Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2894: Mountain bandit

   Chapter 2894 Mountain Bandit

  The wind blows the waves of wheat, and Manbao doesn't feel too much anymore, she feels it's good to be blowing in the wind.

  She squatted on the edge of the field and was blowing in the wind. She felt that she was not so sticky anymore, so she exhaled.

  Bai Shan has already slumped beside her, looking at the wheat field not far away, and said: "Don't say, this village is remote, but the fields are good. The wheat grows better than outside."

  Man Bao nodded.

  This village is remote. Bai Shan never came to this small village several times down the mountain because there was no road!

  Don't even talk about the car, even the horse can't get in. In the end, they left the horse outside when halfway through, leaving two people to guard the horse, and the others came in with their things on their backs.

  Walking here, they don’t want to leave when they see this wheat field.

  It is cooler in the mountains. The wheat inside is ripening later than the outside. The harvest has not yet started, and there are not many people in the fields.

Man Bao felt that he was well rested. She pushed her hands back and started looking around with her feet spread out. She said, "Although this village is surrounded by mountains, the mountains are not high, far worse than ours. It's just a small hillside. , At least have to build a road that can accommodate pallets?"

  Bai Shan thinks so too, “I have to carry it on my shoulders, even if I have something good, I can’t make money.”

  Bai Shan is the Dong County lieutenant on the side, "How do they pay their village taxes every year?"

  Dong County Lieutenant: "...carry it out, we only collect taxes from the county government."

  As for how it was shipped out, how did he know?

  The group of people was blowing in the wind on the edge of the field, because the dryness of carrying things to climb the mountain disappeared a lot. Although they were hungry at this moment, they were a little sleepy.

  Man Bao sighed comfortably: "This wind is so cool."

  Bai Shan felt it deeply, "Let’s sit down more."

  Dong County Lieutenant: ...I want to eat in the village.

It seems that God heard the voice of Lieutenant Dong. A man carrying a **** came out of the village and walked here and found them. He widened his eyes and Bai Shan raised his hand. He turned and let go. Just run.

  Bai Shan's hand froze, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhou Man on the grass.

  Man Bao had already sat up from the grass and said confidently: "He should be going back and calling the village chief to greet us."

  Bai Shan thought so too, so he got up and tidied up his robes and hair crown. How he said he was also a parent official, and he had to be decent when meeting for the first time, not too embarrassed.

  A person from Xiaoliu Village is even more unusual than entering a carriage in Qili Village, so that person screamed, and someone ran out of the village immediately...

  If they weren't wearing a hoe, a wooden stick, and a kitchen knife, Man Bao must have felt that they had received a warm welcome.

Seeing them so fierce, Lieutenant Dong jumped up from the grass in shock, and immediately stopped in front of Bai Shan and Zhou Man with his servants and guards, and yelled at the people who rushed: "What are you doing? The county magistrate is here. Who dares to be presumptuous?"

This sentence was spoken in Mandarin. The villagers didn’t understand, and they still yelled at them with their hoes. Lieutenant Dong Xian could only yell again in dialect, using a scabbard to move the person who rushed to the back. Pushing vigorously, he shouted with a furious look: "If you don't recognize people, don't you recognize them in official uniforms?"

Just when the villagers hesitated and didn't continue, they just pushed and shoved with the servants, the village chief came from behind panting and shouted, "Where is the mountain bandit? Where is the mountain bandit? Damn it. Come……"

After crossing the crowd and seeing the official robes worn by Dong Xianwei and others, he looked down at their boots and was shocked. He immediately shouted, "Oh, stop, stop, you brats, these are adults. , Admit it, admit it, put down the hoe..."

  The villagers put down their hoes, wooden sticks knives, sickles in chaos. There was a noise, and everyone looked at Bai Shan and others in fear and suspicion.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao both exhaled a long breath, scared to death.

The village head stopped the villagers and asked them to step back a bit before welcoming them with joy. Bai Shan was about to meet him, but the village head grabbed Lieutenant Dong's hand, raised his head and looked at him with tears in his eyes: "My lord, you are here at last, you don't know, how long the people in the village have been looking forward to you..."

  Bai Shan:...

   County Lieutenant Dong was a little embarrassed, so he simply took the village chief’s hand and pulled him to Bai Shan, and said, "This is the magistrate."

  The head of the village looked at Bai Shan blankly, "Our county has changed the magistrate?"

  Dong County Lieutenant had a black line, for fear that Bai Shan would misunderstand him, and said, "I was not a county magistrate before."

  The village chief quickly explained: “Of course I know that the adult is not the magistrate, the adult is the county lieutenant, and I have seen you.”

  Lieutenant Dong County raised his heart, thinking of what he had just shouted, and immediately said: "I have never seen you!"

  The head of the village lowered his head in loss, "Yes, I came back without seeing an adult at that time."

  He looked at Dong Xianwei and Bai Shan with expectation: "Are the adults here to suppress the bandits?"

  He looked back and forth between the officials and the guards, and asked: "Is the army outside the mountain? Should the younger ones go out to meet them?"

  The county lieutenant Dong began to sweat continuously. He is the county lieutenant, and he is in charge of the public security in the county. Of course, he is not the main force for things like the suppression of bandits, because there are still two inspections in the county.

  But as a county lieutenant, he must know about this situation, and he should even dispatch people to suppress bandits, but why didn’t he know that bandits had emerged in Beihai County?

  He couldn't help looking at the county magistrate.

  Bai Shan only glanced at Dong Xianwei and knew that he didn’t know anything, so he said to the village chief: “We’re looking at the situation first. The army hasn’t arrived yet, so don’t make any announcements.”

  The head of the village nodded immediately. At the same time, he asked the villagers to be quiet. Don’t yell, “No wonder the head of the village didn’t tell us that the adults are coming. It turned out to be quiet.”

  Bai Shan glanced at the villagers, and said, "Let’s move to the village. I want to get to know... the situation of the bandits."

  The village chief responded immediately and took them into the village. Seeing that the servants and guards carried a lot of things on their backs, they immediately asked the villagers to come forward and help.

  Man Bao followed them into the village and went directly to the village chief’s house.

  The village is fairly tidy. Most of the walls are made of mud and the roof is covered with thatch, but it is slightly higher than the houses in many villages outside, and the yard is also open.

  There are some long melons hanging under the eaves, as well as smoked and dried chickens. It can be seen that their lives here are better than those in fishing villages such as Xiaowa Village.

  Bai Shan was very satisfied, and said, "I have read the roster of your village. There are 39 households in your village?"

   "Yes, our village has few people."

  Bai Shan glanced at the people surrounded by hula, and smiled: "It's not too small anymore."

  Mostly like Zhou Man's family, the descendants are prosperous, but they do not separate their families.

  Bai Shan narrowed his eyes and asked, "Which mountain is the bandit you are talking about?"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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