this year, then next year will be 30 years old to test Ming Jing. NS.

   Rounding up is also considered to be thirty Lao Ming Jing.

  Man Bao said with a solemn expression: "If they fail the exam this year, let them live in school and study."

  The conditions are a bit more difficult, students are always in and out, and they can concentrate a little while studying.

  Zhou Lixue, they didn’t know this at all. Two days after they got out of the exam, they were still emptying their minds to recover, and they looked like a fish jumping on the shore without water.

  But no one took care of them. Everyone was either preparing for Zhou Liru's marriage or preparing something for the sister-in-law to travel.

  Lao Zhoutou is discussing with Qian, “Or we will follow along, so we can help her with the housework.”

  Qian stacked up the underwear made for Man Bao, and said: "What kind of housework can they have for us to take care of?"

She said: "I have heard Manbao say. My family sent Liu Gui's family to follow. When they got there, they directly set up a shop to do business while running errands for them to manage external affairs; the inside was handed over to May, inside and outside. No need for us."

  She said: "And the in-laws didn't follow. You followed as the father-in-law. Can your uncle be at ease? Let their young couple live by themselves. They don't know how comfortable they are without us."

  Otherwise, they won’t go back to the house on Changqing Lane from time to time. It’s cozy to live with a family, but occasionally they can live by themselves.

  Qian never thought of following them outside.

  She said: "We will either be in the capital, or go back to our hometown, just show Man Bao a good job field."

After she said this, she lowered her voice and said, "Man Bao lost the official from the hospital. I think the official at Chongwen Hall might also be lost in the future. So, while Shi Tian is still in hand, I will give you more. She saves some wealth."

This is a business matter. Old Zhou's head was shocked and he thought, "You are right, our full treasures are of course very good, but I only learned about it today. There is still a connection in the officialdom, I am the first two. God asked the gatekeeper and found out that being an official not only implicates the master if the disciple commits an offence, but also implicates the apprentice if the master commits an offence, and also implicates his subordinates if the master commits an offence, and so on."

   "Of course our Manbao will not commit crimes, but she cannot stand her popularity. What if someone close to her knows commits crimes?"

  Lao Zhoutou didn’t know that there was a reason for the involvement. The two parties either had an interest relationship, had the same political stand, or committed a crime together.

  They all say that the master is the same father, do you really think that father and son are so easy to recognize?

  The Ming Scriptures will be released within two days. Man Bao and Bai Shan no longer need to go to the government office, so they simply go to the teahouse outside the Gongyuan to wait.

  Bai Erlang jumped to work with them to join in the fun, and met Yin or, the rich and noble man now, so everyone asked for a private room to sit down together.

  Zhou Li learned a few who were restless. After sitting for a while, he got up, turned his head and said to Zhou Man: "Sister, we have to go and watch the list personally."

"go Go."

  Zhou Li learned four salutes, and then ran down to squeeze in the crowd.

  Yin might pinch a piece of snack to eat, and said: "It seems that the number of places admitted this year is more than that of previous years?"

  This Bai Shan knew, he nodded and said, “Yes, the Imperial Medical Office also needs a clerical job, so there are more people applying for vacancies, and more admissions will be made this year.”

   Yin or detour: "They have caught up to the time."

  Man Bao was also a little nervous, and said, "I hope they can get through."

  If this is not enough, I feel that it will be even more susceptible next year.

   See you at 11 pm



  (End of this chapter)

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