Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2895: Reported yet

   Chapter 2895 Is it reported?

  Where does the village chief know which mountain the bandit is on? They can only say: "On the nearby mountains, whenever there is a harvest, and during the New Year's Day, they will go down to grab things. A few days ago, they came down again and said that each of us should produce five bags of wheat. Just kill."

  "We didn’t have much fields. Five bags of wheat, and the family was dry in half a year. If the court has to pay taxes, we won’t have a single grain of wheat left."

  Bai Shan asked: "How many times have they been down the mountain? I mean, how many times have they encountered in your village?"

"Three times!" said the village head: "It didn't take long for us to pay our taxes after the Chongyang Festival last year. They ran down at night and directly robbed the eight families living at the entrance of the village and at the foot of the mountain. One time was during the Chinese New Year period. Time, that time when people came down in the early morning, they drove everyone out of the village, and then searched a lot of things."

"This is the last time, but only five of them came down and told us to prepare wheat," the village chief said embarrassedly: "The people in the village have eyes and no sense of nobles. I don't know if it is the county magistrate who is here. See you. With a knife, I thought it was the bandit who came down, so..."

  Bai Shan comforted him and said: "This county knows, no one can blame you for this. Do you know the number of people who went down the mountain the last two times?"

The village chief thought for a while and said, “I don’t know for the first time. It was at night and only those eight were robbed, but they said that there were probably three or four people in one family, all with knives, which was terrible. Later that time, hey, I was too flustered and didn't count much, but at least there were a hundred people, right?"

  Xianwei Dong's face was green, and he took the lead and said: "Impossible. If there are more than 100 bandits in the county, I won't know at all."

  The head of the village was not so sure at first, so he changed his words when he said that, "That's seventy or eighty?"

  Bai Shan frowned and asked: "Has the village chief heard of which other village was robbed?"

  The village chief patted his thigh and said, "Just no,"

  He said: "These bandits also targeted our village for some reason. I asked people in other villages and they all said that no bandits were found."

   "Does the chief know this?"

   "I know," he said, "I reported it to the resident on the Chongyang Festival last year. Later, I was robbed during the Chinese New Year, and I reported it again."

  He turned his head and rushed to Dong County Wei in embarrassment: "After the young, he went to the city to find an adult. At that time, he happened to see the adult taking the yavier patrolling the street, and he wanted to go up to redress the grievance..."

   Seeing that he stopped talking, Bai Shan raised his eyebrows and asked, “Then why didn’t he come forward?”

The village chief hesitated for a while, and it was best to gritted his teeth and said: "The chief found me and brought me back, saying that he had already reported it. It’s very difficult. Even if you want to do things, you have to come one by one. If we urge you like this, we may not be able to urge people to say, and we offend the adults in the county office. In the end, it will definitely be even more difficult."

   County Lieutenant Dong jumped his feet and said: "Fart, mountain bandits, which county government dare to be scornful? My lord, there is always slandering us there."

  Bai Shan pressed his hand to calm him down.

  The village chief was taken aback, and then reacted afterwards, "My lord doesn’t know... Didn’t the district chief report it?"

  Bai Shan didn’t make a direct conclusion, but smiled and asked, “Did you report the matter about the bandits going down the mountain and asking you to prepare wheat to the chief?”

  The village chief nodded in a daze, "I have reported it, this is a major event, how can I not report it?"

   "What about a family of five bags of wheat, the harvest for most of the year is gone. If they wait until the autumn harvest and they come down again, we have no rice, then how can we live?"

  It was also because the bandits had a great appetite this time, so the villagers were so excited that they ran out with a **** and a kitchen knife.

Bai Shan said that he understood, and said to the village chief: "This county will make the decision for you. We will live in the village in these two days. Don’t worry, it’s okay if they don’t come. If they do, then the county will let them. Back and forth."

  Regardless of whether this is true or not, the village chief and the others are relieved a lot.

  Bai Shan said: "I see that the wheat in your field is also ripe, so let's ask someone to harvest the wheat. Keep it in the field, and then it will be wasted when it becomes ripe and the ears fall."

  The village chief responded immediately.

In the past, the village’s enthusiasm for harvesting wheat was not high. Because of the reports from the bandits, they didn’t look at the wheat in the ground like their own, so they were passive and sabotaged. While watching them heartache, they just didn’t want to brave the sun. Go harvest.

  Now with Bai Shan’s promise, the villagers are full of love and pity when they look at the wheat in their homes, no matter the sun is bright at this time, they greet them when they go home, and go straight to the harvest with their sickles.

  The village chief also has a lot of land at home. He asked his sons to harvest the wheat and his daughter-in-laws to vacate the room.

  Man Bao asked West Cakes to help, and then she assigned Wen Tiandong a place to say: "Go to the free clinic at the stall."

  It was under a tree not far from the village chief’s house. There were shadows at the moment, where many children were playing, and the open space was large, which was really good.

  Wen Tiandong went back to the village chief, asked him for a table and a few chairs to put there, and then took the village chief’s hand and introduced them to the medical department.

  The head of the village didn't want to listen, he still wanted to go to the county magistrate to inquire about the suppression of the bandits.

  There are so many bandits in the mountains, it is definitely not enough to rely on them, so is the army outside the mountain? Do you want to call into the village?

  Otherwise the bandits suddenly descended the mountain, would it be too late for the soldiers to enter the village?

  At the same time, he also counts the grain in the village. Soldiers and servants come to suppress the bandits. They have to provide this grain, right?

  Don’t know how much they eat?

  Although it hurts, the village chief also knows that if the bandits are suppressed, they will only spend one time today. If they are not suppressed, then their village will not have a good life every year.

  But Wen Tiandong pulled him very close, and the village chief couldn't take it off.

  Man Bao saw Wen Tiandong grabbing the village chief, turned around and walked back quickly, and found Bai Shan, "There are bandits on the mountain, are we going to transfer troops from the county town?"

  Bai Shan said: "I am discussing with Dong Xianwei."

  He said: "Encircle ten, attack five. If there are at least one hundred bandits, as the village chief said, then we need at least five hundred soldiers to be enough."

   County Lieutenant Dong: "...sir, our county government officials, even if you count the guards you brought, all are only forty people."

  Bai Shan nodded, “There were two hundred people in the two inspectors, and only two hundred and fifty people counted us.”

  Dong County Wei said: "Would you like to ask Qingzhou City for help?"

  Bai Shandao: "Check it out first, but I do need to report this matter to Qingzhou City. Come here, study ink."

  Good luck went to the luggage to find pen, ink, paper and ink.

  Bai Shan said: "In addition to this, we have to send someone back to the county government to check whether the bandit incident is really not reported."

  If it is not reported, I am afraid that this matter will not be related to the liar here.

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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